6517 - What Have You Experienced?

My Janssen manager is great, but I have a bad feeling today....just a bad gut feeling about the life of this contract

My Janssen mgr has been fine but I share you bad feeling about this contract. Pfizer/BMS will quickly take over the Afib market in Cardiology and pick up any low hanging scripts in Primary Care so this may last until labor day but after that we would be done.

My Janssen mgr has been fine but I share you bad feeling about this contract. Pfizer/BMS will quickly take over the Afib market in Cardiology and pick up any low hanging scripts in Primary Care so this may last until labor day but after that we would be done.

You're really stupid if you believe that, or, most likely, you're an ignorant BI douche trying to stir shit.

Word @ jnj HQ,NJ is that severance of Quintiles contract is coming soon...

Are you corporate?? how do you know this??? How Soon???????

I am NOT happy with this contract, the constant change in direction, the useless reports that are supposed to "help" us spend our time in the right offices! HAH! Like we have a choice where we spend our time????????? Not to mention, all of these teleconferences! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! The make management appear totally out of control, panic stricken, freaked out, etc..... too much finger pointing going on and not pointing at the right people who are truly responsible for this cluster f**k! About the worst experience I can remember. Feeling totally frustrated.

Are you corporate?? how do you know this??? How Soon???????

I am NOT happy with this contract, the constant change in direction, the useless reports that are supposed to "help" us spend our time in the right offices! HAH! Like we have a choice where we spend our time????????? Not to mention, all of these teleconferences! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! The make management appear totally out of control, panic stricken, freaked out, etc..... too much finger pointing going on and not pointing at the right people who are truly responsible for this cluster f**k! About the worst experience I can remember. Feeling totally frustrated.

I going out on disability, finally a good use for my bad back!!

Are you corporate?? how do you know this??? How Soon???????

I am NOT happy with this contract, the constant change in direction, the useless reports that are supposed to "help" us spend our time in the right offices! HAH! Like we have a choice where we spend our time????????? Not to mention, all of these teleconferences! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! The make management appear totally out of control, panic stricken, freaked out, etc..... too much finger pointing going on and not pointing at the right people who are truly responsible for this cluster f**k! About the worst experience I can remember. Feeling totally frustrated.

I completely agree with this post...last Friday conference calls were from 8:30 to 10am... 10 to 12pm and from 2 to 3:30pm With all of these conference calls it is impossible to meet your call goal expecatations. On this Friday I had a lunch (thank goodness) and was able to speak to 2 providers but that was it for the day. Now I will get into trouble for not meeting my call objectives. Enough with the conference calls and congratulating everyone online for their recent promotions. Who cares? We don't know who they are. Add in all of the useless modules, spreadsheets, 2 sets of emails to read and respond and additional Quintiles crap they want and you have virtually no time to be in the field meeting with customers. This contract is really quite a joke but a small paycheck and benefits nonetheless so I move forward

My Janssen mgr has been fine but I share you bad feeling about this contract. Pfizer/BMS will quickly take over the Afib market in Cardiology and pick up any low hanging scripts in Primary Care so this may last until labor day but after that we would be done.

We heard that same timeframe out here in the west

My Janssen mgr has been fine but I share you bad feeling about this contract. Pfizer/BMS will quickly take over the Afib market in Cardiology and pick up any low hanging scripts in Primary Care so this may last until labor day but after that we would be done.

The Q contract is less likely to be affected by the PMS machine (Pfizer-Meyers-Squibb) selling apix than it is a massive shortfall on call activity in some places.

The consulting group Janssen used to distribute territories (and people) operated on the Old Paradigm: You expect $X billion in sales, means you need Y hundred sales people. The New Paradigm is, half of your targets won't or can't see your reps, so you need a lot fewer people or accept that they will be given 1/2 a day's work each day.

Janssen will NOT accept low call averages indefinitely. Once they come to grips with laying off a lot of their own managers, the reductions will arrive. When? Only the shadow knows.

It really doesn't make sense that there are 3 DMs living within 20-30 miles,or in some cases,5 miles from each other in Arizona, yet they travel vast distances for their ride alongs with reps. What a waste of company money. I heard that the district with the most CSOs will be the first DM that goes in that area.

Are you corporate?? how do you know this??? How Soon???????

I am NOT happy with this contract, the constant change in direction, the useless reports that are supposed to "help" us spend our time in the right offices! HAH! Like we have a choice where we spend our time????????? Not to mention, all of these teleconferences! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! The make management appear totally out of control, panic stricken, freaked out, etc..... too much finger pointing going on and not pointing at the right people who are truly responsible for this cluster f**k! About the worst experience I can remember. Feeling totally frustrated.

PLEASE JANSSEN ends this contract and put me and many others out of our misery. I actually applied at a car dealership this week looking for another job, how sad is that. Actually I would double dip on these shit holes at Quintiles but still sad.

It really doesn't make sense that there are 3 DMs living within 20-30 miles,or in some cases,5 miles from each other in Arizona, yet they travel vast distances for their ride alongs with reps. What a waste of company money. I heard that the district with the most CSOs will be the first DM that goes in that area.

That was done because someone liked those DM's. It did not matter if they were the best, they waste the customer's money all of the time. If they only knew.

they are holding a job fair in my area to get hires for this contract. I presume they are having a tough time to fill it.. as everyone says this contract is ending soon.

they are holding a job fair in my area to get hires for this contract. I presume they are having a tough time to fill it.. as everyone says this contract is ending soon.

If you have a job this is not the place to be right now. I understand if you are unemployed go for it but I have been here since Oct 17th busted my ass and gotten nothing but slapped in the face by my Janssen manager and the bonus is a JOKE.

they are holding a job fair in my area to get hires for this contract. I presume they are having a tough time to fill it.. as everyone says this contract is ending soon.

I have been on this contract since Oct 17th. Who is the "everyone" you are referring to?
Who says this contract is ending soon and how soon is it supposedly ending? I agree this is miserable! just looking for a heads up on this.