6517 - What Have You Experienced?

Just left the 6517 like the 3 of 4 other Q reps in my territory.....left for a job with a 40% increase in pay, a vehicle, 2 weeks for vacation and NO more calling on crappy primary care. Like other people have said, if you don't have a job take this one until you can find a better one. If you are with another company and even remotely happy. Stay!

Just left the 6517 like the 3 of 4 other Q reps in my territory.....left for a job with a 40% increase in pay, a vehicle, 2 weeks for vacation and NO more calling on crappy primary care. Like other people have said, if you don't have a job take this one until you can find a better one. If you are with another company and even remotely happy. Stay!


This will be my last week working for this piece of shit contract! My shitty ass, fat fuck, micromanaging, cocksucking, ass kissing, won't shut the fuck up, know it all, condescending, prick, motherfucking J&J DM can kiss my ass!! I have never worked with a manager who treats his reps as shitty as this asshole does. Not to mention my J&J footprint partner that doesn't do shit but sit on her ass all day and ride my tailcoats! Fuck you both! I QUIT BITCH!!! Take your job and shove it up your fat ass!!!! woohooo!!!

Good for you!!

Here's my situation: My two J&J 'partners' have plotted since Day 1. They share most of their docs so they divide them up and each call on half of them. BUT...they both record calls on all of them! Then when when one of them gets a doc prescribing that the other one doesn't share, they add him/her to the call plan so that they both get credit for that prescribing physician!

The docs they only share with me they don't call on at all (but do record calls). Then if one of those doc starts prescribing they add the other J&J rep to the call plan so that all three of us get credit.

This is my first contract gig. I really thought I would have my own targets, the lower potential docs so that the glorious J&J reps could concentrate on the "high initiators". This set up really sucks!! This job sucks. I was wishing for the contract to end but now it looks like with the new indication/product that it won't!

This will be my last week working for this piece of shit contract! My shitty ass, fat fuck, micromanaging, cocksucking, ass kissing, won't shut the fuck up, know it all, condescending, prick, motherfucking J&J DM can kiss my ass!! I have never worked with a manager who treats his reps as shitty as this asshole does. Not to mention my J&J footprint partner that doesn't do shit but sit on her ass all day and ride my tailcoats! Fuck you both! I QUIT BITCH!!! Take your job and shove it up your fat ass!!!! woohooo!!!

I feel the exact same way, I have a final interview in the morning I hope to leave the same post sometime next week.

I know they told us not to post anything negative on Cafe Pharma regarding this contract, but I just have to know.....for those of you have been on other contracts with Q, is this contract as awful as I think it is OR are they all like this or worse? This is just not the experience I expected. If those of you with previous contract experience tell me this is a good deal, then I'll try to have a more positive attitude!!!!

I know they told us not to post anything negative on Cafe Pharma regarding this contract, but I just have to know.....for those of you have been on other contracts with Q, is this contract as awful as I think it is OR are they all like this or worse? This is just not the experience I expected. If those of you with previous contract experience tell me this is a good deal, then I'll try to have a more positive attitude!!!!

It's very different depending on where you are. I have a phenomenal JnJ DM, a great Q FM and an awesome JnJ team mate. I also have friends from previous contracts who have had the backstabbing issues but they have been supported as much as possible by both Q and JnJ. This should be a great, long term situation but there are definitely some insecure schmucks and schmuckettes at Janssen.

Just so you know I just gave my two weeks notice and my Q manager expects me to keep working, however i've been kicked out of the JnJ system and I can't do anything. Perfect example of how fucking ignorant these two companies are and how little they communicate!

It's very different depending on where you are. I have a phenomenal JnJ DM, a great Q FM and an awesome JnJ team mate. I also have friends from previous contracts who have had the backstabbing issues but they have been supported as much as possible by both Q and JnJ. This should be a great, long term situation but there are definitely some insecure schmucks and schmuckettes at Janssen.

This will not be a "great long term situation" and will end like all projects. Whenever that happens, it won't matter how phenomenal your manager was or how awesome your team mate is. It will just be over. Sorry, but that's how it works.

This will not be a "great long term situation" and will end like all projects. Whenever that happens, it won't matter how phenomenal your manager was or how awesome your team mate is. It will just be over. Sorry, but that's how it works.

Thanks Eeyore, or Chicken Little, or whoever the hell you are. Run along, eat some worms.

Thanks Eeyore, or Chicken Little, or whoever the hell you are. Run along, eat some worms.

Of course this contract will end just like every other contract at some point. I know I am just a number to Janssen that is why I go out make my calls, double the mileage rate I submit each day and send out a resume to at least other company every day. I have had several interviews with some good leads, I would suggest everyone on any contract should do the same.

Of course this contract will end just like every other contract at some point. I know I am just a number to Janssen that is why I go out make my calls, double the mileage rate I submit each day and send out a resume to at least other company every day. I have had several interviews with some good leads, I would suggest everyone on any contract should do the same.

Good to know your glass is always half empty, that outlook couldn't possibly have anything to do with your performance could it?

Good to know your glass is always half empty, that outlook couldn't possibly have anything to do with your performance could it?

I can't help those that can't help themselves. Keep busting your ass for the shithole of a company that Janssen has become, I am sure you will be rewarded many times over. Oh and by the way have you looked at how the products on this contract are performing?