42% layoffs announced in NVS global innovative meds

If your over 50 years of age, I hope your retirement is sound. This industry wont be kind to those of us with 20 years exp. and elevated salaries looking to hope on elsewhere.

You are wrong. I know plenty of reps in their 50’s who know docs that you will never know. They had no problem finding a job.

think about how long useless people were getting paid this whole time. What does the size of this layoff tell you about the number of empty suits trolling the halls. Here's news... there's a ton in EH.

Can someone explain to me why people who have been successfully performing on the job, who are recognized as talented have to reapply for their job and go through an interview process. Why does Novartis believe it can be this arrogant especially when it has lost its shine.

We were just told in Immunology with Cosentyx no cuts expected. I feel pretty safe because its the biggest and most important product for the company. Cardio, Neuro won't be safe.

Guess what they told Cardio reps? The exact same thing. So far nobody I've interacted with was stupid enough to believe them.
But don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Neuro rep here: we were told minimal field disruption and ended up with 36% field force reduction. We had people who just won Presidents Club let go. NOBODY was safe. So CRM and Cosentyx are not safe. It’s just a matter of how deep the cut will be but all divisions are having cuts. All positions are having cuts….field, HQ, training, marketing, medical. They are calling it “right sizing” based on the feedback from ZS. Don’t be lulled into thinking you are safe.

Neuro rep here: we were told minimal field disruption and ended up with 36% field force reduction. We had people who just won Presidents Club let go. NOBODY was safe. So CRM and Cosentyx are not safe. It’s just a matter of how deep the cut will be but all divisions are having cuts. All positions are having cuts….field, HQ, training, marketing, medical. They are calling it “right sizing” based on the feedback from ZS. Don’t be lulled into thinking you are safe.

The big difference between neuro crm vs. immunology is that Cosentyx is a 5 billion a year product with a minimal sized sales force. Cosentyx does almost double in revenue and profit what our entire portfolio in neuro and cardio do in a year.

If I was in cardio I would worry- you guys have about 6x as many reps pulling in roughly 1/3 the revenue and even less profit.

Just in.. first feedback from the earliest cage matches. Yes Vas and his direct reports watch all of the cage matches. A couple of winners hid shives inside their loin clothes. Apparently all employees wear only a loin cloth with chest wrap for the cage matches. The job description is dropped into the cage, a bell rings, and anything goes - last one standing gets the job. Dont hesitate rip the fucking shit out of your opponent, eat their liver if necessary. Keep your job. Shaft your opponent.

Take a deep breath and put on a smile. Life is good and enjoy each day to the max.

Great take, you're absolutely right!

This will pass, and soon will be forgotten for its relative insignificance in the whole scheme of anyone's life. We'll all live, and go on here or somewhere else. The main thing is be happy, be healthy, and control what you can.