2 day field rides.. absolutely ridiculous

The only reason you want field rides is because your wife hates you. The second you leave her personal trainer is over. She wants a young stud. Not some out of shape clown that eats Subway for every meal.
Again you are unprepared and assume things which makes you look like a fool in work and in life. Apparently this talent comes very naturally to you. You are a mindless ass clown and your roar is loud. Apparently you learned nothing from the recent presidential election.

I agree 100%. The ABL job is really not needed anymore. They don't coach us that a complete joke. They just want field rides to check a box. ABL's should have 10-12 reps since they are dead weight anyway.
In order to be the “coach” one has to have superior skills. My manager has inferior skills and irritates reps and everyone in the offices.

Reps like you don‘t even have position statements for your details. That’s a problem hence more field rides needed.
Announce to the world that you have no idea how account-based selling is supposed to work w/o actually announcing it.
Position statement. Jesus Christ.
You must have been hell on wheels when you were selling eye drops back in 1986.

Announce to the world that you have no idea how account-based selling is supposed to work w/o actually announcing it.
Position statement. Jesus Christ.
You must have been hell on wheels when you were selling eye drops back in 1986.
This is very sad. Truth be told for every loser rep like you, there is a loser mgr who hired you. Whoever the coach was who hired you should be fired right along with you. Bad is bad.

This is very sad. Truth be told for every loser rep like you, there is a loser mgr who hired you. Whoever the coach was who hired you should be fired right along with you. Bad is bad.
Make sure you wear your plastic pants and bring your clipboard and whistle on your next field contact, asshole.
And position statements. Make sure you have those.
Leqvio will certainly the corner and live up to its potential once the position statements make an appearance.

Announce to the world that you have no idea how account-based selling is supposed to work w/o actually announcing it.
Position statement. Jesus Christ.
You must have been hell on wheels when you were selling eye drops back in 1986.
Our education system is broken. These corporations are toxic. My teachers aren't alive. You can still read their words though. That is sad to say.

previous poster said it. If want managers in the field every day make them the rep. Why would Novartis think offices want multiple people in their way every day. It’s bad enough with all the coworkers, adars, iss etc that go into offices with the reps. It’s a clown car showing up every day.

Make sure you wear your plastic pants and bring your clipboard and whistle on your next field contact, asshole.
And position statements. Make sure you have those.
Leqvio will certainly the corner and live up to its potential once the position statements make an appearance.
dummy way too easy to troll. Good luck being you. That struggle sounds real.

I don't care what your position is, nor do I care about a sale. My position is in support of capitalism. For capitalism to work, companies like B+L can't be propped up or allowed to survive. Also, companies like Novo and Lilly can't take advantage of Americans. Lastly, the false data and government support of companies like Pfizer need to be addressed. Otherwise, learn to speak Chinese.

previous poster said it. If want managers in the field every day make them the rep. Why would Novartis think offices want multiple people in their way every day. It’s bad enough with all the coworkers, adars, iss etc that go into offices with the reps. It’s a clown car showing up every day.
Yes, exactly. I’m able to blend in and establish a purpose in my offices, but my manager wants to be the loud center of attention and it’s so embarrassing.

Yes, exactly. I’m able to blend in and establish a purpose in my offices, but my manager wants to be the loud center of attention and it’s so embarrassing.
I can blend in and find my purpose in the office, but my manager wants to be the center of attention, which is embarrassing. He is naturally quiet, but this environment seems to bring out the worst in him.

No position statement, no sale. It’s that simple, winging it and “rapport” doesn’t get it done.
Leqvio has been on the market three years and you haven't learned a thing. You are undoubtedly senior management material.
If you only had a clue as to what the successful reps were doing when you weren't around.

Leqvio has been on the market three years and you haven't learned a thing. You are undoubtedly senior management material.
If you only had a clue as to what the successful reps were doing when you weren't around.
Next time you try to rub it in someone's face that you hired a woman, ensure she isn't a dei hire. Hopefully, for your sake, your next dei hire can make it more than a year or two without leaving a senior leadership role.