6 Months

I agree. 6 months will tell the tale of where this place is going. Rumor is they are inking a deal for an OR closure device, if that is the case then things will be way different.
Certainly letting a field force flounder can't be the vision. Still no one trusts a word senior leaderships says to HSS. Yeah, that device rep posting seems limmature and has a self esteem issue.

A recent survey showed the majority of HSS division employees hate working at Mallinckrodt because of terrible decisions made by upper mgmt.

When employees were asked why are they still work here the #1 response was they wanted to hear what terrible decision upper mgmt would make next!

Yes, it was confirmed Detroit is the PC destination. The company will also treat you to a week of shift work at one of the auto factories as an added gift.
They are also changing the name of HSS, as of this Friday.
The new sales force will be WTFJH

I hear the presidents club trip has been changed to Detroit. Can't wait to go. See you guys there.

Breaking news!!! President's Club has been changed again. Detroit was all booked for next February. New location is Havana! We get to see all those Chevys that were built in Detroit 50 -60 years ago.

This will be a real blast from the past!

Awesome, who doesn't love high pitch. Stern Rules. Listening to the wack pack.
It's the only thing that gets me through the day. Knowing there are degenerates out there way worse off than me. I'm just selling an overpriced med.

If PC is in Havana that is cool. Just got another car for covering my territory.
Frickin sweet low rider with hydraulics, fuzzy dice and all the cool CHIT Man.
Straight outa Compton
Also if you haven't figured it out yet SC is a man Baby!!!

Speaker programs are such a pain in the Ass. Especially when you have tapped all your go to peeps. Company does not get how things are done out in the field.
Speaker programs waste time, and money. Just think I spent more on programs in 6 weeks than I made in bonus all year and I made very close to plan. Crap if they paid me another a for sure 40k I would GSD.

Programs rule. They have solved all my territory problems. I did what they said, and I'm living the dream. It's so awesome, I have to pinch myself just to make sure it's real.
I mean I have such rockstar status at mt accounts. Front row parking and order sets waiting at my disposal. Sweeeet!!