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A December to Remember

Last December came as a shock to many. However, a lot of MAPS knew they would be hit mostly because they had a lot of contacts inside. The EBD found it incredulous that those displaced knew it was coming. As for the CNS team, they were promised that things would be fine and the BAM!

The same will happen if it happens in a few days. Bottom line: Don't trust HQ. They have no reason to let you know until it is time. Don't forget, the calls went out last December 8th. At that point the displaced were to do NOTHING. Literally, no more customer contact. 60 day WARN notice was in effect and then don't let the door hit your ass on the way out on Feb 10th.
Oh, a previous poster said that those displaced were NOT to be mapped into open areas. The same thing happened last year. Folks, they want these tenured (IE: high $) off the books regardless of their reputation, experience, etc. Short sighted? yes, but what would you expect.

Last December came as a shock to many. However, a lot of MAPS knew they would be hit mostly because they had a lot of contacts inside. The EBD found it incredulous that those displaced knew it was coming. As for the CNS team, they were promised that things would be fine and the BAM!

The same will happen if it happens in a few days. Bottom line: Don't trust HQ. They have no reason to let you know until it is time. Don't forget, the calls went out last December 8th. At that point the displaced were to do NOTHING. Literally, no more customer contact. 60 day WARN notice was in effect and then don't let the door hit your ass on the way out on Feb 10th.
Oh, a previous poster said that those displaced were NOT to be mapped into open areas. The same thing happened last year. Folks, they want these tenured (IE: high $) off the books regardless of their reputation, experience, etc. Short sighted? yes, but what would you expect.

Absolutely, the goal is to cut costs which means high salaries must go. In addition, there won't be any legacy Zeneca people who are eligible for the defined pension left after this final round of cuts. They are and have been the number 1 target for years. Drip, drip, drip, until the faucet is dry.

Absolutely, the goal is to cut costs which means high salaries must go. In addition, there won't be any legacy Zeneca people who are eligible for the defined pension left after this final round of cuts. They are and have been the number 1 target for years. Drip, drip, drip, until the faucet is dry.

$500 Million in cuts. Hold on to your hats!

Absolutely, the goal is to cut costs which means high salaries must go. In addition, there won't be any legacy Zeneca people who are eligible for the defined pension left after this final round of cuts. They are and have been the number 1 target for years. Drip, drip, drip, until the faucet is dry.
A plus for creative writing!

When Brilinta failed to show benefit for PAD, the fate was sealed for CV kind of. Not only was there a miscalculation that Endos would miraculously start treating PAD by using Brilinta, the study was a precursor to a failing clinical program. A year later, Brilinta disappoints again.

Oh, come on, Epanova will save you all!

A plus for creative writing!

I feel sorry for people who are so blind or naive to think that they have a future here. What the fuck? I guess you can convince yourself that it won't happen to you if you survived a few of the previous layoffs. But eventually it will touch all of us and anyone who believes they are immune has not been paying attention.
We all all just numbers. Look at the veterans and HQ mid level and above that have been forced out in the last 5 years. Make a list. It is staggering.

I feel sorry for people who are so blind or naive to think that they have a future here. What the fuck? I guess you can convince yourself that it won't happen to you if you survived a few of the previous layoffs. But eventually it will touch all of us and anyone who believes they are immune has not been paying attention.
We all all just numbers. Look at the veterans and HQ mid level and above that have been forced out in the last 5 years. Make a list. It is staggering.


Which idiot in lifecycle planning agreed to fund that study?

You mean it only took 7 years for patients and physicians to learn if one potentially-life-saving drug is better than another? Patient Health First implies that society would want to know if the drug they are taking is as effective and safe as an alternative product; after all, this is a matter of life and death in some cases.

The real question is, why did it take so long to run a comparison like this?

The rumor in HQ this week is that we are reorganizing into two branches, Office Based and Hospital based, with one sales team carrying all Primary Care brands. No more respiratory or CV. Of course a headcount has not surfaced but you can bet it will be a significant reduction from current numbers. A lot of mid level managers will be let go. They will not be allowed to apply for a field sales vacancy. Also, AZ will not be paying for relocations.
Even when there is a reorg and reassignment of products, the rumor mill gets it wrong. Was already announced to the affected team.

Even when there is a reorg and reassignment of products, the rumor mill gets it wrong. Was already announced to the affected team.

What team was already notified of the reorg and reassignment?

Hospital reps will be displaced and a significant number of field reps. Two teams will be created and those displaced will have an opportunity to interview for rehire along with young outside talent willing to accept less pay. Little to no disruption will occur due to the fact that those kept in place are really all the business needs to maintain steady growth. A third party will screen candidates for the created positions. Anyone and everyone attempting to get rehired should have their head examined.

What team was already notified of the reorg and reassignment?

Hospital reps will be displaced and a significant number of field reps. Two teams will be created and those displaced will have an opportunity to interview for rehire along with young outside talent willing to accept less pay. Little to no disruption will occur due to the fact that those kept in place are really all the business needs to maintain steady growth. A third party will screen candidates for the created positions. Anyone and everyone attempting to get rehired should have their head examined.

Allowing people to apply and interview for openings is all a legal slight of hand. This is about cutting costs pure and simple, end of story. Remember, they created the vacancies to begin with and they are there for one reason and that is to eliminate duplication and those with high salaries and pension costs. It is all a scam.
They will say those hired performed better in the interview or were better located within the territory design to cover the territory. It is all bullshit. If you are high salary and qualify for the legacy pension, don't even waste your time. Try to negotiate a mutual separation and get as much money as you can. They may pay you to reduce any legal liabilities.

What team was already notified of the reorg and reassignment?

Hospital reps will be displaced and a significant number of field reps. Two teams will be created and those displaced will have an opportunity to interview for rehire along with young outside talent willing to accept less pay. Little to no disruption will occur due to the fact that those kept in place are really all the business needs to maintain steady growth. A third party will screen candidates for the created positions. Anyone and everyone attempting to get rehired should have their head examined.

Allowing people to apply and interview for openings is all a legal slight of hand. This is about cutting costs pure and simple, end of story. Remember, they created the vacancies to begin with and they are there for one reason and that is to eliminate duplication and those with high salaries and pension costs. It is all a scam.
They will say those hired performed better in the interview or were better located within the territory design to cover the territory. It is all bullshit. If you are high salary and qualify for the legacy pension, don't even waste your time. Try to negotiate a mutual separation and get as much money as you can. They may pay you to reduce any legal liabilities.
Been here 16 years, so ready to get out! I BETTER get 2 weeks AND a nice package. I have so much dirt on my manager.

Been here 16 years, so ready to get out! I BETTER get 2 weeks AND a nice package. I have so much dirt on my manager.

HQ source here. We have seen our share of cutback too. I have seen a lot of really talented people and friends of mine walked out the door without recognition for what they did here. It won't matter if your manager is let go too and his manager and his manager's manager. This is not a time to try to save yourself with accusations. It is too late for that. If they call your number you are gone. And we are all just numbers to them. If you think you are special and have inside contacts to protect you, think again. I have seen the shock and awe in Wilmington when this shit goes down.

2 months WARN, followed by 2weeks per year severance.
I couldn't care any less about what happens. Just pick me and give me enough to cover my bills for a year, I'm happy.
Hundreds of other well tenured reps are in the same boat. We all want to be chosen SOON!
Which is exactly why it will never happen!

2 months WARN, followed by 2weeks per year severance.
I couldn't care any less about what happens. Just pick me and give me enough to cover my bills for a year, I'm happy.
Hundreds of other well tenured reps are in the same boat. We all want to be chosen SOON!
Which is exactly why it will never happen!

I, like you, pray they have a layoff, however, it has become abundantly clear that there is a tremendous disconnect with realities of the field. Two reps in each geography is overkill. Everyone knows it but everyone tries to protect their jobs. If they wanted to save money they could easily go down to one rep per territory and have reps be more productive. Even with one rep the work is limited.

Sad that we're wishing for layoffs, but I'm more concerned what happens then regarding severances. Other threads posting that severances like what was offered last December are over.
So,tenured reps might now only get $ to cover 2-3 months expenses.