A realistic view of Applied

Lol, too funny. Those posts must be from the former iraqi propaganda minister. "We are defeating the americans on every front" at the same time CNN is broadcasting live footage of US tanks rolling into bagdad airport....

Kind of pathetic.

Although, Siad is a middle easterner, so kinda makes sense....

And you and your great grand kids are paying the higher tax for the cost of war.

Totally agree it's the worst place I've every worked. The culture moves reps out like an assembly line and all we ever do is copy products from other companies and sell them cheaper. Srch for "cafepharma applied medical voyant" and there is another place reps are talking about it. Say whatever you want there.

Management has done an exceptional job to disrupt the market based on Covidien's and Ethicon's weaknesses both in US and EU. The recent move in in Australia to lower reimbursement for commodity products continue to show that Applied is always ahead of the game from the competitions.

Applied's bold moves has actually saves hospital tons of money in the past 5 or more years. Kudos!!!

I can't wait to see how the energy market will be transformed in the next few years. There will always be stumbling blocks as a new comer, but nothing is impossible.

There is more propaganda from corporate on these sites than any other device company. Can't they accept we are third rate and act as if? They are posting all over the place. goog "Cafepharma Applied Medical Voyant" and click the second site listed. HR is magical at Applied.

For a company this size there are more negative things said by reps than any other company! It's not a hand full of reps either. It is a consistent complaining about the same things going back to 2008. This is also the only company that I know of that does cafepharma damage control on the site. If anything is said that is too personal about Said or his family, especially if it's true and only people in the know would know its removed within hours.

This place is a nightmare! RUN!!!! If a recruiter calls you about a position here, please move onto the next recruiter! No reputable recruiter would ever place people at this company.

the above few posts nails it dead on: AM cant get out of their own way and are the laughing stock of this industry. I, too, worked here once upon a time and it certainly appears by the look of things and posts on this board that it's the same 'ol, same 'ol bunch of washed up has-beens calling the shots. I laugh anytime I hear someone talk about AM in my current job. I can't tell you how many times hospitals have said to me "we're trying to get rid of them....." The statement about recruiters is accurate too. When I was interviewing to get out, every recruiter laughed when I told them I worked for Applied. Zero credibility and it was actually a black mark on my resume working for them. I also heard they only work with a small handful of recruiters because their name is so tarnished in the industry. The dope Tim (forgot his last name) from CA was the biggest moron ever.

Read the posts. Everything positive that is said about this place is a cut and past job you will see it all over. All of the negative is unfortunately absolutely true. Think wisely before you come here.

Applied is a great place to work if you believe in lowering the cost of healthcare. Unfortunately your compensation is part of that. If you think that cheap trocars will make a dent in that fantasy come work here. But know you not making money is part of making that happen. Fuck that and pay me I'm out!!!!!!!

Applied is a great place to work if you believe in lowering the cost of healthcare. Unfortunately your compensation is part of that. If you think that cheap trocars will make a dent in that fantasy come work here. But know you not making money is part of making that happen. Fuck that and pay me I'm out!!!!!!!

What is the average pay for a rep here? I am hearing 130k from a recruiter. Would like a legit answer from somewhere who is there now. Thanks.

95k first year, 110k on avg, 130k if you have a blowout year and get on a couple GPO's. Make sure you lie on your expenses for gas reimbursement to get every penny you can from this hellhole.

What is the average pay for a rep here? I am hearing 130k from a recruiter. Would like a legit answer from somewhere who is there now. Thanks.

With exp they hire you as a TM
60k base
Qtr commission 5-20k. Think of the bell curve 5% of sales force will make 5 or 20k. 90% make 8-10k.
Comp plan only pays on growth and there is negative reconciliation. So if you blow out 1 category and tank another they subtract that amount from your growth. Worst part is that a product that was 15% in 2014 is 30% in 2015 so the negative reconciliation is more than you were paid the year before. Also quota bonus is capped at 103%
That's right. Cap a rep at 103%. There isn't any money to be made here. Specialists who will make @ 140k this year made 70k last year That's the God honest truth.

With exp they hire you as a TM
60k base
Qtr commission 5-20k. Think of the bell curve 5% of sales force will make 5 or 20k. 90% make 8-10k.
Comp plan only pays on growth and there is negative reconciliation. So if you blow out 1 category and tank another they subtract that amount from your growth. Worst part is that a product that was 15% in 2014 is 30% in 2015 so the negative reconciliation is more than you were paid the year before. Also quota bonus is capped at 103%
That's right. Cap a rep at 103%. There isn't any money to be made here. Specialists who will make @ 140k this year made 70k last year That's the God honest truth.

Thanks for the feedback. This is good information to have before my interview to press them on these questions.