abbott diabetics

The R&D folks here are slackers.

Not when I worked there.....60 hours a week or more. That's why ADC can sell $4.2B a year in Libre. At one point ADC management said we don't need CGM we have meters. But R&D kept its nose to the grindstone and produced an industry changing product. I left seven years ago (NK is a shit head) so what you say may be true now. Not true back then.

Not when I worked there.....60 hours a week or more. That's why ADC can sell $4.2B a year in Libre. At one point ADC management said we don't need CGM we have meters. But R&D kept its nose to the grindstone and produced an industry changing product. I left seven years ago (NK is a shit head) so what you say may be true now. Not true back then.

Oh please….. “Industry changing”. Put the crack pipe down pal.

Oh please….. “Industry changing”. Put the crack pipe down pal.

Interesting. Yes Libre did change the industry. CGMs (including ADC earlier products) were very expensive. Libre 1 and Libre 2 were not designed as full CGM systems in order to reduce the cost. The product now has 4.5M users. Libre 3 is available, and patients now can get a full CGM system at the same price as earlier products. In order to compete DexCom needed to do a complete redesign and came up with the G7. The availability of two inexpensive CGMs has changed the way diabetes is treated. So, by definition this is industry changing.

So wait ADC is so great and you don’t even work there? Now that’s lame!

I did not say working at ADC is great. We just came up with a very good product. Trouble with Abbott and ADC is what often happens most companies, layoffs and reorganization. At that time (before Libre) ADC had decreasing revenue. Comes a time when it is best to leave. We had a boss there (NK) who put loyalty above competence. And if someone was not one of his "guys" that person had a tough life. Many quit due to the BS.

I did not say working at ADC is great. We just came up with a very good product. Trouble with Abbott and ADC is what often happens most companies, layoffs and reorganization. At that time (before Libre) ADC had decreasing revenue. Comes a time when it is best to leave. We had a boss there (NK) who put loyalty above competence. And if someone was not one of his "guys" that person had a tough life. Many quit due to the BS.

now you’re talking much more realistic of life at ADC. Incompetence and political corruption for sure.

now you’re talking much more realistic of life at ADC. Incompetence and political corruption for sure.

Most definitely. It was all political at ADC. Some of the top R&D managers did nothing at all (SS from UK). Just sat around and collected their big checks. The grunts worked 60hr/weeks and got 3% raises and then laid off. I was in QA and saw how some of top guys said "No CGM at ADC!". Now that CGM makes tons of money they all claim that they invented it.....grunts get shafted.

Most definitely. It was all political at ADC. Some of the top R&D managers did nothing at all (SS from UK). Just sat around and collected their big checks. The grunts worked 60hr/weeks and got 3% raises and then laid off. I was in QA and saw how some of top guys said "No CGM at ADC!". Now that CGM makes tons of money they all claim that they invented it.....grunts get shafted.

that’s vintage ADC leadership. Blood suckers who steal the credit for good ideas and never give credit to the source of the idea.

Ah of course all gravy train rides eventually end. Figured Dex would ultimately end ADC game.

Not really. CGM sales for ADC are about $4B/yr. For Dex a bit over $2B. The Libre 3 and G7 are very similar, with the Libre 3 sensor a bit smaller. I assume the price point is about the same. Both systems have EU clearance. Libre 3 has FDA clearance, the G7 does not. This will be a battle better these two companies for a while. Currently ADC is on top.

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