abbott diabetics

The manager in question deliberately created communication silos. He avoided group meetings altogether and instead relied solely on 1:1 discussions. This allowed him to ensure that key audiences like HR, his manager, and peers only heard his version of events. Direct reports, on the other hand, were kept isolated, unable to share or collectively connect the dots about inconsistencies. In a group setting, it’s far harder for a manager’s story to go unquestioned—but in a 1:1? They control the narrative.

Once this pattern became clear, it was part of a broader dataset of behaviors that pointed to narcissistic tendencies. Narcissistic managers often manipulate communication to maintain their image, and sadly, there’s often nothing productive direct reports can do when this dynamic is entrenched. If your manager discourages skip level meetings and claims unethical behavior is condoned by management you may be dealing with a narcissist.
What part of country is this hack?

The manager in question deliberately created communication silos. He avoided group meetings altogether and instead relied solely on 1:1 discussions. This allowed him to ensure that key audiences like HR, his manager, and peers only heard his version of events. Direct reports, on the other hand, were kept isolated, unable to share or collectively connect the dots about inconsistencies. In a group setting, it’s far harder for a manager’s story to go unquestioned—but in a 1:1? They control the narrative.

Once this pattern became clear, it was part of a broader dataset of behaviors that pointed to narcissistic tendencies. Narcissistic managers often manipulate communication to maintain their image, and sadly, there’s often nothing productive direct reports can do when this dynamic is entrenched. If your manager discourages skip level meetings and claims unethical behavior is condoned by management you may be dealing with a narcissist.
Wow this sounds extremely familiar. I could’ve written it myself. Sorry to hear that happened to you as well.

Let us know what location of the country this loser is operating in?
Let us know what location of the country this loser is operating in?
Sounds like it could be multiple people. My manager knew I had his number and could read right through him. I’m in the process of leaving because he’s made my experience with Abbott terrible. It’s a shame I’ve always admired Abbott. Luckily I’ve met narcissistic people before and can spot it a mile away. Good luck everyone. You deserve better.

Sounds like it could be multiple people. My manager knew I had his number and could read right through him. I’m in the process of leaving because he’s made my experience with Abbott terrible. It’s a shame I’ve always admired Abbott. Luckily I’ve met narcissistic people before and can spot it a mile away. Good luck everyone. You deserve better.
Yes unfortunately this is more common than not with ADC mid level mgmt. Very insecure with low level skill sets which bleeds this behavior.

Here’s the sad truth.
As long as company goals are being met HR will back up unethical, fraudulent, self serving sociopathic behavior. Tale as old as time.
Things at ADC got real bad. The Libre concept came out of the old CGM group, mostly former TheraSense hires, and once the technology was proven ADC management fucked the CGM team members and claimed that they "invented" Libre. From what I have heard this is still happening from the top down in ADC management.

Anyone know when the market access cancer JB will be cut out?

Not informing me of what is happening with a restructure that directly impacts my team, then penalizing me for not behaving in alignment with a plan I've been actively excluded from. Like, I want to be pulling in alignment with everyone but I can't if I don't know what the fuck is going on, I'm not fucking psychic.

Not involving me in building processes that directly interface with my team, then raking me over the coals for raising issues about how those processes were built. Then calling me defensive for pointing out that if I had been involved, we would've avoided it. I'm not responsible for poor stakeholder and project management when she allows uncontrolled scope creep. I'll own my part but I refuse to apologize for not being clairvoyant.

Neglecting to ensure my team has safety info we need, then accusing me of not being a team player when I refuse to start work on projects my team doesn't have. For the record, this is me protecting my team from potentially life altering injury and the company from a huge settlement in the event something preventable happened. It's me doing that at personal cost because my boss and her flying monkeys assume I'm just being difficult to be difficult. It's the opposite of being a bad funking team player.

Ignoring my input and concerns, then accusing me of getting overly emotional when I'm frustrated we keep encountering issues that would've been prevented if I had been included in the decision making process.

Not telling my team about expectations and then complaining that I'm "too defensive" when I push back on her scapegoating my team for not meeting expectations they weren't informed of. I am for reasonable accountability, but "you should be psychic " isn't a reasonable expectation.

I could go on.

It's the Seattle manager.
My coworkers and I band together and called the global corporate hotline ethics point. An investigation was opened and coworkers were interviewed who gave extensive feedback on the supervisor. Employee hotline will be more effective than the local HR which is usually in bed with the culprit. Anyone with a brain at ADC knows that if you call HR your case will be stalled. Go straight to the ethics line and submit your complaint with other coworkers. Don’t trust your leadership. File the hotline complaint.

My coworkers and I band together and called the global corporate hotline ethics point. An investigation was opened and coworkers were interviewed who gave extensive feedback on the supervisor. Employee hotline will be more effective than the local HR which is usually in bed with the culprit. Anyone with a brain at ADC knows that if you call HR your case will be stalled. Go straight to the ethics line and submit your complaint with other coworkers. Don’t trust your leadership. File the hotline complaint.
Did the Seattle mgr get fired after the investigation?

Wondering if your boss is a narcissist?

If you're wondering and asking yourself if your boss is a narcissist, here are a few quick signs to consider. Lots of these types in Abbott middle management. Some may check off the majority.

There is an especially rotten apple working remotely who is hiring right now. Stay AWAY. Interview people who have worked for this boss before you accept the offer.

- Do they take credit when things are going well or a project was successful but blame everyone else when things maybe didn't go as well?

- Do they talk shit about all of your colleagues to you? If so, they are definitely talking bad about you behind your back. This is one of the ways that they divide and conquer.

- Do they need to insert themselves in every single decision and every step of the way? Do they need to have absolute control over every thing you're working on?

- Are they always chipper, upbeat and agreeable around their boss and others in upper management? But then minutes later they take a different tone with you or your colleagues?

- Do they generally just not respect other peoples' time and are deeply inconsiderate of everyone's time and boundaries? Are they constantly holding impromptu unplanned team meetings or one on ones?

- Do they talk to you like you're an idiot or a child when they're frustrated or feeling like you've someone how missed the mark on something?

- Do they shame you for talking to managers on other teams or participating in meetings with people who are higher ranking than them?

- Do they conveniently leave you out of important meetings or forget to send you invites to ongoing team or all staff meetings?

- Do you feel like your boss has intentionally or unintentionally tried to embarrass you or "joke around" in front of others in a way that feels disparaging or meant to undermine you?

- Does it feel like they have standards that are impossible to meet? Do they come down hard on you when you don't jump through all of their hoops and hurdles and complete tasks exactly as they would?