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.5 and 2mg still NOT IN STOCK 10-21-22

Again, no one said they did. That was never even part of the conversation. Who are you arguing with?
We are arguing with a fool. Apparently novo, not our competition, is the only one that is being affected by supply chain issues. Now crawl back up your mangers ass were is safe and cozy. Only a brainwashed non human would defend novo.

We are arguing with a fool. Apparently novo, not our competition, is the only one that is being affected by supply chain issues. Now crawl back up your mangers ass were is safe and cozy. Only a brainwashed non human would defend novo.

There were 100+ products on the FDA’s shortage list and specific comments about supply chain issues. Can those issues only be real if your direct competitor is also facing them? If you want to be mad, then just be mad. But, quit trying to pretend that everyone (except you, of course) is incompetent.

And, NNI just raised their annual forecast, so it looks like we’re doing amazingly well. More incompetence, I assume?

There were 100+ products on the FDA’s shortage list and specific comments about supply chain issues. Can those issues only be real if your direct competitor is also facing them? If you want to be mad, then just be mad. But, quit trying to pretend that everyone (except you, of course) is incompetent.

And, NNI just raised their annual forecast, so it looks like we’re doing amazingly well. More incompetence, I assume?

How many of those listed are single source, Branded drugs? I’ll wait for you to look that one up.

(spoiler alert: we have 2 on that very small list)

How many of those listed are single source, Branded drugs? I’ll wait for you to look that one up.

(spoiler alert: we have 2 on that very small list)

So, in other words, stating that “no other company….blah, blah, blah” is simply wrong. Thanks for clarifying!
And, must be pure incompetence driving that 44% GLP-1 growth and that 62% growth in obesity!

I think it’s fair to say there are supply chain issues for every company in every industry. Couple that with out of control inflation, and you see many companies who are having production/stocking issues. That doesn’t make them incompetent. The whole marketplace is a big fucking mess right now - people sill can’t get baby formula. Again, that’s not due to incompetence. Rather than assume that everyone who doesn’t meet your personal deadlines is stupid, why not quit acting stupid and recognize that there’s a lot of tough market challenges out there right now. NNI is not immune to that, no matter how much you want to make bonus this quarter.

the formula issues is because Abbott ignored warnings about their dirty plant and babies died. They had 50% market share and has to pull all their formula off the shelf. There was no shortage, this is complete manufacturing screw up. Had they cleaned their plant, there would be plenty of formula and babies may not have died. The issue with Ozempic is very different.

Haha you’re clearly someone responsible for this mess or a complete dummy. Novo has been a disaster over and over. This is embarrassing.

Yes… stupid decisions lead to stupid consequences. “We are working real hard” is the feckless cry from our leadership. Beta males & woke quota hires are the new NNI. Low bar of high expectations is Doug’s motto. Learn it Live it -Be average and you will get promoted.

Yes… stupid decisions lead to stupid consequences. “We are working real hard” is the feckless cry from our leadership. Beta males & woke quota hires are the new NNI. Low bar of high expectations is Doug’s motto. Learn it Live it -Be average and you will get promoted.

So, why are you still here? Too much of a pussy to go find another job?

So, why are you still here? Too much of a pussy to go find another job?
Our leadership, if that’s what you’d like to call it, dictates how things should be done. When they screw up and take no accountability for it then that sends a message. If they don’t care, why should I? If they aren’t willing to tell the truth or do the right thing then why should I?

And what does still being here have to do with being a pussy? You don’t have any harsh names for the ET or management while they continuously screw over patients and customers with their inept decisions? We have no product to sample or for patients to pick up in a pharmacy. It’s money for nothing. There’s nothing I can do to right this ship. At this point I have all the time in the world to look for something else while these idiots continue to pay me.

Our leadership, if that’s what you’d like to call it, dictates how things should be done. When they screw up and take no accountability for it then that sends a message. If they don’t care, why should I? If they aren’t willing to tell the truth or do the right thing then why should I?

And what does still being here have to do with being a pussy? You don’t have any harsh names for the ET or management while they continuously screw over patients and customers with their inept decisions? We have no product to sample or for patients to pick up in a pharmacy. It’s money for nothing. There’s nothing I can do to right this ship. At this point I have all the time in the world to look for something else while these idiots continue to pay me.

I didn’t see senior leadership on here crying about how terrible things are. And, i see you are apparently duplicating the behavior that you claim to hate so terribly much. That’s what makes you a pussy - you pretend to stand for something, but you actually don’t stand for anything. You just want to bitch and moan about everyone else while you act just like them. Just stfu and go hide somewhere.

I didn’t see senior leadership on here crying about how terrible things are. And, i see you are apparently duplicating the behavior that you claim to hate so terribly much. That’s what makes you a pussy - you pretend to stand for something, but you actually don’t stand for anything. You just want to bitch and moan about everyone else while you act just like them. Just stfu and go hide somewhere.
You’re an angry elf. So do you agree that novo’s behavior is terrible or am I terrible because I duplicate their bad behavior? Either way, it’s learned and accepted behavior by management and me. And while you are talking about “standing for something”, what does novo stand for? Not customers or patients or us because they lie to all of us on a daily basis. Now please stop threatening people on CF. We don’t live in China. This was created for people to post whatever they choose about their company. At least I am wasting my time venting as compared to you judging me and defending novo. To answer a previous post…how do you get promoted at novo? Just like the novo defender above. Stand up for the company at any cost. Keep your blinders on. Look like a fool while pretending everything is great. You sound like a manager of some kind (or wanna be) so all joking aside, please, stay at novo, climb the company ladder and don’t leave to taint another company with your stupidity.

You’re an angry elf. So do you agree that novo’s behavior is terrible or am I terrible because I duplicate their bad behavior? Either way, it’s learned and accepted behavior by management and me. And while you are talking about “standing for something”, what does novo stand for? Not customers or patients or us because they lie to all of us on a daily basis. Now please stop threatening people on CF. We don’t live in China. This was created for people to post whatever they choose about their company. At least I am wasting my time venting as compared to you judging me and defending novo. To answer a previous post…how do you get promoted at novo? Just like the novo defender above. Stand up for the company at any cost. Keep your blinders on. Look like a fool while pretending everything is great. You sound like a manager of some kind (or wanna be) so all joking aside, please, stay at novo, climb the company ladder and don’t leave to taint another company with your stupidity.

Ha! Ha! You’re such an idiot. You keep acting like the people you supposedly hate and then blame them for your choice to act that way. Fucking pathetic. How do you NOT a get promoted at Novo? - Be a spineless pussy who takes no accountability for any of your personal choices.

Ha! Ha! You’re such an idiot. You keep acting like the people you supposedly hate and then blame them for your choice to act that way. Fucking pathetic. How do you NOT a get promoted at Novo? - Be a spineless pussy who takes no accountability for any of your personal choices.
You must be from the South Pole. I was a different person before novo went to shit but you, however, you haven’t changed. That says a lot about you as a robot, I mean a person. Am I allowed to be upset with my company that I depend upon to feed and shelter my family when they can’t seem to make basic business decisions? Decisions that dictate the company’s future? Please stay at novo and enjoy your career. I’m out in January. And stop threatening people on CP loser.

You must be from the South Pole. I was a different person before novo went to shit but you, however, you haven’t changed. That says a lot about you as a robot, I mean a person. Am I allowed to be upset with my company that I depend upon to feed and shelter my family when they can’t seem to make basic business decisions? Decisions that dictate the company’s future? Please stay at novo and enjoy your career. I’m out in January. And stop threatening people on CP loser.

Let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that you have idea who I am, chump. And, all I did was point out your hypocrisy - what does that have to do with NNI? Oh, wait…you blame NNI for all your bad behaviors. I get it. I’m sure you’re just being a hypocrite because of all those other hypocrites in NNI that you hate so much, so you act exactly like them. Ha! Ha!

And, who was threatened? I think I missed that one. Or, are you one of those ‘microagression’ guys that believe any disagreement with your foolish opinion is somehow ‘threatening’ to you? Such a sad world you must live in, man. NNI isn’t your problem. You are your problem. Wherever you go in January, you’ll find yourself in the same situation in a few months. Grow up and take accountability for yourself, big guy.

Let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that you have idea who I am, chump. And, all I did was point out your hypocrisy - what does that have to do with NNI? Oh, wait…you blame NNI for all your bad behaviors. I get it. I’m sure you’re just being a hypocrite because of all those other hypocrites in NNI that you hate so much, so you act exactly like them. Ha! Ha!

And, who was threatened? I think I missed that one. Or, are you one of those ‘microagression’ guys that believe any disagreement with your foolish opinion is somehow ‘threatening’ to you? Such a sad world you must live in, man. NNI isn’t your problem. You are your problem. Wherever you go in January, you’ll find yourself in the same situation in a few months. Grow up and take accountability for yourself, big guy.
You’ve convinced me. Novo is a great place. Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect. I am the only one on CP that has an issue. It’s good to see someone like you defending novo on multiple CP threads week after week. Keep it up hero. You and you alone will save novo one post at a time on CP. Do you work in sales management, HR or PR? My new rose colored glasses should get me in the door for a promotion. Is psychology 101 a prerequisite for your job? You certainly use big fancy words in your endless defensive replies.

You’ve convinced me. Novo is a great place. Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect. I am the only one on CP that has an issue. It’s good to see someone like you defending novo on multiple CP threads week after week. Keep it up hero. You and you alone will save novo one post at a time on CP. Do you work in sales management, HR or PR? My new rose colored glasses should get me in the door for a promotion. Is psychology 101 a prerequisite for your job? You certainly use big fancy words in your endless defensive replies.

Ha! Who defended Novo, chump? My pointing out that you’re a hypocrite has nothing to do with NNI. I just pointed out that you act exactly like you say they do.

Nice job trying to shift the conversation, though. You’re pointed at as a hypocritical pussy, so you pretend that I must be some Novo plant. Nope - you’re just a hypocritical pussy. But, I see you never argued against that point, so I guess you know it already.

Ha! Who defended Novo, chump? My pointing out that you’re a hypocrite has nothing to do with NNI. I just pointed out that you act exactly like you say they do.

Nice job trying to shift the conversation, though. You’re pointed at as a hypocritical pussy, so you pretend that I must be some Novo plant. Nope - you’re just a hypocritical pussy. But, I see you never argued against that point, so I guess you know it already.
There is no shifting going on here. Why are you allowed to have an opinion on me but I am not allowed to have an opinion about novo? You waste no time throwing out every slur in the book at me yet when I complain about true facts that are occurring on a daily basis it’s not ok? This is all very interesting. Especially when you don’t realize that everything you have written is in defense of novo because of my comments. You don’t know me yet you have an opinion about me. The fact is I know novo because I’ve been here for 15 years but I’m not allowed to have an opinion. Let me know what you learn in psychology 102. I wonder if you’ll learn that I am not real pussy but I only identify as a pussy. No else on CP agrees with you but feel free to continue to express your feelings because it’s a (somewhat) free country.

There is no shifting going on here. Why are you allowed to have an opinion on me but I am not allowed to have an opinion about novo? You waste no time throwing out every slur in the book at me yet when I complain about true facts that are occurring on a daily basis it’s not ok? This is all very interesting. Especially when you don’t realize that everything you have written is in defense of novo because of my comments. You don’t know me yet you have an opinion about me. The fact is I know novo because I’ve been here for 15 years but I’m not allowed to have an opinion. Let me know what you learn in psychology 102. I wonder if you’ll learn that I am not real pussy but I only identify as a pussy. No else on CP agrees with you but feel free to continue to express your feelings because it’s a (somewhat) free country.

I think you don’t understand reading comprehension, chump. You’re welcome to whatever opinion of Novo you want. No one even said you were wrong. But, for some reason, you get offended when someone points out that you act exactly like the people you hate. I don’t know you, but I’ve heard enough out of you to know you’re a hypocrite and a crybaby pussy. That’s got nothing to do with Novo and everything to do with you. Comprende, chump? And, you definitely identify as a pussy. I can clear that one up for you now.

And, thanks for speaking for every other person on CP. I’m sure they were unable to formulate their thoughts without you as their mouthpiece.

I think you don’t understand reading comprehension, chump. You’re welcome to whatever opinion of Novo you want. No one even said you were wrong. But, for some reason, you get offended when someone points out that you act exactly like the people you hate. I don’t know you, but I’ve heard enough out of you to know you’re a hypocrite and a crybaby pussy. That’s got nothing to do with Novo and everything to do with you. Comprende, chump? And, you definitely identify as a pussy. I can clear that one up for you now.

And, thanks for speaking for every other person on CP. I’m sure they were unable to formulate their thoughts without you as their mouthpiece.
So if you aren’t defending novo, you must be protecting everyone here on CP from pussies and hypocrites? You aren’t the novo police, you are the novo CP police. You disagree with me and call me names. Why can’t I just have an opinion? Why are you that offended? Why do you care about what I post on CP. It’s strange. Quite frankly, it seems no matter what is posted here, you need to be right which is such an outstanding quality that will get you places at novo. I find it very odd that you have taken this thread as far as you have. Do me a favor, find a positive post about novo here on CP and forward it.