60 Minutes

A "no gun zone" is of course irrelevant to a NUT!!!
I'm simply saying that allowing military or law enforcement type armament and firepower into civilian hands, in general, is a very bad idea.
What else do you "freedom" luvin' wackos need...an anti-aircraft cannon?
Maybe a flame thrower?
Trying to "extend" your meager manhood via weaponry is just bluster and dangerous.
Stop fantasizing and start participating in a civil society, imperfect as it may be.
Sure, you can have your gun, cry baby......but drop down from the tree branch and realize that there need to be limits.
Lock and load?
Lock and think!

Don't pay attention to Michael. He is just a fatfuck turd burgler giggling in his basement.

A "no gun zone" is of course irrelevant to a NUT!!!
I'm simply saying that allowing military or law enforcement type armament and firepower into civilian hands, in general, is a very bad idea.
What else do you "freedom" luvin' wackos need...an anti-aircraft cannon?
Maybe a flame thrower?
Trying to "extend" your meager manhood via weaponry is just bluster and dangerous.
Stop fantasizing and start participating in a civil society, imperfect as it may be.
Sure, you can have your gun, cry baby......but drop down from the tree branch and realize that there need to be limits.
Lock and load?
Lock and think!

I don't need a flamethrower and certainly not an anti-aircraft cannon, but that's not what we're talking about, is it moron?
You think there are "NO LIMITS" on guns? I would encourage you to read my previous post on California gun laws.
Because "no gun zones" are irrelevant to a nut is precisely why we sane people have every right to protect ourselves with guns if we deem necessary.

Indeed something to be more vigilant. What's your point in trying to troll? It's the exact opposite of that.

I can see no point to anything you state at all.
The Constitution has been going on since the melting of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791.

It ain't what you know for sure that just ain't so.

A large majority of Americans, including rank-and-file NRA members, supports "common-sense" gun restrictions, including universal background checks for all gun sales. But Michael's "strange and motley right-wing tribe" disagrees, so the rest of us are put at risk as a result of *your* gun problem. Consequently, no action is taken. At all. That's utterly disgraceful.

Guns are not automobiles. There's no reason why the exchange of any of the 300 million guns in private shouldn't be, or couldn't be, subjected to more scrutiny than when Joe sells Jane his 2009 Honda Accord. To the strange and motley right-wing crowd, any regulation is "intrusive." That's just too bad.

Don't pay attention to Michael. He is just a fatfuck turd burgler giggling in his basement.

If you want to meet Michael in the flesh, the enormous flesh, and some of his fellow Teabag travelers, there is an upcoming NJ Teabag meeting Dec 15 in Teaneck NJ:


But a little warning- the men are quite a bit "weird" - they often talk to you about Trump for president with little flecks of spittle flying out of the corners of their mouths while they stare at your breasts, avoiding eye contact. So stand back a little and claim your personal space. Also many of them are licensed to carry handguns, so be polite.

The few Teabag women who attend are quite something also. More on that later. See you there!

In my view, this situation is becoming a public health crisis. And until we can figure out how to decrease the morbidity/mortality from gun violence.....things will continue to spiral out of control.

As a pediatric psychiatrist, I wear many hats. But without doubt, the task of keeping my patients safe is my number one priority . To achieve this goal, I routinely formulate a comprehensive "problem list" and then implement a detailed, multi-modal treatment plan (with measurable outcomes) to address each problem. This protocol is used regardless of the race, creed or political orientation of my patients. My job is to treat. Not to judge.

Offering my "thoughts and prayers" to desperate parents, in lieu of a treatment plan, would be unthinkable. In fact, it would be malpractice. If only our lawmakers could be held to the same standard.

Sometimes doing less is more. But when it comes to the safety and welfare of our citizens, inaction is simply not an option. This insanity has to stop.

America has a fantastic plan in place to manage terror.

There are already about 350 million guns in America.

And that number increases by about 10 million each year thanks to the good efforts of the National Rage Association and the Grand Old Propagandists stoking fear, panic and terror in a paranoid voter base.

As we approach 400 million guns in the country, with 500 million and 600 million waiting in the horizon with essentially unrestricted guns and ammo access by almost anyone at a gun show - including any sightseeing terrorist visiting from abroad - it will be comforting to know that there is a murder weapon under every pillow in the nation just waiting to be used out of personal fear, rage, anxiety or just plain old mental instability.

America manages terror by stoking terror....and then by giving it gun weapons of mass destruction to make its psychotic dreams come true.

It's well past time that American hotels replace the bibles in every hotel room with a fully loaded handgun so we can all get a restful night's sleep.

A large majority of Americans, including rank-and-file NRA members, supports "common-sense" gun restrictions, including universal background checks for all gun sales. But Michael's "strange and motley right-wing tribe" disagrees, so the rest of us are put at risk as a result of *your* gun problem. Consequently, no action is taken. At all. That's utterly disgraceful.

Guns are not automobiles. There's no reason why the exchange of any of the 300 million guns in private shouldn't be, or couldn't be, subjected to more scrutiny than when Joe sells Jane his 2009 Honda Accord. To the strange and motley right-wing crowd, any regulation is "intrusive." That's just too bad.


In The People's Republic of California, does this represent "common-sense gun restrictions".

California Penal Code §12031 defines what constitutes a loaded weapon).

Semi-automatic firearms that the state has classified as assault weapons, .50 BMG caliberrifles, and magazines that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition may not be sold in California. Possession of automatic firearms, and of short-barreled shotguns and rifles, is generally prohibited.

California is a "may issue" state for permits to carry concealed guns. The willingness of issuing authorities in California ranges from No Issue in most urban areas to Shall Issue in rural counties. Additionally, the issuing authority can also impose restrictions on the CCW permit-holder, such as limiting concealed carry only to the purposes listed on the approved CCW permit application. However, concealed carry permits are valid statewide, regardless of where they were issued. This creates a situation where residents in presumptively No Issue locations such as Los Angeles and San Francisco cannot lawfully carry a concealed firearm, but residents from other counties with more permissive CCW issuance policies can lawfully carry within these same jurisdictions. California does not recognize concealed carry permits issued by other states, and non-residents are generally forbidden from obtaining a California concealed carry permit.

California has state preemption for many, but not all, firearms laws. Actual enforcement of California's firearms laws also varies widely across the state. Urban areas, such as the San Francisco and Los Angeles metropolitan areas strictly enforce firearms laws, and some communities within these areas have passed local ordinances that make legally owning a firearm difficult. Meanwhile, some rural jurisdictions narrowly enforce the same firearms laws by prosecuting only those who demonstrate malicious intent, or not enforcing portions of the state's firearms laws at all.

The buyer of a firearm must fill out an application to purchase a particular gun. The firearms dealer sends the application to the California Department of Justice (DOJ), which performs a background check on the buyer. The approved application is valid for 10 days. There is a 10-day waiting period for the delivery of any firearm.

Sales of firearms from one person to another (private party transfers) must be through a licensed firearms dealer using a Private Party Transfer form. The licensed dealer may charge a $10 fee, in addition to the $25 transfer fee that the state charges. Any number of firearms may be transferred at one time using this method. The dealer submits a Dealer's Record of Sale (DROS) form to the state, and the purchaser must wait 10 days before picking up the guns. Federally defined curio or relic long guns over 50 years old may be sold without going through a licensed dealer.[18]

Handgun purchases, except for private party transfers and Certificate of Eligibility (COE) holders, are limited to one per 30-day period. To purchase a handgun, a buyer must have a Handgun Safety Certificate.[19] This is obtained by passing a written test, given by a Department of Justice certified instructor, on the safe and legal use of handguns. The certificate is valid for five years. A buyer must also perform a Safe Handling Demonstration when taking possession of a handgun. Some individuals are exempt from the Safety Certificate and Handling Demonstration requirements, including active and retired military and law enforcement personnel, hunter safety certificate holders, and concealed carry license holders.[20]

Roster of handguns certified for saleEdit
Dealers may not sell any new handgun unless it is listed in the state Department of Justice roster of handguns certified for sale. Listed handguns must include certain mechanical features and pass a set of laboratory tests. Private party transfers, curio/relic handguns, certain single-action revolvers, and pawn/consignment returns are exempt from this requirement.[21]

On May 17, 2013, the state began enforcing a new law requiring that semi-automatic pistols incorporate microstamping.[22]With this technology, very small markings are engraved, using a laser, on the tip of the firing pin and on the breechface of the firearm. When the gun is fired, these etchings may be transferred to the primer by the firing pin, and to the cartridge case head by the breechface, using the pressure created when a round is fired. If successful, this imprints two identifying numbers, unique to that gun, on each spent cartridge casing.[23] This requirement applies to new guns being added to the California Department of Justice's roster of handguns certified for sale; semi-automatic handgun models already listed on the roster are not required to incorporate microstamping.

The libtards in California have restricted guns to arguably an Unconstitutional level.
Who did it save?
Just imagine if a couple good guys were allowed to defend themselves. Think of the innocent lives that could have been saved.


In The People's Republic of California, does this represent "common-sense gun restrictions".

California Penal Code §12031 defines what constitutes a loaded weapon).

Semi-automatic firearms that the state has classified as assault weapons, .50 BMG caliberrifles, and magazines that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition may not be sold in California. Possession of automatic firearms, and of short-barreled shotguns and rifles, is generally prohibited.

California is a "may issue" state for permits to carry concealed guns. The willingness of issuing authorities in California ranges from No Issue in most urban areas to Shall Issue in rural counties. Additionally, the issuing authority can also impose restrictions on the CCW permit-holder, such as limiting concealed carry only to the purposes listed on the approved CCW permit application. However, concealed carry permits are valid statewide, regardless of where they were issued. This creates a situation where residents in presumptively No Issue locations such as Los Angeles and San Francisco cannot lawfully carry a concealed firearm, but residents from other counties with more permissive CCW issuance policies can lawfully carry within these same jurisdictions. California does not recognize concealed carry permits issued by other states, and non-residents are generally forbidden from obtaining a California concealed carry permit.

California has state preemption for many, but not all, firearms laws. Actual enforcement of California's firearms laws also varies widely across the state. Urban areas, such as the San Francisco and Los Angeles metropolitan areas strictly enforce firearms laws, and some communities within these areas have passed local ordinances that make legally owning a firearm difficult. Meanwhile, some rural jurisdictions narrowly enforce the same firearms laws by prosecuting only those who demonstrate malicious intent, or not enforcing portions of the state's firearms laws at all.

The buyer of a firearm must fill out an application to purchase a particular gun. The firearms dealer sends the application to the California Department of Justice (DOJ), which performs a background check on the buyer. The approved application is valid for 10 days. There is a 10-day waiting period for the delivery of any firearm.

Sales of firearms from one person to another (private party transfers) must be through a licensed firearms dealer using a Private Party Transfer form. The licensed dealer may charge a $10 fee, in addition to the $25 transfer fee that the state charges. Any number of firearms may be transferred at one time using this method. The dealer submits a Dealer's Record of Sale (DROS) form to the state, and the purchaser must wait 10 days before picking up the guns. Federally defined curio or relic long guns over 50 years old may be sold without going through a licensed dealer.[18]

Handgun purchases, except for private party transfers and Certificate of Eligibility (COE) holders, are limited to one per 30-day period. To purchase a handgun, a buyer must have a Handgun Safety Certificate.[19] This is obtained by passing a written test, given by a Department of Justice certified instructor, on the safe and legal use of handguns. The certificate is valid for five years. A buyer must also perform a Safe Handling Demonstration when taking possession of a handgun. Some individuals are exempt from the Safety Certificate and Handling Demonstration requirements, including active and retired military and law enforcement personnel, hunter safety certificate holders, and concealed carry license holders.[20]

Roster of handguns certified for saleEdit
Dealers may not sell any new handgun unless it is listed in the state Department of Justice roster of handguns certified for sale. Listed handguns must include certain mechanical features and pass a set of laboratory tests. Private party transfers, curio/relic handguns, certain single-action revolvers, and pawn/consignment returns are exempt from this requirement.[21]

On May 17, 2013, the state began enforcing a new law requiring that semi-automatic pistols incorporate microstamping.[22]With this technology, very small markings are engraved, using a laser, on the tip of the firing pin and on the breechface of the firearm. When the gun is fired, these etchings may be transferred to the primer by the firing pin, and to the cartridge case head by the breechface, using the pressure created when a round is fired. If successful, this imprints two identifying numbers, unique to that gun, on each spent cartridge casing.[23] This requirement applies to new guns being added to the California Department of Justice's roster of handguns certified for sale; semi-automatic handgun models already listed on the roster are not required to incorporate microstamping.

The libtards in California have restricted guns to arguably an Unconstitutional level.
Who did it save?
Just imagine if a couple good guys were allowed to defend themselves. Think of the innocent lives that could have been saved.

I know we all ain't so good with the book-learnin' like you Loosie, but the previous post looks like a shit-ton of regulations.... wouldn't you agree?

When Congress failed to act following the shooting and killing of children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School, I lost all hope that those who favor unfettered access to guns and those who support reasonable controls would somehow find common ground. Americans are too deeply divided over guns to find common ground; it's not going to happen. Ever. And yet, something must be done. Mass shootings are now daily occurrences, and no place feels safe--not our work places, our schools, our houses of worship, our doctors' offices, our movie theaters, our airplanes, or our streets. No place. We are fearful for our children's and loved-ones' safety and afraid for our own.

What are our elected representatives going to do to make a dent in this problem? Democrats have put forth common-sense proposals only to have them voted down by Republicans. Listen up Republicans: A no vote is not the same as a solution.

I want to know specifically what solutions Republicans are offering, and I want action now. If Republicans have no solutions, then their constituents must vote them out of office and replace them with politicians who are ready to compromise in order to reduce the carnage that guns and those who shouldn't possess them have wrought. Republican inaction has made us all sitting ducks.

I am a long time Life Endowment Member of the NRA. I own a firearm for home protection. I am ashamed of the NRA's position and fear they have turned into nothing more than a sycophantic lackey of the small arms industry.
There is no reasonable patriotic stand to justify the ability of American citizens to purchase and own weapons of war. Try hunting duck or deer with an AK47.
The design intent of these devises is simply to kill as many human beings as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Our founding fathers allowed for civilian possession of firearms to keep a "well regulated militia" at the ready. Their intent was to protect patriots' rights to possess single shot muzzle-loading flintlocks. The NRA's arguments regarding automatic and semi-automatic modern weapons are specious and, frankly, irrational -- psychotic, if you will.
America needs to eliminate small arms weapons of war from our streets, our communities and homes. To fail to do so is a grotesque abrogation of civic and civil responsibility.
Enough is enough, the 2nd Amendment notwithstanding.

I am a long time Life Endowment Member of the NRA. I own a firearm for home protection. I am ashamed of the NRA's position and fear they have turned into nothing more than a sycophantic lackey of the small arms industry.
There is no reasonable patriotic stand to justify the ability of American citizens to purchase and own weapons of war. Try hunting duck or deer with an AK47.
The design intent of these devises is simply to kill as many human beings as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Our founding fathers allowed for civilian possession of firearms to keep a "well regulated militia" at the ready. Their intent was to protect patriots' rights to possess single shot muzzle-loading flintlocks. The NRA's arguments regarding automatic and semi-automatic modern weapons are specious and, frankly, irrational -- psychotic, if you will.
America needs to eliminate small arms weapons of war from our streets, our communities and homes. To fail to do so is a grotesque abrogation of civic and civil responsibility.
Enough is enough, the 2nd Amendment notwithstanding.

Right... And the First-Amendment only was intended to protect someone speaking in the Town Square.

You're a fucking moron.