Toxic environment, more meetings less seeing providers, produce sales reports that take hours to generate that are never looked at. Send in the robots.
Upper management is run by men who can’t improve the increasingly toxic environment. It’s a good ole white boy network with an almost all white sales force. Managers need 360 evaluations. Could become an HR nightmare.
since the take over by Actavis, the focus on growth has gone to an extreme. Budgets are cut, salaries have dropped, bonuses are only paid out if you exceed an already inflated quota. There's little to no focus on employees and zero benefit to sticking around. A bummer.
untalented management, poor direction, too much micromanagement and not enough constructive support. Sales dropping in the toilet, does not look good for future
Neuro- Legacy Allergan. The good old boys in management discriminate against females and age. There is no movement in upper management - directors have been the same in over a decade. The same people manage the same shitty way. The Neuro division is 98% white. If you have been in your position for more than 5 years, there is little chance you will be promoted. Benefits are so bad and they hold bonuses until the last min to pay you. Not a good place for long term employment.