Don't be proud of this MS you have--it is ONLY because of samples. BTW we will start sampling soon. Word on the street is Q3 2004-enjoy your tiny bonus for one more quarter.
[/ QUOTE ]
omfg, your mgt knows sampling androgel won't stop your loss in market share. it's a bullshit rationalization. adding useless features like sampling or a pump will cost a lot and not generate justifiable gains in revenue for a waning drug. samples and the pump are access-building tools that you really don't need after 3 years in this market.
my sold testim prescribers have also reduced their sample requests while their prescriptions have increased. these prescribers understand the benefits of testim beyond the feature of samples. they focus on the bottom line: testim is a better gel and costs patients less money.
you're spouting brainwashed diversion tactics when your losses are compounding daily. 5% market share loss is well beyond being an underestimate, it's a lie. examine why you're being told that particular lie by your management.
our effectiveness per rep was inaccurate in the above post. we only have 15% of your current androgel sales force instead of 1/4. remember that androgel's YR1 20% was gained from a launch with a huge contract sales force before trimming the sails back to the current maintenance force.
set aside all your venom for a minute and try not to get too freaked out by these developments. losing ground isn't preventable and it's not shameful to lose scripts to a newer, enhanced drug preferred by a changing market. androgel's a great drug that you can be proud to have sold.