Where are you located. What area are you interviewing for?
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Next to a middle sized city in new england (not ME). Where is not so important that's why I am going to be vague. Thoughts?
Where are you located. What area are you interviewing for?
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Next to a middle sized city in new england (not ME). Where is not so important that's why I am going to be vague. Thoughts?
The base pay wasn't anything great, but he said the bonus potential was outstanding because there was a lot of room for growth. I asked why the territory was empty and he said that the manager didn't specify and he would get back to me.
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That's one way to put a positive spin on the Boston situation to a candidate. Asking the recruiter about the lost reps and long vacancies probably puts you out of the running for the job.
Truth is that Boston's got 2 or 3 times the national market share for the competition. The original reps and mgt fumbled relationships with the biggest AndroGel prescribers and Testim recovered for an easy TD. Your "room for growth" is in winning back those prescribers business when their original reps could not. Good luck. Formulary losses to Testim's former Solvay employee EK have been twisting the dagger in the Northeast.
The ones who couldn't coast on a veteran salary had to quit. Boston's not the only place this has happened. Ask about total employee turnover in the past 2 years. It's not good.
Just look at the Testim PI and you will plainly see that Testim at the same dosage is roughly 200ng/dL less then Androgel.
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Now, now. You know comparing PIs is pointless and gives yourself away as an amateur in pharma. Were the patients in your PI the same as the guys in ours? Were they the same age. Was the same lab used, with the same exact testing kits? The answers to all the above is NO, and NO means outcomes are different. But you knew that. You're just hoping the docs don't.
No they were not the same, but im sure you'll agree that doesn't matter or you wouldnt be showing Dr's your latest study.
But I'm having no problem outselling the 6ft blonde lizard bitch in my territory.Eww she is ugly.
stank like ball sweat there Betty?I have been treated for low testosterone for about the last 5 or 6 years. For about the last 3 years I’ve used Androgel, one 5gm packet per day. The results have been so so.
I heard that Testim was an equivalent medication and asked my urologist to give me a prescription for it. Testim is slightly cheaper and I thought it might be worth a try for that reason and because it might be more effective. My urologist wrote the prescription and also gave me a 7 day free sample pack of testim 5 gm tubes.
I was, and continue to be, displeased with the constant price increases for Androgel. I consider the price structure for that medication and for many other drugs in general to be simply crooked – which is something I may get to another time.
I put the Testim on my shoulder the first day and noticed a peculiar strong unpleasant smell. I thought it was due to an alcohol base similar to Androgel and expected it to disappear as the Testim dried. I did not. If anything it got worse. It is unlike any smell I’ve recently run across but it was distinctly like some foul-smelling mange medicine that I remember putting on a dog about 20 years ago. It was so bad that I though I must be wrong. So I left it on for several hours. It stayed just as bad and permeated the clothes I was wearing and was easily smelled.
After a few hours I came home took off my clothes. The smell was very pronounced on my shirt. I put on my bathrobe and took it off after about 10 minutes before getting into the shower. I had to scrub my shoulder and chest area at least twice as much as an ordinary shower to get the damn stuff off me. When I got out of the shower, I noticed that the smell had come off on my bathrobe. I had to wash it and my shirt get rid of it.
More in a subsequent post.
I know this is a 4 year old thread but I don't care. I am a patient and have used both. Testim sucks ballz. You put it on and rub it in hard, it stays sticky. Then the neaxt time you put it on, it rolls our skin off into little balls(or it may be residue). whatever it was it sucks bigtime. Then my Insurance said fuck off on testim, use androgel. I was bummed but gave it a go.. was very happy, dried clean didnt small(my wife liked the smell, but I didnt). Adrogel all the way very pleased.
As a Testim user I have to sk - WHY CANT THEY MAKE THIS STUFF WITHOUT THE ODOR?! It's discusting, my wife hates it, my kid complains about it, all my clothes pick it up, and long story short I can't see any reason why it even needs to be in there in the first place!
If anyone in that company reads these things - and if you have any influence on Product Marketing - please tell them to remove the smell. AND! please tell them that that metal tube is ridiculous and unecessary too. Why must it be so damn hard to squeeze all the product out of it? Didn;t anyone actually watch a patient try and use that tube before going to market with it?
Come on goofy bastard--5% MS nationally? Do you honestly think we are really impacted by this?
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With regard to MS, Solvay management is clearly lying to its field sales force in order to avoid a real motivation-killer. I've seen the national reports, every one of 'em since May of 2004. You're right, Testim did have MS of 5% -- last JULY. It's more than doubled since then, I'm afraid. The plain fact is that Testim is better for patients than Androgel, and there's no getting around it when push comes to shove.
Good luck in all your future endeavors. Chumps.
managed care is taking note of the "sticky, stinky gel" in my territory. 3 major formulary wins for Testim in less than 2 months. two new docs told me that Testim gets better levels and has better results. they used to write androgel with both hands. can the shit talk and learn to sell or wipe the dust off your resume. your new pens look pretty cool. too bad pens don't sell. chump.