40% employees Will be layoff from IT, Finance and commercial

Whenever there is a morale issue it pays to look at what is motivating the employees to fight with each other. This is a great example of how poorly Management works. They save $ by cheating stealing from workers who in return will get back by either lowering quality, slowing down or looking the other way when competition shows up.

Good Management will work with employees so it is a win win situation. I think Abbott Managements sees workers are resources that can be exploited and then thrown away (Slave labor).

You WILL be doing the work of three people ! I know this first hand. In the group I work with we all were all hourly (get overtime over 40 hours). Then Management changed the name of some positions but they were the same job (most likely illegal as they were not management positions). So the folks who kept the old position name were still hourly and got 1 1/2 and the other folks got ripped off on overtime. Then they laid off a lot of folks and I was contacted as a reference so they could get jobs. IT was interesting that ALL these folks were over 50 yrs old and were hourly. NOW we are all salary and get screwed on Overtime so we lose 20 % of what we should be earning. It will take one employee to take legal action against Abbott to start a class action and we will all benefit. ALL of us are keeping personal records of out real house so when the the crap hits the fan we can recover the money that we were cheated out of.

Oh yes, since were are overworked it makes no sense in working with other departments to increase sales and productivity. So if any of us get wind of a competitor going after Abbott business we all look the other way. This way we end up working a real 40 hour week.

Caremark lost a class action lawsuit for the same issue. Salaried people were working 50-60 or so hour weeks and had had enough. Yes, they lost. Keep that in mind. In the end they made all the positions hourly but, from what i have heard, continue to push the people to produce the same amount in 40 hours that they used to do in 60 and are extremely aggressive. Even though they lost the lawsuit the same assholes appear to be running the place. Still, getting the job changed to hourly is the only way to go with management of this sort.

Whenever there is a morale issue it pays to look at what is motivating the employees to fight with each other. This is a great example of how poorly Management works. They save $ by cheating stealing from workers who in return will get back by either lowering quality, slowing down or looking the other way when competition shows up.

Good Management will work with employees so it is a win win situation. I think Abbott Managements sees workers are resources that can be exploited and then thrown away (Slave labor).

What, your surprised? Abbott is text book on every attribute associated with poor management practices. Always has been. Win win? Good grief... do you want warm milk with those cookies? You work for the absolute and indisputably worst company as far as how it manages employees. bar none. You knew it when you accepted the job ... or you were deaf dumb and blind.

If you take a look at all the companies on this forum and how many negative posts from many different employees you can see there is a big problem with this company. You see a "jab" back from management at the folks and all this does is provoke them to post more true stories about this place. I can vouch that most of the stories I have read are right on the mark. I am a current employee and not a laid off person with an ax to grind.

If management was good it would take a good look at itself.

If you take a look at all the companies on this forum and how many negative posts from many different employees you can see there is a big problem with this company. You see a "jab" back from management at the folks and all this does is provoke them to post more true stories about this place. I can vouch that most of the stories I have read are right on the mark. I am a current employee and not a laid off person with an ax to grind.

If management was good it would take a good look at itself.

Lying Wuss Boy

Sorry too late, another 100 gone. Got anything else to say???!!!???

Turn out the lights
The party's over
They say that
All good things must end
Call it tonight
The party's over
And tomorrow starts
The same old thing again
But the crazy crazy party
Never seen so many people
Laughing dancing
Look at you you're having fun
But look at me
I'm almost cryin'
That don't keep her love from dyin'
Misery cause for me the party's over
Turn out the lights...
Once I had a love undyin'
I didn't keep it but I tried
Life for me was just one party
And then another
I broke her heart so many times
I had to have my parting wife
I had to have my party
Why broke her heart so many times
But one day she said
Sweetheart the party's over
Turn out the lights...

Going through this exact thing at this moment here at Abbott. What a shame.
I wish we could outsource upper management. Then we would see real savings. Remember CEE EEE OH pay alone equals salaries for over 200 lower level workers. Imagine! I have a dream... C'mon shareholders, let's do it! Think of what we could accomplish with all that cashola.

I wish we could outsource upper management. Then we would see real savings. Remember CEE EEE OH pay alone equals salaries for over 200 lower level workers. Imagine! I have a dream... C'mon shareholders, let's do it! Think of what we could accomplish with all that cashola.

You were outsourced yourself, get over it and hit the bricks and start job hunting Your dream is a nightmare like you

I wish that I could say that the remaining folks are safe especially the over 50 yr old folks. These folks just want to do their job and make it to retirement. Unfortunately, Abbott is downsizing and giving current business to 3rd party companies. These companies have 1-5 year contracts with Abbott and have their own interests at heart and not Abbott Customers. I predict a loss of more customers due to the customers getting excellent service in the past by "real" Abbott employees.

It will be a game of musical chairs. My advice is to do the best you can do and hope your number does not come up. Reminds me of the lottery during the Vietnam Draft .

I wish that I could say that the remaining folks are safe especially the over 50 yr old folks. These folks just want to do their job and make it to retirement. Unfortunately, Abbott is downsizing and giving current business to 3rd party companies. These companies have 1-5 year contracts with Abbott and have their own interests at heart and not Abbott Customers. I predict a loss of more customers due to the customers getting excellent service in the past by "real" Abbott employees.

It will be a game of musical chairs. My advice is to do the best you can do and hope your number does not come up. Reminds me of the lottery during the Vietnam Draft .

The game has certainly changed for the over 50 crowd. Age discrimination has been beaten down so much that companies are more and more brazen about getting rid of the over 50 employee. Used to be because of salaries and benefits, and still is where those are grandfathered in. The over 50 bucket has the highest unemployment rate of all age groups.

For more and more over 50, if they can get rehired, there are no retirements bene's, and salaries are much lower. So even though the barrier of hiring older employees has been removed - higher salary and bend's - these people are still not getting hired. And when they do, their longevity it the lowest for any age group.

It seems that companies are hiring very experienced older employees, getting out what they know, and then letting them go. If you get let go over 50, you can expect, at best, to have a dozen short term, lower paying gigs, with periods of unemployment in-between, until you retire.

It is what it is, as they say.

I wish that I could say that the remaining folks are safe especially the over 50 yr old folks. These folks just want to do their job and make it to retirement. Unfortunately, Abbott is downsizing and giving current business to 3rd party companies. These companies have 1-5 year contracts with Abbott and have their own interests at heart and not Abbott Customers. I predict a loss of more customers due to the customers getting excellent service in the past by "real" Abbott employees.

It will be a game of musical chairs. My advice is to do the best you can do and hope your number does not come up. Reminds me of the lottery during the Vietnam Draft .

Iam sure you were never in "country" and evaded draft Via college or canada Which one tough guy ?

I wish that I could say that the remaining folks are safe especially the over 50 yr old folks. These folks just want to do their job and make it to retirement. Unfortunately, Abbott is downsizing and giving current business to 3rd party companies. These companies have 1-5 year contracts with Abbott and have their own interests at heart and not Abbott Customers. I predict a loss of more customers due to the customers getting excellent service in the past by "real" Abbott employees.

It will be a game of musical chairs. My advice is to do the best you can do and hope your number does not come up. Reminds me of the lottery during the Vietnam Draft .

BTW I assume from your statement that you were playing "musical chairs" back in the day
Running from selective service Sounds like a wuss of a move
you know who

I was implying that when your number comes up it comes up. I did not hide from the draft. I was lucky in the lottery that I was not selected.

A friend of mine was laid off from Abbott about 6 months ago. She told me that more and more companies are hiring contract positions with no benefits at less pay than she was getting. It appears the healthcare companies are nervous of Obama Care and what will happen.