42% layoffs announced in NVS global innovative meds

Who the hell does Novartis think it is? Hiring people and a couple of months later putting them through an interview process as if they had never worked here or contributed to anything? How is this acceptable?

Novartis does not care about you, your situation, your family, or anyone else for that matter. All they care about is stock price and shareholders. And they do not care at who suffers along the way. This company is a very special kind of dysfunction. Management looks the other way.

Novartis does not care about you, your situation, your family, or anyone else for that matter. All they care about is stock price and shareholders. And they do not care at who suffers along the way. This company is a very special kind of dysfunction. Management looks the other way.
You are so, so right. This company does not care about anyone or anything other than stock price (which has not been moving in any positive direction for years - maybe the root cause is not the structure but leadership and pipeline).

Lol, let's not forget that the US sales force performance (or lack of it) has a big part to play in this whole saga ....whether you care or not!

You're a dick. There are at least 3 launches going on right now. One is actually going so well, NVS can't keep up with demand and has turned it into a debacle for the field. Leadership admits they have trouble with launches across all brands, not the reps fault. Management can't get out of their own way. No physician should have 15 different NVS people trying to access them. You took away dinner programs, you inundate us with meaningless calls, you shove dei woke talking points down our throat, make doing an expense report equivalent to tiny knives poking out eyes. It's insane.

You're a dick. There are at least 3 launches going on right now. One is actually going so well, NVS can't keep up with demand and has turned it into a debacle for the field. Leadership admits they have trouble with launches across all brands, not the reps fault. Management can't get out of their own way. No physician should have 15 different NVS people trying to access them. You took away dinner programs, you inundate us with meaningless calls, you shove dei woke talking points down our throat, make doing an expense report equivalent to tiny knives poking out eyes. It's insane.

Lack of leadership has driven Novartis into the ground.Once again they blame sales people for all the lack of accountability from above. The decision makers here should all be shown the door immediately. Unfortunately, 8000 plus employees are going to feel the brunt of piss poor leadership and non existent direction.

You're a dick. There are at least 3 launches going on right now. One is actually going so well, NVS can't keep up with demand and has turned it into a debacle for the field. Leadership admits they have trouble with launches across all brands, not the reps fault. Management can't get out of their own way. No physician should have 15 different NVS people trying to access them. You took away dinner programs, you inundate us with meaningless calls, you shove dei woke talking points down our throat, make doing an expense report equivalent to tiny knives poking out eyes. It's insane.

Lack of leadership has driven Novartis into the ground.Once again they blame sales people for all the lack of accountability from above. The decision makers here should all be shown the door immediately. Unfortunately, 8000 plus employees are going to feel the brunt of piss poor leadership and non existent direction.

Lack of leadership has driven Novartis into the ground.Once again they blame sales people for all the lack of accountability from above. The decision makers here should all be shown the door immediately. Unfortunately, 8000 plus employees are going to feel the brunt of piss poor leadership and non existent direction.

It’s going to be more than 8000. They upped the number to 1.5 billion from previous 1 billion number.

You're a dick. There are at least 3 launches going on right now. One is actually going so well, NVS can't keep up with demand and has turned it into a debacle for the field. Leadership admits they have trouble with launches across all brands, not the reps fault. Management can't get out of their own way. No physician should have 15 different NVS people trying to access them. You took away dinner programs, you inundate us with meaningless calls, you shove dei woke talking points down our throat, make doing an expense report equivalent to tiny knives poking out eyes. It's insane.
Poor entitled sales reps - boo hoo! If we had an effective, hard working sales force, layoffs would not occur. Sorry but no one has sympathy for you and your lazy kind.

Blaming the US sales force is comical. How bout the fact Novartis hasn't changed the structure of the US sales force in any meaningful way in decades. Same overall structure like it’s 1980. Oh but wait, can’t take Dr.s golfing or to dinners anymore and expands the US sales force during a pandemic. If they didn’t handcuff the US market by getting into constant CIA agreements, try to bribe the ex US Presidents lawyer for access, actually got insurance companies to cover their meds, then possibly you could blame US sales. This problem goes way above the lowly rep.

Blaming the US sales force is comical. How bout the fact Novartis hasn't changed the structure of the US sales force in any meaningful way in decades. Same overall structure like it’s 1980. Oh but wait, can’t take Dr.s golfing or to dinners anymore and expands the US sales force during a pandemic. If they didn’t handcuff the US market by getting into constant CIA agreements, try to bribe the ex US Presidents lawyer for access, actually got insurance companies to cover their meds, then possibly you could blame US sales. This problem goes way above the lowly rep.

"expands the US sales force during a pandemic"

This still feels like a fever-dream to me. It really happened. Remember how proud that ignorant asshole Duane was when he told the sales teams about it? It was so imbecilic that I don't really think anyone believed they would go through with it. Now they have to turn around and fire all of them. Congratulations guys, you should be proud of that one.