Why you hate Testim, chumps.

Two words: United Healthcare

One word for you Solvay prick. Unemployed!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. maybe you can be a trainer and give lessons on how to steal vouchers, lie about coverage and beg for scripts so you don't get laid off. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

One word for you Solvay prick. Unemployed!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. maybe you can be a trainer and give lessons on how to steal vouchers, lie about coverage and beg for scripts so you don't get laid off. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Let us know when you turn a proffit, I wont be holding my breath.

When AndroGel was launched it met an unmet need. After ONE YEAR on the market AndroGel had 20% MS. Compare that to your 5-10%. Testim is a me-too, the majority of physicians see it as that and your company is struggling trying to meet the needs of customers with a half-hearted effort with your tiny sales force. Don't be proud of this MS you have--it is ONLY because of samples. BTW we will start sampling soon. Word on the street is Q3 2004-enjoy your tiny bonus for one more quarter.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most of the highest-writing docs for Testim in my territory don't store samples. Don't forget that Testim is a superior gel, so that's why they're writing it. Also keep in mind that just because Androgel was 1st in class doesn't make it the BEST in class. Our sales force is smaller than yours (about 1/4 the size), but if you look at the weekly numbers, we're twice as effective PER REP, and more motivated that you folks could ever be. Testim is our first product; we have great things in store for the near and long-term.

You've out-chumped me again, Solvay.


Great things in store for the near and long term? Cool! Do you think you could talk to someone and make sure they leave the stink out of your exciting new products?

Look. We sell pharmaceuticals. It's our job to nit-pick at our competitors to doctors. I have to be honest (because I'm leaving Solvay). Testim doesn't smell bad. I've smelled the little placebo tube you guys hand out and put some on my skin. Have you ever smelled deodorant?

What about Sticky??? Come'on. It's hydroalc just like Androgel. Unless you live in South America, it will dry on the skin fairly quickly if you give it a good rub. I've smelled colognes that were far worse. We just harp on it because it's the only thing we have to protect our lead. I was guilty of taking the two PI's and comparing them (at my stupid ass manager's request). I was called on it from an INFORMED doctor who had memorized what the Testim rep told him about the ages and baseline levels of the patients in our PI. Hats off to my competitor for gaining at least one doctor's respect.

The truth is, Androgel and Testim are both good and both have their respective place in the market, just like Viagra and Cialis. I truly believe that we Androgel reps handed you the 5-10% share because we talked about you constantly. Trust me, it wasn't because you all were such fabulous reps. Most of you probably STINK! Pun intended.

This isn't how pharmaceuticals used to be. We never used to give our competitor airtime in front of a doctor. But, the industry has changed and it's no place for a smart RN. That's one of many reasons that I'm no longer interested in selling pharmaceuticals.

Good luck to all of you and as my dumb, non-clinical, uneducated manager would say, "good selling".

[/ QUOTE ]First of all, the placebo Testim has no ODOR. It is the real thing that stinks. You SUCK. Goodbye!

You are totally wrong on that one. Neither the real Testim product nor the placebo have a detectable odor when you just smell the stuff in the tube - it is when it is on the skin that it starts to STINK! It is the vehicle that is in Testim that stinks not the testosterone you idiot. Otherwise Androgel would stink too and it doesn't.

Let us know when you turn a proffit, I wont be holding my breath.

Are you really that fucking clueless to post that response? Our companies are at two different ends of the spectrum. We are an emerging biotech and you are a declining pharma company. You earnings (yes you are profitable) are declining as is your investment in your infrastructure. You are basically in a death spiral. We are losing money when you factor in what we spend on developing our new drugs. We are profitable if you factor that development out and look at just the Testim franchise, but that does not matter because investors see the "future potential" of our pipeline. When they look at your future it really is pretty bleak. You will soon find Solgay on the board titled "Lost Civilizations". Bye bye.

Are you really that fucking clueless to post that response? Our companies are at two different ends of the spectrum. We are an emerging biotech and you are a declining pharma company. You earnings (yes you are profitable) are declining as is your investment in your infrastructure. You are basically in a death spiral. We are losing money when you factor in what we spend on developing our new drugs. We are profitable if you factor that development out and look at just the Testim franchise, but that does not matter because investors see the "future potential" of our pipeline. When they look at your future it really is pretty bleak. You will soon find Solgay on the board titled "Lost Civilizations". Bye bye.

Are you really that fucking clueless to post that response?... Solvay's earnings are up, thanks. That's why we are being offered up for sale. If it weren't for Solvay and the market we've created Auxillum wouldn't be worth a pimple on a rats ass. Who would buy a company with a stinky gel and an unapproved injection for "curved-penis."

Yes I understand that present value = future cash flows discounted to the present, that's why my statement wasn't comparative. Just pointing out that your pointless leach of a company doesn't own jack, and has never made a dime that isn't already spoken for by debtors.

Are you really that fucking clueless to post that response?... Solvay's earnings are up, thanks. That's why we are being offered up for sale. If it weren't for Solvay and the market we've created Auxillum wouldn't be worth a pimple on a rats ass. Who would buy a company with a stinky gel and an unapproved injection for "curved-penis."

Yes I understand that present value = future cash flows discounted to the present, that's why my statement wasn't comparative. Just pointing out that your pointless leach of a company doesn't own jack, and has never made a dime that isn't already spoken for by debtors.

Your are bitter, but i understand why! At any rate, good luck in your job search and thanks for creating a market for our shitty product. I will remember that when I am working this summer and you are interviewing. With your obvious grasp of the finacial markets maybe you should try being a broker.

You are totally wrong on that one. Neither the real Testim product nor the placebo have a detectable odor when you just smell the stuff in the tube - it is when it is on the skin that it starts to STINK! It is the vehicle that is in Testim that stinks not the testosterone you idiot. Otherwise Androgel would stink too and it doesn't.

how do you get the smell off of you

For the life of me I cannot understand how anybody could stand the smell of Testim. It's u-n-b-e-a-r-a-b-l-e!!! Why did they add that smell to the product? What were they thinking? It would be a great product otherwise, but the way is is right now it's absolutely unusable for anyone who is in the least concerned about personal hygiene and strong odors.

I just started on Testim today, and the odor is, er, really something. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep using it.

Apparently, the odor comes from decapentalactone, an adjuvant unique to Testim (it's not in AndroGel). This "inactive ingredient" is responsible for the improved absorption of testosterone with Testim relative to AndroGel.

I think I'd just prefer using more AndroGel!

I just started on Testim today, and the odor is, er, really something. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep using it.

Apparently, the odor comes from decapentalactone, an adjuvant unique to Testim (it's not in AndroGel). This "inactive ingredient" is responsible for the improved absorption of testosterone with Testim relative to AndroGel.

I think I'd just prefer using more AndroGel!

gee Mr Patient, thanks for wandering on this board. What a fucking asshole. You Solgay fuckers have tried everything to stop Testim, even going as far as an NDC block instead of competing straight up. I would be embarrassed If over 700 people vs 150 and better formulary coverage didn't stop Testims growth, but alas it didn't. Even funnier is you assholes talking shit while your comapny is literally being sold out from under you. I'll take my smelly little gel and be glad to have it while you are begging for a job. But dont worry Pres Obama is going to extend unemployment benefits. Good luck jerkoffs.

gee Mr Patient, thanks for wandering on this board. What a fucking asshole. You Solgay fuckers have tried everything to stop Testim, even going as far as an NDC block instead of competing straight up. I would be embarrassed If over 700 people vs 150 and better formulary coverage didn't stop Testims growth, but alas it didn't. Even funnier is you assholes talking shit while your comapny is literally being sold out from under you. I'll take my smelly little gel and be glad to have it while you are begging for a job. But dont worry Pres Obama is going to extend unemployment benefits. Good luck jerkoffs.

Right on!!!

I started using Testim last month. I was surprised my companys medical plan had it on the formulary. Most of our familys medicinal needs are not on the formularys. It also winds up being free the first year with their rebate program! I didn't have a libido problem, just low testosterone. Now I want to make love to anything with a hole in it. I also had a penile implant in Dec 09 that is super.
This thread is really viscious sometimes. Maybe it needs a users point of view once in a while.

I forgot to mention that I have had three woman mention that they liked my cologne! Don't wear cologne,; it's just the Testim! My urologist warned me and I laughed. Not anymore.

A "comsumer" wouldn't be on these boards unless they are in the industry... move along Auxilium rep. BTW: nice try at using odd wording to cover yourself... a patient still wouldn't use that language.

Dear Psychic:
Sorry, I am a "consumer". I am not in the industry. I work in robotics at Boeing. If you'd like, I can fax you the label on my perscription! From some of the posts I've read on "your" site, some of you salesreps appear to be ex car salesmen. This site has given me some very interesting insight into your industry.
Exactly which "odd" wording confuses you. Instructions for assembly of consumer products are written for eighth-grade comprehension level. Is that your problem? The only thing that needs correcting in my previous posts, is my surgery was Dec 08.
Have a nice day.

Dear Psychic:
Sorry, I am a "consumer". I am not in the industry. I work in robotics at Boeing. If you'd like, I can fax you the label on my perscription! From some of the posts I've read on "your" site, some of you salesreps appear to be ex car salesmen. This site has given me some very interesting insight into your industry.
Exactly which "odd" wording confuses you. Instructions for assembly of consumer products are written for eighth-grade comprehension level. Is that your problem? The only thing that needs correcting in my previous posts, is my surgery was Dec 08.
Have a nice day.

how is your artificial cock doing there Brad?

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