Why you hate Testim, chumps.

Actually, most Drs use 10g--same co-pay as 5g, if they need to titrate.

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exactly. 10g androgel costs much more then 5g testim for the same testosterone levels.
Formulary "wins" means your company has decided to buy the business and offer huge rebates to managed care organizations....which in fact means less dollars to a company hanging on by a thread.....for one that has presented himself as rather educated on this board, you've neglected to realize that....and of course you don't actually believe that 5g of Testim gives you the same level as 10g of Androgel.....there is that chemical drinking again....it is just the opposite..... but with less money available to the company, the phone service must have been cut as well...perhaps when the yelling out the window to the next rep directly west of you about the information you need circles the entire country, you will hear the news. Good choice to assume Fortigel won't hurt you.....then it won't feel as bad when they bury you and you are here looking for work instead of avoiding it.....

formulary wins mean lower copays and pharmacy switches favoring testim. money is the lowest common denominator. scent is moot. you lose.

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If the smell of Testim is moot, why don't you try using it every day? A misguided doc prescribed Testim for my husband and the odor was so gross, I didn't want him to get near me, let alone have relations. Plus, his shirts stuck to him, making him very uncomfortable. Actually, we asked the doctor to switch him to the patch. By the way, Norristown, where Auxilium is located, smells too. No class. Testim must only be used by doctors who have no real experience with the product or who don't ask their patients about it. I don't care about blood levels, I care about whether my husband and I are happy.

Whoever you are, you have problems. Get some help for your misplaced aggression. Androderm is an excellent product and we are very happy with it. Perhaps Androgel is good too, but after our bad experience with Testim, we won't even try it.

Look. We sell pharmaceuticals. It's our job to nit-pick at our competitors to doctors. I have to be honest (because I'm leaving Solvay). Testim doesn't smell bad. I've smelled the little placebo tube you guys hand out and put some on my skin. Have you ever smelled deodorant?

What about Sticky??? Come'on. It's hydroalc just like Androgel. Unless you live in South America, it will dry on the skin fairly quickly if you give it a good rub. I've smelled colognes that were far worse. We just harp on it because it's the only thing we have to protect our lead. I was guilty of taking the two PI's and comparing them (at my stupid ass manager's request). I was called on it from an INFORMED doctor who had memorized what the Testim rep told him about the ages and baseline levels of the patients in our PI. Hats off to my competitor for gaining at least one doctor's respect.

The truth is, Androgel and Testim are both good and both have their respective place in the market, just like Viagra and Cialis. I truly believe that we Androgel reps handed you the 5-10% share because we talked about you constantly. Trust me, it wasn't because you all were such fabulous reps. Most of you probably STINK! Pun intended.

This isn't how pharmaceuticals used to be. We never used to give our competitor airtime in front of a doctor. But, the industry has changed and it's no place for a smart RN. That's one of many reasons that I'm no longer interested in selling pharmaceuticals.

Good luck to all of you and as my dumb, non-clinical, uneducated manager would say, "good selling".

Look. We sell pharmaceuticals. It's our job to nit-pick at our competitors to doctors. I have to be honest (because I'm leaving Solvay). Testim doesn't smell bad. I've smelled the little placebo tube you guys hand out and put some on my skin. Have you ever smelled deodorant?

What about Sticky??? Come'on. It's hydroalc just like Androgel. Unless you live in South America, it will dry on the skin fairly quickly if you give it a good rub. I've smelled colognes that were far worse. We just harp on it because it's the only thing we have to protect our lead. I was guilty of taking the two PI's and comparing them (at my stupid ass manager's request). I was called on it from an INFORMED doctor who had memorized what the Testim rep told him about the ages and baseline levels of the patients in our PI. Hats off to my competitor for gaining at least one doctor's respect.

The truth is, Androgel and Testim are both good and both have their respective place in the market, just like Viagra and Cialis. I truly believe that we Androgel reps handed you the 5-10% share because we talked about you constantly. Trust me, it wasn't because you all were such fabulous reps. Most of you probably STINK! Pun intended.

This isn't how pharmaceuticals used to be. We never used to give our competitor airtime in front of a doctor. But, the industry has changed and it's no place for a smart RN. That's one of many reasons that I'm no longer interested in selling pharmaceuticals.

Good luck to all of you and as my dumb, non-clinical, uneducated manager would say, "good selling".

[/ QUOTE ]First of all, the placebo Testim has no ODOR. It is the real thing that stinks. You SUCK. Goodbye!

I have used Testim. It not only smells like cheap musky aftershave, the smell comes with a very chemical-like long-lasting "aura" which gave me terrible headaches. And, despite what this obviously money-motivated Auxilium rep has to say, it was very sticky and despite giving the "rub-in" a good, repeated effort, the stickiness persisted. It is an inferior product, no question about it.

Definitely. Let's not talk about it to our physicians. It's like talking about a Pinto when your customer is currently driving a Shelby Mustang. Hope physicians try the placebo - unless they're getting paid, they won't use Testim at all.

I told my highest prescriber about how they pay for prescriptions and he got offended and started to write Testim. Two months later he showed me the patient charts for all of his conversions and all but one of them had higher levels on Testim. He also told me that our PI data had borderline inclusion criteria. Anyone else heard this? Now he only uses AndroGel for elderly men whose levels "don't matter as much." Any advice on how I can turn him back around?

it's best to be honest and forthcoming when a physician calls you on your data- even if it's a disadvantage. they will respect you for being honest. My good friend who is also a physician did announce to me that she gets higher levels with Testim. I said so what. What does that mean? She said nothing really in terms of our working relationship. She'll still prescribe Androgel and Testim for tough patients.

I dislike Testim because of the freak rep here... chic on steroids with a side of anorxia.... some of the docs here are scared of her and refuse to write it just cuz shes a freak!

Very interesting...reps from two competing companies discussing a product I use. Either way it sounds like I will get a price cut in my TRT medication in January.

Recruiter called about a position with Solvay selling AndroGel. She said that there is no generic for at least two years. Need more info for my interview. Is Testim your only real competition? Any new drugs coming to the market? How is the managed care situation in the north east versus competition?