Agree-Alot of advis. board positive votes turn into thumbs down FDA approvals, check the history!! Especially on this 1, (alot of the questionable opposition of data,study design etc.)this came directly from the FDA this week!

AdComm's backing is VERY good news. Although the FDA will not make their decision until Nov, J&J is going to proceed under the assumption of their recommendation. They have already restructured by downsizing some territories. And offers should go out today and early next week with training still starting 9/19.

AdComm's backing is VERY good news. Although the FDA will not make their decision until Nov, J&J is going to proceed under the assumption of their recommendation. They have already restructured by downsizing some territories. And offers should go out today and early next week with training still starting 9/19.

I agree with the precedent that they will continue with their offers and starting date of 9/19. After all, the email given us was sent after the news about the afib indication. The product is approved and they company's mission is for that indication-- it will happen.

I agree with the precedent that they will continue with their offers and starting date of 9/19. After all, the email given us was sent after the news about the afib indication. The product is approved and they company's mission is for that indication-- it will happen.

Xarelto has not been FDA approved for the big $$$$ indication - AFIB.

I am in the east and have heard very little, definitely no email from my Quintiles manager. Anyone in the east in the same situation?

I am in the Southeast and I did get an email update today stating the contract is on just taking longer than they anticipated and we as soon as Janssen gives the go ahead offers will go out early next week.

I got an e-mail from Quintiles Manager also that said the contract is still on and they are moving forward with offers. I will be contacted as soon as J&J gives the go ahead. Thanked me for being so patient. No mention about the start date so I do not know if it will still be the 19th.

My quintiles DM called today. Said everything is still on & apologized for the delay. Said either by e.o.d today or mon next week offers would be made. Have a good weekend everyone. This will happen!

Xarelto is on track. Whether the FDA gives its approval or not by the Nov meeting date is unknown, but it appears that the data in the clinical trials won out.

I was unsure, but went to the FDA site and read the original data and, boy, that one reviewer was WAY off base. The morons at the investment houses have been touting Pfizer's drug (and stock) like crazy and I too got sucked into that BS.

Bottom line: If you are hired to sell, and you sell Xarelto, it will be a FUN TIME if you have access and places to go. Xarelto data beats the stuffing out of the other recent or pending entries.
That said, Janssen's computer spat out complete idiocy. They are filling territories over-full of bodies, at least in some places. If you are in one of those, ouch! Seeing 2 docs a day is not good for long term employability. If not, and you can see 6-10 docs a day, and you get to sell Xarelto (and Nucynta and Nucynta ER), you're in for a great ride.

Enjoy it!

Xarelto is on track. Whether the FDA gives its approval or not by the Nov meeting date is unknown, but it appears that the data in the clinical trials won out.

I was unsure, but went to the FDA site and read the original data and, boy, that one reviewer was WAY off base. The morons at the investment houses have been touting Pfizer's drug (and stock) like crazy and I too got sucked into that BS.

Bottom line: If you are hired to sell, and you sell Xarelto, it will be a FUN TIME if you have access and places to go. Xarelto data beats the stuffing out of the other recent or pending entries.
That said, Janssen's computer spat out complete idiocy. They are filling territories over-full of bodies, at least in some places. If you are in one of those, ouch! Seeing 2 docs a day is not good for long term employability. If not, and you can see 6-10 docs a day, and you get to sell Xarelto (and Nucynta and Nucynta ER), you're in for a great ride.

Enjoy it!
You obviously did not read this:

For those of you who have talked to or been in contact by email with a manager, have you been told what the start date will be now that there has been such a significant delay? For anyone who is currently working, they really need to give more that 4 or 5 days notice so as not to burn any bridges.

For those of you who have talked to or been in contact by email with a manager, have you been told what the start date will be now that there has been such a significant delay? For anyone who is currently working, they really need to give more that 4 or 5 days notice so as not to burn any bridges.

The email I recieved made it sound like there will be 2 start dates. One begins on the 19th and another 26th. The later would be for those needing to give two weeks notice. The email asked if I could start immediately or if I would need to give two weeks notice.