All I can say how bad can it get, I think anything would be an improvement. I have met and watched each ZD in action. Not an original thought in any brain. The two biggest morons that need to go are Reggie and Leon. It's obvious how bof... I mean both of them got hired. Leon only looks good because he has the cushy gulf states where managed care is an afterthought. You can be the worst rep ever and still make PC. Reggie made the mistake of taking the west zone. It's a tough zone Deneroff did a great job always in the GOP 3 zones. Reggie has tanked the west and it has exposed him as a total dipsh!t. Talk about clueless. One of the most profound things he ever said was (and I am paraphrasing)" when making a business plan tie the people above you to it so if you fail you can pass blame". This says everything you need to know about Reggie. Please PS/KK can these two idiots!!!!