abbott diabetics

Anyone know when the shortage of Libre will end? Reps don’t have samples to give and patients can’t find freestyle in stock…
leadership doesnt want to address or solve the issue. Leadership refuse to take action. Empty promises. Huge access crisis for patients.

Anyone know when the shortage of Libre will end? Reps don’t have samples to give and patients can’t find freestyle in stock…
leadership doesnt want to address or solve the issue. Leadership refuse to take action. Empty promises. Huge access crisis for patients.
You must be new to ADC. Anyone who has served any tenure there knows that leadership is incompetent. It’s always been that way. They have no vision or self awareness and can’t get out of their own way. The leadership lives one way there and that’s being in denial and taking no self accountability. The ball at ADC always rolls downhill on the reps.

Diabetes monitoring has always primarily been an OTC driven market. Something’s never change with all these OTC CGMs now available . Remember any CDE will tell you a glucose reading is a glucose reading. If you can’t get Libre support go OTC and save yourself some money.

Diabetes monitoring has always primarily been an OTC driven market. Something’s never change with all these OTC CGMs now available . Remember any CDE will tell you a glucose reading is a glucose reading. If you can’t get Libre support go OTC and save yourself some money.
What about sensor problems? how handles those issues?

Nominating AA an RD who is a classic narcissist. Don’t blame the market for the fact that you drive reps away. Everyone knows you’re putting an act on when you say you care but actually never advocate for shit. Because nothing has changed and our region is getting our ass beat by Dexcom. We know you’re miserable and no amount of plastic surgery can hide the ugly truth: you only have a few cronies who can feed ur BS but everyone else hates you and sees through your fakery. You’re only here because ADC layoffs haven’t happened yet. Stop talking shit about your reps. No one can hide you from yourself

ADC peeps! It's that time of the year who would you nominate as worst boss of the year and why?
I work for Abbott almost 20 years many bosses before but this one she work from Missouri is the worst. She call me old ask me many times you quit soon She say she hate old want only new people. I take train many hours to office but she stay home and send others to check if I come. I stay because my two grown kids don’t work and need my help. Too late for me to change job now so I stay and hope one day she get fired. Everyone hate her not just me. I wish she never came to Abbott. My old boss and team were so good they raised money for me to run a marathon and gave me thousands of dollars because they know I couldn’t afford to run the Abbott marathon.

ADC peeps! It's that time of the year who would you nominate as worst boss of the year and why?
Manager who is micromanaging control freak who pretends like she cares in front of leadership. We get it… she’s only ever worked at Abbott her whole life, but there’s no need to be so bitter. Having a kid didn’t seem to mellow her out. She once said she was so scared of Trump that she had to marry her LD husband from Australia. She has no clue how to motivate the team, constantly complaining we’re not working hard enough and saying doctors should want to see us even when we have zero samples to offer. sf farm girl time is up and we want you to leave and never return to sales. Just stick to marketing and don’t come back ever or leave

ADC peeps! It's that time of the year who would you nominate as worst boss of the year and why?
my mgr who always takes credit for my work and lies and lies and lies when its not convenient for him instead of taking responsibility
tried dating a former employee and bragged about sleeping with the woman who promoted him
I know thats most managers at ADC so focused on looking for another job

The manager in question deliberately created communication silos. He avoided group meetings altogether and instead relied solely on 1:1 discussions. This allowed him to ensure that key audiences like HR, his manager, and peers only heard his version of events. Direct reports, on the other hand, were kept isolated, unable to share or collectively connect the dots about inconsistencies. In a group setting, it’s far harder for a manager’s story to go unquestioned—but in a 1:1? They control the narrative.

Once this pattern became clear, it was part of a broader dataset of behaviors that pointed to narcissistic tendencies. Narcissistic managers often manipulate communication to maintain their image, and sadly, there’s often nothing productive direct reports can do when this dynamic is entrenched. If your manager discourages skip level meetings and claims unethical behavior is condoned by management you may be dealing with a narcissist.