Culture at Eli Lilly

Eli Lilly and their culture of Integrity.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

The same boy good thing about working at Lilly is that pipeline & job security for the next 5-7 years. Then we will face layoffs from all of the expansions

PC3 should worried soon though

Otherwise the culture sucks, promotions & awards are laughable with they’d last minute changing criteria, commission isn’t worth rolling out of bed for & the managers here reps for 2 years and then promoted to DM lol

Reps leave here in droves every year & yet the company just can’t figure out why

Wait until you see what reps you get when the current product launches eventually max out

Fucking miserable as hell place to work. “Culture?” They will drive you into the ground to get that last bit of work out of you. You and your family will suffer. The organization’s culture is bad enough but if you’re unlucky enough to have poor management it is unbearable. I’ll be out of here as soon as I can possibly make it happen.

The culture is awful. Cannot stand it here. Promotions are an absolute joke. Have fun never getting promoted unless you are on their agenda (I'll let you figure that one out). Most woke company on Earth, but maybe that's a good thing if you are about that. Reps stabbing each other in the back. Never trust anyone at this company, ever. The pay is also an absolute joke. I am out of here the first chance I get. I am currently applying to other companies. I have been here close to 10 years and ive had enough.

If you are new to this thread I am going to copy and paste previous responses that I agree with:

If you are a white straight male, you will never advance and will only be hired if you are a millennial and look or talk gay or are female. If this is not you, you don’t have a chance.

Only women and African Americans get promoted.

And dont forget that you can works your ass off, be a top performer, be on every project imaginable and you still get paid the exact same amount as the rep in your district that doesn’t work, can’t sell, doesn’t participate in any project or district call for that matter and averages 7 calls a day lol.

You’ll be fine if you’re a hard worker, honest, female, <30yrs..good chance at advancement
You’ll be terrific if you’re a hard worker, honest, female, <30yrs, and a minority…. Excellent chance at advancement
Don’t believe me, take a look at the leadership org charts.

There were Areas where only females won awards & received promotions. No white males at all. Much less a middle aged white male.

The culture is awful. Cannot stand it here. Promotions are an absolute joke. Have fun never getting promoted unless you are on their agenda (I'll let you figure that one out). Most woke company on Earth, but maybe that's a good thing if you are about that. Reps stabbing each other in the back. Never trust anyone at this company, ever. The pay is also an absolute joke. I am out of here the first chance I get. I am currently applying to other companies. I have been here close to 10 years and ive had enough.

7 years here and looking to leave. It’s unbearable.


Wow. Not an encouraging thread. What happened to this company?

maybe activist investors or the ceo trying to impress his woke kids... in lrl its the same. no matter what, experienced white males who actually act like men will not get promoted and are jumping ship. i am getting contacted by competitors now and the offers are getting to a point the lilly wages and lilly award stock grants cannot overcome even the base wages these companies are offering. i figure 4 more months and i will be somewhere else, but i really want the exit package so my preference is reallocation and double dip.

Eli Lilly and their culture of Integrity.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

Diversity of thought is what is propels research and discovery.

So now I suppose we want LGBTQBLMT lol... superficial skin color or sexual preferences mean very little - it is the THOUGHT that counts. Good luck Lilly - I love you but you lost your way