6517 - What Have You Experienced?

Yeah, I pretty much think think they don't need us much anymore. The Janssen folks each all got a lot more money for the launch and we got nothing. That speaks volumes to me. I think there will definitely be a reorg in the month of December. And we probably will be selling Aciphex in the new year unless there is only 2 per territory. I am sure it will be based on need within the territory whether or not we stay, go, or reorganized. It is what it is.

I'm guessing we will have Nucynta & Nucynta ER and Aciphex until end of patent. I will miss selling Xarelto. If this is going to happen, I sure hope they let us know before we begin studying for cana.

I'm guessing we will have Nucynta & Nucynta ER and Aciphex until end of patent. I will miss selling Xarelto. If this is going to happen, I sure hope they let us know before we begin studying for cana.

I agree. It has been awesome to be a part of the Xarelto launch. However, if they are going to make changes, I wish they would tell us in December so we don't waste our time studying
over the holidays again like last year!

It just hit me today.....they think of us as 'scabs', no different from the non-union worker who crosses the picket line.

Initially I thought it was all about self-preservation. My feelings were hurt when my Janssen counterparts didn't include me on strategy meetings, share information, routing, call continuum,etc. etc. Couldn't understand the disconnect between what I did and what I received credit for from the district manager and of course the disconnect between 'verbal' and 'written' accolades, evaluations.

It hit me today like a pile of bricks.....they think of us as scabs; they worry we're going to take away their livelihood!!

This Thanksgiving Season I'm thankful that this contract will end and I won't have to work with this people any more!

Quintiles Contract will be reduced to about half the size it currently is.
Those quintiles people left will carry only NUCYNTA.
I guess to be expected since they are contract.

I heard the same. Less than 100 reps to be kept. Reps kept will roll into a new Pain division. These reps only to carry Nucynta. Go onto quintiles site look the pain positions newly posted hope to roll into one of them. Otherwise you will not have a job on 6517 come Monday.

I heard the same. Less than 100 reps to be kept. Reps kept will roll into a new Pain division. These reps only to carry Nucynta. Go onto quintiles site look the pain positions newly posted hope to roll into one of them. Otherwise you will not have a job on 6517 come Monday.

The pain specialists are brand new positions, have nothing to do with the retail contract and whether those reps stay or go.

We've just got to chill out. With luck we'll know shortly what is the deal.
1. Are we out of our jobs unexpectedly, long before the contract is done?
2. What is Quintiles willing to do for those displaced before contract end?

I do share everyone's exhaustion with this gig. Being on contract to Janssen seems like dating a bipolar nutcase.

Does Quintiles give any kind of severence or can it be we get a call on the 10th and its over? this is my first contract and i heard others got a few weeks pay any idea?

Some reps on the previous Janssen contract 7048 were laid off around 7/1/11. Here is what they received:

Stop field activity immediately
Paid through 8/31/11
Benefits through 8/31/11
2nd quarter 2011 bonus to be paid even though payout would be after last day of employment/severance
Immediately eligible to apply for open Quintiles positions on other contracts
Immediately eligible to apply for unemployment compensation. depending upon individual State regulations