Why you hate Testim, chumps.

Don't be proud of this MS you have--it is ONLY because of samples. BTW we will start sampling soon. Word on the street is Q3 2004-enjoy your tiny bonus for one more quarter.

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omfg, your mgt knows sampling androgel won't stop your loss in market share. it's a bullshit rationalization. adding useless features like sampling or a pump will cost a lot and not generate justifiable gains in revenue for a waning drug. samples and the pump are access-building tools that you really don't need after 3 years in this market.

my sold testim prescribers have also reduced their sample requests while their prescriptions have increased. these prescribers understand the benefits of testim beyond the feature of samples. they focus on the bottom line: testim is a better gel and costs patients less money.

you're spouting brainwashed diversion tactics when your losses are compounding daily. 5% market share loss is well beyond being an underestimate, it's a lie. examine why you're being told that particular lie by your management.

our effectiveness per rep was inaccurate in the above post. we only have 15% of your current androgel sales force instead of 1/4. remember that androgel's YR1 20% was gained from a launch with a huge contract sales force before trimming the sails back to the current maintenance force.

set aside all your venom for a minute and try not to get too freaked out by these developments. losing ground isn't preventable and it's not shameful to lose scripts to a newer, enhanced drug preferred by a changing market. androgel's a great drug that you can be proud to have sold.

You guys are fucking joking, right? Get the fuck out of here--you are 2nd place! You have been 2nd place for a year! You have 2 Drs in your territory that are SOLD on Testim! You are a fucking liar regarding great things for the future from your company--you will be bought out by big pharma because you are small, cheap and have one tiny product. Your world will change this year, wait and see. AndroGel remains the gold standard and we have the market--any changes we do only enhances are position. You should worry about being bought out-not prowling the Solvay site on cafepharma--move along stinky gel rep.

What’s new with Solvay? How's the formulary situation for AndroGel in your region, lunch delivery-boy? Seen Auxilium’s news lately? I've looked at your site and got zero info. Q: Why are you told to push up-titration while we're pushing down-titration? A: This is the last push at the end of your drug's life. Your arrogance is being built up by management lies and used to keep up rep morale, bleed unbroken AndroGel docs, & push revenues to the bitter end. You're less than chumps, you're lemmings. Follow the [market] leader!!!


You guys are fucking joking, right? Get the fuck out of here--you are 2nd place! You have been 2nd place for a year! You have 2 Drs in your territory that are SOLD on Testim! You are a fucking liar regarding great things for the future from your company--you will be bought out by big pharma because you are small, cheap and have one tiny product. Your world will change this year, wait and see. AndroGel remains the gold standard and we have the market--any changes we do only enhances are position. You should worry about being bought out-not prowling the Solvay site on cafepharma--move along stinky gel rep.

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Why would big pharma buy out a company that has one product with 5% MS? Just curious.

It might happen if Testim had any decent numbers. I checked Early View data last week and I had over 30 new Rxs-Testim had 2. I feel that Testim will be really screwed when Fortigel is launched. We will take a hit, but Testim could be destroyed. The market can't contain 3 gels, especially one gel that comes in 1 dose and has other drawbacks (smell, residue).

It might happen if Testim had any decent numbers. I checked Early View data last week and I had over 30 new Rxs-Testim had 2. I feel that Testim will be really screwed when Fortigel is launched. We will take a hit, but Testim could be destroyed. The market can't contain 3 gels, especially one gel that comes in 1 dose and has other drawbacks (smell, residue).

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Forget Fortigel. Won't make it. As far as drawbacks, how about these for Androgel: high cost, piss poor formulary coverage, and a high need to titrate?


What Kool-Aid are you drinking? Androgel has the same or BETTER coverage than your shit product? Need to titrate? 87% of pts start and stay on the 5g dose. Your fucking PI states 74% when "titrated appropriately." Who is the chump--idiot. Is this your first pharma job? I bet your too dumb to figure out you work for a shit stain size company with one STINKING product!

youre wrong. "87%" of my docs tell me that their average dose of androgel is 7.5g not 5g. the other 13% are your paid speakers. your ancient pi numbers dont reflect the reality of clinical practice. doctors know that.

we have the same data you have. look at it and do some math. your average prescription has close to two units. most units are 5g but some are 2.5g. the average testim prescription has about one and a quarter units. all units are 5g. your drug costs more plus it requires many more units per prescription. this data is why androgel is getting stomped in formularies.

Actually, most Drs use 10g--same co-pay as 5g, if they need to titrate. You are full of shit and your management is feeding you massive piles of doo. Look for a better job selling something that actually improves what is currently available on the market. Testim, quite frankly, stinks (literally).

Actually, most Drs use 10g--same co-pay as 5g, if they need to titrate. You are full of shit and your management is feeding you massive piles of doo. Look for a better job selling something that actually improves what is currently available on the market. Testim, quite frankly, stinks (literally).

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It may be the same copay to the patient (on about half of all MC plans), but the MANAGED CARE ORGANIZATION PAYS MORE, so Testim is a cost-cutting product for them.

Come on, bro, try not to be *too* much of a moron representing Solvay. Maybe with some luck we're in the same territory?


Testim Tom

Actually, most Drs use 10g--same co-pay as 5g, if they need to titrate.

[/ QUOTE ]
exactly. 10g androgel costs much more then 5g testim for the same testosterone levels.

formulary wins mean lower copays and pharmacy switches favoring testim. money is the lowest common denominator. scent is moot. you lose.

Guys, Testim will have 5-7% MS--we don't care. You have 1 MC win. AndroGel has many and we are getting more soon. I know of 2 major plans that will be placing us 1st or 2nd Tier--this year. Your outnumbered, outclassed and you simply STINK as a company and product. All I have to do is give the Doc a whiff of your stanky me-too and they curl their nose, grab their pad, and write AndroGel 5g QD. Move along stinky rep.

Just look at the Testim PI and you will plainly see that Testim at the same dosage is roughly 200ng/dL less then Androgel.

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Now, now. You know comparing PIs is pointless and gives yourself away as an amateur in pharma. Were the patients in your PI the same as the guys in ours? Were they the same age. Was the same lab used, with the same exact testing kits? The answers to all the above is NO, and NO means outcomes are different. But you knew that. You're just hoping the docs don't.


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While comparing PI's and results of studies verbatim is generally non-relevant, the fact that when taking the results of the averages of ALL the patients included in both studies relevance IS brought back into the picture. Testim takes longer to reach a lower peak syrum level....for some reason I have a hard time believing ANYONE would think THAT is superior...unless of course you are drinking the chemical that is used to give Testim its incredible aroma......