Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!


Hey Welch-hows the kool-aid tasting? You all hear the message last week? We are a green light on courage and candor!
Are you f@#$Ing kidding me? Fire all the so called "change agents." All their doing is tellling you what you want to hear. I gave specific examples of how it is not safe to speak up around here and also so fairly significant retarded coaching by my manager. What a joke this company has become. Change agents. Its changed all right. Only not in a good way. Keep your head buried in the sand and all will be good! We are making progress!

This whole company is pathetic. A ceo who is supposed to be running the company-but not into the ground-all the while he is heading the Penn St. disaster. I know I work for merck. But would it be ok if I took another job at the same time? Well then, why is it ok for you? then we get the Jackie Nelsons of the world who gives us completely different messages from Brian Shortsight. I mean longstreet. Then we get kool-aid to drink from dco's like welch. Then, we get ctls, well, like we have here in the west. The field force is do demotivated and you not only dont even know it, you wouldnt have a clue of how to correct it. Oh, wait! I know what we can do! Lets talk about it on another tc on late friday afternoons! That will do it!
Strong work-all of you.

i agree-too much kool aid. Ive had experiences with the change agents over the past few years. All of them are nothing but a bunch of brown nosers. they work less than we do as well because they are always on these useless t/c's. im also in agreement with how sad this company has become. the change agents in the west suck ass-every single one of them. company kool-aid is just like the kool aid Jim jones gave out-its tasteless but in the end it will kill you. yeah

Hey Welch-hows the kool-aid tasting? You all hear the message last week? We are a green light on courage and candor!
Are you f@#$Ing kidding me? Fire all the so called "change agents." All their doing is tellling you what you want to hear. I gave specific examples of how it is not safe to speak up around here and also so fairly significant retarded coaching by my manager. What a joke this company has become. Change agents. Its changed all right. Only not in a good way. Keep your head buried in the sand and all will be good! We are making progress!

This whole company is pathetic. A ceo who is supposed to be running the company-but not into the ground-all the while he is heading the Penn St. disaster. I know I work for merck. But would it be ok if I took another job at the same time? Well then, why is it ok for you? then we get the Jackie Nelsons of the world who gives us completely different messages from Brian Shortsight. I mean longstreet. Then we get kool-aid to drink from dco's like welch. Then, we get ctls, well, like we have here in the west. The field force is do demotivated and you not only dont even know it, you wouldnt have a clue of how to correct it. Oh, wait! I know what we can do! Lets talk about it on another tc on late friday afternoons! That will do it!
Strong work-all of you.

Well put. Change agents are walking yes-men ass-kissers. They induce vomiting as soon as they open their ass-kissing mouths.

He made his career in so cal as a rep that never worked and got a few guys that fell to the fluff stuff. Now we get nothing for leadership around here except for company kool aid and make believe. He would do even better at a place like Disneyland where its all make believe

I was a little surprised that he got this job. He is not very good. Not motivating. Kool-aid? Well, yeah, probably. Then again, you have to be like that to get anywhere around here. Id be careful what you say around him. Trust none if this "candor and courage is safe" crap. He will do anything to get ahead. You should see the show he puts on when his boss is in the room. Hilarious to watch. Hes always looking over there to make sure he is saying all the right things and drinking the kool aid flavor of the month. TRUST NOBODY-ESPECIALLY MANAGER TYPES

Dont even waste your time. I come in here every once in a while when I need to get a laugh. It never disappoints. But at the same time you should know that nothing of substance EVER happens because of a cp post. You can complain all you want but nobody in the upper ranks spends time here. If they did, maybe someone would recognize what a slop this company has turned out to be. Too bad. Used to be great. Just go do your job, give them what they want, zipper your mouth, and try not to let the company ruin your life. Mostly malcontents on here anyway. Its poison in here. Stay away

Jim Welch: The Book Club Manager
He like to assign his CTL's books to read in addition to their normal activities-like thats going to help. Complete joke this guy is. You want to know why we're where we are? Look no further.

Dont even waste your time. I come in here every once in a while when I need to get a laugh. It never disappoints. But at the same time you should know that nothing of substance EVER happens because of a cp post. You can complain all you want but nobody in the upper ranks spends time here. If they did, maybe someone would recognize what a slop this company has turned out to be. Too bad. Used to be great. Just go do your job, give them what they want, zipper your mouth, and try not to let the company ruin your life. Mostly malcontents on here anyway. Its poison in here. Stay away

If you need a good laugh drop your pants:)

Safe to speak up? Definitely not. I spoke up about a documented issue that is an outrageous legal liability for our company and almost got forced out over it. Say nothing- the gestapo will come after you like no tomorrow if you do.

Did you all see that one? This guy takes the cultural survey, takes all the good points out of it-which were not many, and then tosses all the rest of it that he didnt like. I actually thought he wasnt too bad until I saw him in action this past go around. Pretty embarrassing. Another leader who doesnt know anything about being a leader. And with guys like hoskinstrevor working for him what can we all expect? Now that one was truly embarrassing. We feel bad for you reno reps

I thought he was onto how bad the meeting was until I heard his kool-aid mvx he sent out to everyone. If he actually buys into it he dumber than I originally thought. Trust nobody.


you mountain west reps need to support the exec team or get out. jim is a great manager. you all are known. merck is a great company and your jobs are easy. most of you could not sell your way out of a paper bag. back in the day we sold great drugs and made a difference. you all got what you deserved in differentiation. i win!


you mountain west reps need to support the exec team or get out. jim is a great manager. you all are known. merck is a great company and your jobs are easy. most of you could not sell your way out of a paper bag. back in the day we sold great drugs and made a difference. you all got what you deserved in differentiation. i win!

No, we don't have to support this particular exec team-with few exceptions you all suck ass. We dont know if Jim is a good manager-we will need more time on that one. We are not all known-pompous arrogance. Merck is no longer a great company. No, my job is not easy-yours is though. With no influence on customers, a non-revenue position and too few reps, we will see how long your job is seen as valuable jerkoff. Your day is coming! And soon! And I used to be able to sell until the lawyers took over. Now nobody can sell.

You win huh? Typical ctl in the west. You should have seen this group in action at the 1S meeting. Incompetence was on full display for all to see. You all act like your a bunch of veterans but your actions and performance makes you no better than rookies. You're the talk of the town when we all get together. How pathetic you all are. You want to know whats wrong with this company? Look no further than the examples of ctls in the west. I have one word for those who have this "I win" attitude. KARMA

Im not that worried about him. Im worried about the "exec" team he has surrounding him. Theres always an agenda with each one of them. And, they also hold grudges. Yeah!