60 Minutes

So gas prices can go up, Orange juice can go up, bacon can go up, but when it comes to drugs....?

Why does the govt. and dirty, shakedown agencies like the FDA always get a free pass?

Oh right, they support one another.....go red, white and blue.

What a stupid analogy commodities are influence by oh things like weather, geo political events, transportation costs, refining capacity etc ad infinitum.
Novartis invested a whopping 10% of the research & funding of gleevec & has cashed in on 35 billion & counting. Economies of scale traditionally LOWER prices after capital investments are recovered except in the United States pharma industry where lobbyists corrupted the process & medicare can't negotiate prices like any other free market entity & patients are prohibited from re-importation.
A situation/horrible law guaranteed to change & SOON

No one is forcing the euro trash's to operate in the USA so if it's such a paradise in Europe Canada Australia Russia China India Japan Pakistan etc go there We have plenty of domestic me too companies & Gleevec in India is $300 a month so adios, sayonara, buh bye

Since we are willing to pay twice as much as in places like Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan where they have basically the same healthcare out comes at twice the price, I am sure that they will take the money from our idiotic hands as long as we will give it ti them.

They know that we are rubes.

Does this "research" include faking studies, data manipulation, hiding 10,000 side effects nearly 4000 of them serious & paying some shill 100K annually to do a trial comparing a 30 year old ACEI to a combination of 2 newer drugs with a whopping 4.7% improvement over said 3 decade old medicine?
Don't forget BILLIONS with a B spent on marketing the plethora of Me Too 'breakthroughs'
The NIH & public research institutions discover more molecules than all pharma combined. Fancy that ;)


the healthcare sector should be non-profit.
case closed.

homo economicus is a dying breed and ultimately leads to self-cannibalization.
it's time for homo reciprocans to rise up.

Since we are willing to pay twice as much as in places like Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan where they have basically the same healthcare out comes at twice the price, I am sure that they will take the money from our idiotic hands as long as we will give it ti them.

They know that we are rubes.

NO, they are the TeaBuggard(ed)s.

the healthcare sector should be non-profit.
case closed.

Should all private construction companies be non-profit as well, seeing that they build buildings, garages and schools and renovations that are of the public's interest and good? How about the entire financial sector? Their investment strategies are what fatten our 401Ks and state-run pensions - out of the public good, should they be non-profit as well? What about all manufacturing of goods and services as they make the products we enjoy and need in life and oh don't forget Google and how much that is needed by the masses nowadays...

Go home Commie

Should all private construction companies be non-profit as well, seeing that they build buildings, garages and schools and renovations that are of the public's interest and good? How about the entire financial sector? Their investment strategies are what fatten our 401Ks and state-run pensions - out of the public good, should they be non-profit as well? What about all manufacturing of goods and services as they make the products we enjoy and need in life and oh don't forget Google and how much that is needed by the masses nowadays...

Go home Commie

there are no "commies" anymore.

home is here:

Should all private construction companies be non-profit as well, seeing that they build buildings, garages and schools and renovations that are of the public's interest and good? How about the entire financial sector? Their investment strategies are what fatten our 401Ks and state-run pensions - out of the public good, should they be non-profit as well? What about all manufacturing of goods and services as they make the products we enjoy and need in life and oh don't forget Google and how much that is needed by the masses nowadays...

Go home Commie

AMEN! It's because it's medicine - that's it. Morons, and again I say morons, push blame on the industry while eating cheeseburgers and becoming Type II.

BTW, 60 Minutes has NO credibility anymore - just a mouthpiece for the person they call the president.

AMEN! It's because it's medicine - that's it. Morons, and again I say morons, push blame on the industry while eating cheeseburgers and becoming Type II.

BTW, 60 Minutes has NO credibility anymore - just a mouthpiece for the person they call the president.

No it's because like that idiot bjorn said you are gouging sick & dying cancel patients with a drug that launched at $28K & quadrupled for no reason at all to nearly $100K when in india they manage to sell it for less than $3K annually & NVS was only responsible for 10% of the funding.
Speaking of cheeseburgers I suspect you fall into the BBB category
Bald Bloated Bullshitter

AMEN! It's because it's medicine - that's it. Morons, and again I say morons, push blame on the industry while eating cheeseburgers and becoming Type II.

BTW, 60 Minutes has NO credibility anymore - just a mouthpiece for the person they call the president.

Except for that, in this instance, they have the facts on their side.

AMEN! It's because it's medicine - that's it. Morons, and again I say morons, push blame on the industry while eating cheeseburgers and becoming Type II.

BTW, 60 Minutes has NO credibility anymore - just a mouthpiece for the person they call the president.

Is ginning up bogus studies, shredding side effect documentation, price fixing, gender discrimination, bribing doctors, $78 million walk away golden parachutes, hired gun researchers with dubious studies, off label marketing & 400% inflation on meds part of medicine? because you know we missed that part in med school

Show me an example of paying twice as much.

"Americans have the highest prescription drug costs in the world.

And more than ever, nearly half, fill a monthly prescription, according to this infographic from YellowRobin via visual.ly.

U.S. citizens pay more than twice as much for common prescription drugs than in countries like Canada, Germany and Australia.

For instance, the acid reflux drug Nexium costs the average British person $782 a year. However, Americans pay much more than that, $2,710. "

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/see-...y-for-prescription-drugs-2012-8#ixzz3FSXXWNtV

Show me an example of paying twice as much.

"Americans have the highest prescription drug costs in the world.

And more than ever, nearly half, fill a monthly prescription, according to this infographic from YellowRobin via visual.ly.

U.S. citizens pay more than twice as much for common prescription drugs than in countries like Canada, Germany and Australia.

For instance, the acid reflux drug Nexium costs the average British person $782 a year. However, Americans pay much more than that, $2,710."

Business Insider.

Your company is all about GREED! How can you work for a company that gauges CA patients! You are all nothing but a pack of hyaenas. FU Novartis Pigs!

I wonder how the Novartis reps sleep at night knowing that they are ripping off cancer patients! I agree with your assessment that Novartis is a slime ball company!! The FDA should take away the patent for Gleevec and give it to a generic firm NOW!!

I wonder how the Novartis reps sleep at night knowing that they are ripping off cancer patients! I agree with your assessment that Novartis is a slime ball company!! The FDA should take away the patent for Gleevec and give it to a generic firm NOW!!

Someone should import Indian generic gleevec & eff Novartis
Would love to see that court battle & the court of public opinion on it
What a scam investing a whopping 10% on the research & fleecing $35 Billion
after jacking up the price nearly 400% since launch with zero justification
too bad Lesley Stahl didn't catch that aspect of it
The oncology reps are too busy to notice what with paying off oncologists, check propublica the oncologists are the largest recipients of pharma $$$,