Zontivity is going to be BIG

Yes, "Human Resources"

Dag nabit, rid these sub PAR 1 schleps already. Other franchise's are tired of funding this three stooges sales force. Sell the drug n fire the reps, place it in the 'for sale-write off' pillar. Come on butcher, I mean Riad, you have been awfully quiet lately. This is such an easy target, do it!!! Now that MD is leaving July first you have no person to save. Let the phones ring a ling with that layoff swing. You can doooo it.

Dag nabit, rid these sub PAR 1 schleps already. Other franchise's are tired of funding this three stooges sales force. Sell the drug n fire the reps, place it in the 'for sale-write off' pillar. Come on butcher, I mean Riad, you have been awfully quiet lately. This is such an easy target, do it!!! Now that MD is leaving July first you have no person to save. Let the phones ring a ling with that layoff swing. You can doooo it.

Hey douchebag-before you get on your high and mighty check it out. This is what we have:
1. We have no study in our hands
2. We have no study data to really sell on beside the "composite."
3. We have virtually no managed care access-a little but not much
4. We didn't even get the proper training to market this drug
5. A bleeding profile of at least 55% and as high as 80% when used as it was studied
6. A speakers bureau of cardiologist that for the most part haven't written for it(see reason #5)
7. There was no market prep-zero
8. Other agents that beat us to the punch out of the cath lab/hospital discharge

Try selling anything with those handcuffs you freak off. You're the typical Merck jack off who thinks that by virtue of being a Merck employee you're better than others. Well, you're not. You're time will come. In the meantime I suggest you go and stick your head in the toilet and eat. Lick too.

If they can just get information into our hands that would answer some questions we keep hearing over and over, it would help. The fact that most speakers seem to be doing programs with the sole intention of getting paid an honorarium with nothing in return has to stop. I realize there's not to be any no quid pro but this is getting ridiculous. Any other industry understands this concept, but not pharma, and especially not Merck.

The ones's who say they have used it-well, they used it but only in the study, not the real world. Too many questions, not enough answers. I hope they can give us a little bit more time to figure something out. If not, can we get another CV drug please?

Hey douchebag-before you get on your high and mighty check it out. This is what we have:
1. We have no study in our hands
2. We have no study data to really sell on beside the "composite."
3. We have virtually no managed care access-a little but not much
4. We didn't even get the proper training to market this drug
5. A bleeding profile of at least 55% and as high as 80% when used as it was studied
6. A speakers bureau of cardiologist that for the most part haven't written for it(see reason #5)
7. There was no market prep-zero
8. Other agents that beat us to the punch out of the cath lab/hospital discharge

Try selling anything with those handcuffs you freak off. You're the typical Merck jack off who thinks that by virtue of being a Merck employee you're better than others. Well, you're not. You're time will come. In the meantime I suggest you go and stick your head in the toilet and eat. Lick too.

These dreamers who sell the sleep drug think they are kings and queens. One other major thing they have that the CV team doesn't get-DTC ads. We've been out for a year, them 3 months? They are on TV, we're not. Hmmmm...I wonder why? We are so handicapped with this drug it's ridiculous. Not even Mr. Stroney could see this drug.

These dreamers who sell the sleep drug think they are kings and queens. One other major thing they have that the CV team doesn't get-DTC ads. We've been out for a year, them 3 months? They are on TV, we're not. Hmmmm...I wonder why? We are so handicapped with this drug it's ridiculous. Not even Mr. Stroney could see this drug.

Bahaaaaaahaaa. Sleeper has 50,000 prescriptions since February and each rx costs the same as borapaxar. You guys suck a big time! Dtc for Vora? Are you nuts? Who would watch an ad of a bleeder or non responder? Fools on this team are waiting for a miracle going through the motions. How much longer do you think mother will keep this dog? They will dissolve this like opth and psych, with one call it is over. Look internal, look external, but do something ahead of the inevitable. Go sell toilet seats, sell something!

Bahaaaaaahaaa. Sleeper has 50,000 prescriptions since February and each rx costs the same as borapaxar. You guys suck a big time! Dtc for Vora? Are you nuts? Who would watch an ad of a bleeder or non responder? Fools on this team are waiting for a miracle going through the motions. How much longer do you think mother will keep this dog? They will dissolve this like opth and psych, with one call it is over. Look internal, look external, but do something ahead of the inevitable. Go sell toilet seats, sell something!

You're a frickin' idiot. You've made me points for me. But you're too stupid to know. You youngsters...really not too bright. And everyone knows it.

It sounds like there is a reorg or layoffs in the works for te CV team. The fact that our conference call next is now mandatory and that they just scheduled an additional town hall meeting is telling. My guess is targeted layoffs with certain low performing people let go. Hope I am wrong.

What's up prickass? Look like you don't know what you're talking about. No layoffs punk. Now go stuff your head in the toilet and lick. chocolate. sreggin suck

another useless post on your part. Now go to another thread and continue to spread your gossip and poison. No layoffs prickass. stuff it

MD-this is a shit teleconference. Why don't you answer the questions we have like when are we going to get a real resource?

We have a small handful of advocates. We need training, more robust data, and more answers. This is just disgraceful. You continue to put us in terrible positions with our customers. Forget the frickin' role play exercises that are nothing but a waste and let us have something beneficial.

This is just horse shit.

No answers to anything-especially from corn hole...

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