Why you hate Testim, chumps.

Sorry about the miscommunication. The recruiter said that your lead product, Androgel, had big potential in the Boston area as compared to other territories in the country. The base pay wasn't anything great, but he said the bonus potential was outstanding because there was a lot of room for growth. I asked why the territory was empty and he said that the manager didn't specify and he would get back to me.

What other specialties besides Urologists do you call on?

The base pay wasn't anything great, but he said the bonus potential was outstanding because there was a lot of room for growth. I asked why the territory was empty and he said that the manager didn't specify and he would get back to me.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's one way to put a positive spin on the Boston situation to a candidate. Asking the recruiter about the lost reps and long vacancies probably puts you out of the running for the job.

Truth is that Boston's got 2 or 3 times the national market share for the competition. The original reps and mgt fumbled relationships with the biggest AndroGel prescribers and Testim recovered for an easy TD. Your "room for growth" is in winning back those prescribers business when their original reps could not. Good luck. Formulary losses to Testim's former Solvay employee EK have been twisting the dagger in the Northeast.

The ones who couldn't coast on a veteran salary had to quit. Boston's not the only place this has happened. Ask about total employee turnover in the past 2 years. It's not good.

I have been treated for low testosterone for about the last 5 or 6 years. For about the last 3 years I’ve used Androgel, one 5gm packet per day. The results have been so so.

I heard that Testim was an equivalent medication and asked my urologist to give me a prescription for it. Testim is slightly cheaper and I thought it might be worth a try for that reason and because it might be more effective. My urologist wrote the prescription and also gave me a 7 day free sample pack of testim 5 gm tubes.

I was, and continue to be, displeased with the constant price increases for Androgel. I consider the price structure for that medication and for many other drugs in general to be simply crooked – which is something I may get to another time.

I put the Testim on my shoulder the first day and noticed a peculiar strong unpleasant smell. I thought it was due to an alcohol base similar to Androgel and expected it to disappear as the Testim dried. I did not. If anything it got worse. It is unlike any smell I’ve recently run across but it was distinctly like some foul-smelling mange medicine that I remember putting on a dog about 20 years ago. It was so bad that I though I must be wrong. So I left it on for several hours. It stayed just as bad and permeated the clothes I was wearing and was easily smelled.

After a few hours I came home took off my clothes. The smell was very pronounced on my shirt. I put on my bathrobe and took it off after about 10 minutes before getting into the shower. I had to scrub my shoulder and chest area at least twice as much as an ordinary shower to get the damn stuff off me. When I got out of the shower, I noticed that the smell had come off on my bathrobe. I had to wash it and my shirt get rid of it.

More in a subsequent post.

A perfect example of why most people will gladly pay extra for Androgel (in those situations where patients co-pays are higher for androgel than for Testim). I've had several docs tell me of late that they are sorry they ever prescribed Testim after hearing stories from their patients like you. You could try the androgel pump and maybe go up in dose if you aren't getting the results you want. You'll save money by not having to wash your bath robe and shirt all the time.

Hi - first time post

Not really want to get involved in any mean talk just want to share my experience.

All three (?) of my levels were low when my testosterone was tested.... My doctor said that some men did not have consistant results with Andro.. though Testim seeemed to work on raising levels consistantly. Note: My insurance is paying after reviweing the results, this doctor is a high profile anti-aging doctor and performance improvment doctor -- whether he is good or right, I would not know. He is popular and insurance companies take his advice.

My insurance agreed to pay for Testim and I have been using it for a year. Great numbers... consistant.

I do not smell anything bad. I do need to wash it off for it is filmy. It helped my mood, my thinking, alertness .... with all that said, I have a friend on Andro.. he like it very much too. When we both have gone off them we get a little depressed. Interesting the salesmen on here really both have good products. I would be more than happy to try Andro.. am happy though wiht Testim.. thanks for the read guys.

Not quite sure what all the name calling is about though from people who actaully use both for real reasons - they both get the job done... I am not kidding.

Just look at the Testim PI and you will plainly see that Testim at the same dosage is roughly 200ng/dL less then Androgel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now, now. You know comparing PIs is pointless and gives yourself away as an amateur in pharma. Were the patients in your PI the same as the guys in ours? Were they the same age. Was the same lab used, with the same exact testing kits? The answers to all the above is NO, and NO means outcomes are different. But you knew that. You're just hoping the docs don't.


No they were not the same, but im sure you'll agree that doesn't matter or you wouldnt be showing Dr's your latest study.
But I'm having no problem outselling the 6ft blonde lizard bitch in my territory.Eww she is ugly.

I have been treated for low testosterone for about the last 5 or 6 years. For about the last 3 years I’ve used Androgel, one 5gm packet per day. The results have been so so.

I heard that Testim was an equivalent medication and asked my urologist to give me a prescription for it. Testim is slightly cheaper and I thought it might be worth a try for that reason and because it might be more effective. My urologist wrote the prescription and also gave me a 7 day free sample pack of testim 5 gm tubes.

I was, and continue to be, displeased with the constant price increases for Androgel. I consider the price structure for that medication and for many other drugs in general to be simply crooked – which is something I may get to another time.

I put the Testim on my shoulder the first day and noticed a peculiar strong unpleasant smell. I thought it was due to an alcohol base similar to Androgel and expected it to disappear as the Testim dried. I did not. If anything it got worse. It is unlike any smell I’ve recently run across but it was distinctly like some foul-smelling mange medicine that I remember putting on a dog about 20 years ago. It was so bad that I though I must be wrong. So I left it on for several hours. It stayed just as bad and permeated the clothes I was wearing and was easily smelled.

After a few hours I came home took off my clothes. The smell was very pronounced on my shirt. I put on my bathrobe and took it off after about 10 minutes before getting into the shower. I had to scrub my shoulder and chest area at least twice as much as an ordinary shower to get the damn stuff off me. When I got out of the shower, I noticed that the smell had come off on my bathrobe. I had to wash it and my shirt get rid of it.

More in a subsequent post.
stank like ball sweat there Betty?

I prefer weekly injections of testosterone cypionate with a little hCG in the mix, but of course lots of men don't even realize how easy it is to do an injection yourself.

Regardless of the Androgel/Testim debate, I'm glad for the products because there are a lot of men finally getting replacement therapy that they need.

I know this is a 4 year old thread but I don't care. I am a patient and have used both. Testim sucks ballz. You put it on and rub it in hard, it stays sticky. Then the neaxt time you put it on, it rolls our skin off into little balls(or it may be residue). whatever it was it sucks bigtime. Then my Insurance said fuck off on testim, use androgel. I was bummed but gave it a go.. was very happy, dried clean didnt small(my wife liked the smell, but I didnt). Adrogel all the way very pleased.

I know this is a 4 year old thread but I don't care. I am a patient and have used both. Testim sucks ballz. You put it on and rub it in hard, it stays sticky. Then the neaxt time you put it on, it rolls our skin off into little balls(or it may be residue). whatever it was it sucks bigtime. Then my Insurance said fuck off on testim, use androgel. I was bummed but gave it a go.. was very happy, dried clean didnt small(my wife liked the smell, but I didnt). Adrogel all the way very pleased.

Wow, you got the little balls on your skin too? I keep wondering what the hell that is. I thought it was dirt, or maybe lint? No matter how much I scrubbed before applying the Testim, I would get those balls of.... something.

I had no problems with stickiness with the Testim, but the smell became unbearable. I put it on at night (there is NO way I would go out in public smelling like Testim) and the smell would actually keep me up! I just switched to AndroGel today; hopefully it works well for me (I know that Testim has better absorption). I love the fact that it has no smell; I can wear it during the day, shower at night and sleep with my wife in my arms again.

If the Androgel does not work out (i.e. if it does not raise my T enough) I will try the shots or the implant things. Testim just smells way too nasty.

It is funny how the sales reps here rip on each other; is this industry filled with really young people or something? Jeesh, it's just business guys....

As a Testim user I have to sk - WHY CANT THEY MAKE THIS STUFF WITHOUT THE ODOR?! It's discusting, my wife hates it, my kid complains about it, all my clothes pick it up, and long story short I can't see any reason why it even needs to be in there in the first place!

If anyone in that company reads these things - and if you have any influence on Product Marketing - please tell them to remove the smell. AND! please tell them that that metal tube is ridiculous and unecessary too. Why must it be so damn hard to squeeze all the product out of it? Didn;t anyone actually watch a patient try and use that tube before going to market with it?

As a Testim user I have to sk - WHY CANT THEY MAKE THIS STUFF WITHOUT THE ODOR?! It's discusting, my wife hates it, my kid complains about it, all my clothes pick it up, and long story short I can't see any reason why it even needs to be in there in the first place!

If anyone in that company reads these things - and if you have any influence on Product Marketing - please tell them to remove the smell. AND! please tell them that that metal tube is ridiculous and unecessary too. Why must it be so damn hard to squeeze all the product out of it? Didn;t anyone actually watch a patient try and use that tube before going to market with it?

have your doctor write Androgel then. The pump is awesome and so convenient and you don't smell like bull-ball sweat

For the life of me I cannot understand how anybody could stand the smell of Testim. It's u-n-b-e-a-r-a-b-l-e!!! Why did they add that smell to the product? What were they thinking? It would be a great product otherwise, but the way is is right now it's absolutely unusable for anyone who is in the least concerned about personal hygiene and strong odors.

If you're using Testim and you're not sure weather you're smelling funny ask somebody you trust and who's going to be honest with you. It's like people with foul breath, nobody has the nerve to tell them but everybody cringes at their unpleasant smell.

I tried Testim for a few days and it worked great - I could feel an instant improvement of my symptoms - BUT that penetrating smell quickly drove me to call my doctor and get a prescription of Androgel. After touching Testim I washed my hands four times with soap and they were still smelling. I mean, WTF? It's like they don't want you to use it.

....and, if you really care, you can get (non-smelly) testosterone cream custom made from any decent compounding pharmacy. That way you can cut out these bullshit companies overcharging hundreds of $$$ for a few cents of T and a bit of transparent gel.

Androgel Manufacturers Sued in Class Action for Antitrust Violations

LANCASTER, Pa., April 07, 2009 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A class action complaint filed last week in New Jersey federal court claims damages for violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act by brand-name and generic manufacturers of the drug, Androgel. The case, filed by Stephen L. LaFrance Pharmacy, Inc. d/b/a SAJ Distributors and Stephen L. LaFrance Holdings, Inc., names as Defendants Unimed Pharmaceuticals Inc., Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc., Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc., Par Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Paddock Laboratories, Inc.

Androgel is a testosterone replacement therapy for men who have a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone.

The lawsuit is a class action filed on behalf of all persons or entities that purchased Androgel directly from any defendant from at least January 1, 2006 until a date yet to be determined.

The suit alleges that the brand name and generic manufacturers conspired to fix and raise the price of Androgel, by overcharging Plaintiffs and others by millions of dollars and depriving them of cheaper generic versions of the drug. The complaint estimates that hundreds or thousands of people or companies have been economically injured by the drug manufacturers' conduct.

Two law firms have joined forces to litigate the class action: RodaNast, P.C. in Pennsylvania and the Roberts Law Firm in Arkansas.

source: http://www.pharmalive.com/News/Index.cfm?articleid=617483

Thats why Testim didn't receive the same rating from the FDA. They gave it a lower rating because it doesn't work. Look at your own studies...Especially the One Day study, thats a good one I use it all the time. Or how about the one that says there are five studies that compare testim to Androgel but, when you look up the studies they are not compared to Androgel at all-just the one day study!!! I love your studies they are the best sales aid I have!!! And the higher blood levels, your just brain washed ROBOTS --"TESTIM HAS HIGHER BLOOD LEVELS--TESTIM HAS HIGHER BLOOD LEVELS". Yeah, were calling ya out and doctors are getting PISSED...Lies Lies Lies-WOW how bout those lies...Where does it say higher blood levels? one day study??? Doctors love it when we actually show and leave the studies you "talk" about!!!

Come on goofy bastard--5% MS nationally? Do you honestly think we are really impacted by this?

[/ QUOTE ]

With regard to MS, Solvay management is clearly lying to its field sales force in order to avoid a real motivation-killer. I've seen the national reports, every one of 'em since May of 2004. You're right, Testim did have MS of 5% -- last JULY. It's more than doubled since then, I'm afraid. The plain fact is that Testim is better for patients than Androgel, and there's no getting around it when push comes to shove.

Good luck in all your future endeavors. Chumps.


managed care is taking note of the "sticky, stinky gel" in my territory. 3 major formulary wins for Testim in less than 2 months. two new docs told me that Testim gets better levels and has better results. they used to write androgel with both hands. can the shit talk and learn to sell or wipe the dust off your resume. your new pens look pretty cool. too bad pens don't sell. chump.

Two words: United Healthcare