Q6? There are four quarters in a whole. Where was Q6? Why did you use Urban Dictionary vs. common core math to write your post?
Since all that is written is fact here is one for you:
Despite the fact that IV acetaminophen has a more predictable pharmacokinetic profile, a single dose of rectal acetaminophen has a longer analgesic effect when compared to the IV dosage form possibly due to a longer period of the effect-site concentration maintained for the rectal than the IV route. (Capici F, Ingelmo PM, Davidson A, Sacchi CA, Milan B, Sperti LR, et al. Randomized controlled trial of duration of analgesia following intravenous or rectal acetaminophen after adenotonsillectomy in children. Br J Anaesth 2008;100(2):251-5)
Even though IV acetaminophen has a faster onset of action, the overall exposure of IV acetaminophen is similar to the overall exposure of acetaminophen when administered via the oral route. (Cleveland Clinic) (By the way look at something besides PK that they sold you on, this is a fact)
Most recommendations: Given the high drug cost and inconsistent benefit, IV acetaminophen should be reserved for patients who cannot take acetaminophen via oral or rectal routes and patients who cannot tolerate the other IV non-opioid analgesics.