40% employees Will be layoff from IT, Finance and commercial

If you look at management all they do is "yes sir to their boss" plus they complain about their Boss to lower employees. Basically they play both sides.

Just get rid of all Abbott management as they are overpaid and send the work to India and China. This way Abbott can be stronger and more profitable.

If you look at management all they do is "yes sir to their boss" plus they complain about their Boss to lower employees. Basically they play both sides.

Just get rid of all Abbott management as they are overpaid and send the work to India and China. This way Abbott can be stronger and more profitable.

Just keep only the management and let them do all the work.

GIS and other areas will be affected, i've heard more like 5-15% corporate GIS,along with some division IT, Pediatric downsizing, this company is not what it was years ago.... the superv's and manager's look out for themselves, think everything is OK, it is not.

Just keep only the management and let them do all the work.

Yes, I totally agree. This would be just punishment for being the a$$hole yes men they are. When upper management tells them cut people, what do they do, do they ever say "Hey, we need enough people to do all the crap busywork data entry metrics you want and also do their jobs." No, they nod their heads and smile, cutting anyone their masters tell them to cut, and then bully the ones left to do all the work with lower headcount. Have them actually do work instead of sitting around meetings nodding and snarfing down cookies and cupcakes. Let the lazy, cowardly supercilious a$$es do some work for a change.

Yes, I totally agree. This would be just punishment for being the a$$hole yes men they are. When upper management tells them cut people, what do they do, do they ever say "Hey, we need enough people to do all the crap busywork data entry metrics you want and also do their jobs." No, they nod their heads and smile, cutting anyone their masters tell them to cut, and then bully the ones left to do all the work with lower headcount. Have them actually do work instead of sitting around meetings nodding and snarfing down cookies and cupcakes. Let the lazy, cowardly supercilious a$$es do some work for a change.

Your recommendation will be taken under advisement, NOW BACK TO WORK MINION!

Your recommendation will be taken under advisement, NOW BACK TO WORK MINION!

Oh, thank you suh, thank you! I bob my head up and down like Dobbie and walk backwards in your presence. But , please suh, whilst I have your undivided attention, might'nt I have a crumb from your cupcake? A spot of water to drink?

Translation, you will now be doing the work of 3 people. Unfortunately, your pay check will remain the same.

These changes, and this power grab, have been of such magnitude and relentless progression that it seems somehow churlish, and hapless, to object now. The reality is not everyone will find it flattering that others have chosen to follow us, we are clearly dedicated to running the company into the ground. We are creating our own path.

These changes, and this power grab, have been of such magnitude and relentless progression that it seems somehow churlish, and hapless, to object now. The reality is not everyone will find it flattering that others have chosen to follow us, we are clearly dedicated to running the company into the ground. We are creating our own path.

Churlish I will be. And of course the following diatribe is merely my humble opinion:
The Company appears to be completely overtaken by politicians with no substance. In the 2 years I wasted at that joint it was a miracle if I ever got a straight answer from anyone about anything. It was so exhausting playing Emperors New Clothes, day after day. I still want to shout my disgust on the rooftops. I suppose I could kick myself for going to a company which was supposedly the top of the line (must have been all the PR they do that swayed me)and find it was a house of smoke and mirrors, full of clowns with crowns and degrees from tenth rates schools,yes, a freak show replete with two-faced middle aged men and women, whose eyes roved and winked as they bobbed their heads; droves of brain dead cretins, and a handful of martyrs who actually got real work done. Why they stayed is beyond me. I imagine they were so browbeaten they didn't think they would ever find another place. It just seemed so pathetic. A horrible place. Get out, I say. Get out! It will kill your spirit, your drive, your brain cells. It is a horrid workaday environment of people who like to spend their time filling in blanks on databases, and yell while wielding bats. There is nothing creative about anything done there. It is all done in the environment of an army batallion. Someone gives orders, whatever it is, a complete waste of time, or not, you do it. GOD, I JUST COULDN'T BREATHE.
YAY. I am out. Free.

You WILL be doing the work of three people ! I know this first hand. In the group I work with we all were all hourly (get overtime over 40 hours). Then Management changed the name of some positions but they were the same job (most likely illegal as they were not management positions). So the folks who kept the old position name were still hourly and got 1 1/2 and the other folks got ripped off on overtime. Then they laid off a lot of folks and I was contacted as a reference so they could get jobs. IT was interesting that ALL these folks were over 50 yrs old and were hourly. NOW we are all salary and get screwed on Overtime so we lose 20 % of what we should be earning. It will take one employee to take legal action against Abbott to start a class action and we will all benefit. ALL of us are keeping personal records of out real house so when the the crap hits the fan we can recover the money that we were cheated out of.

Oh yes, since were are overworked it makes no sense in working with other departments to increase sales and productivity. So if any of us get wind of a competitor going after Abbott business we all look the other way. This way we end up working a real 40 hour week.

You WILL be doing the work of three people ! I know this first hand. In the group I work with we all were all hourly (get overtime over 40 hours). Then Management changed the name of some positions but they were the same job (most likely illegal as they were not management positions). So the folks who kept the old position name were still hourly and got 1 1/2 and the other folks got ripped off on overtime. Then they laid off a lot of folks and I was contacted as a reference so they could get jobs. IT was interesting that ALL these folks were over 50 yrs old and were hourly. NOW we are all salary and get screwed on Overtime so we lose 20 % of what we should be earning. It will take one employee to take legal action against Abbott to start a class action and we will all benefit. ALL of us are keeping personal records of out real house so when the the crap hits the fan we can recover the money that we were cheated out of.

Oh yes, since were are overworked it makes no sense in working with other departments to increase sales and productivity. So if any of us get wind of a competitor going after Abbott business we all look the other way. This way we end up working a real 40 hour week.

No one cares ... go tell your mother.