Zoll Lifecor - General Interest


Am interested in hearing from reps out there.
I have asked around my territory and there seems to be little to no interest. The docs who are buying - were they already looking for something like this as a bridge to therapy?

VEST/PREDICTS - think it'll put these vests on the map?

Zoll obviously thinks so?

The product definitely works and has merit. It takes a bit of product positioning in a new territory to get EPs and Cards to buy in. Basically it covers their ass for a patient who leaves the hospital or office under the umbrella of risk for SCD. Plenty of people get ICDs that don't really need them. The discussion has to do with letting LV function recover while insuring against SCD. Some areas have good buy in and support, some areas are tougher with insurance. In a new territory it won;t be uncommon to hear docs say they don't use it, mainly because they don't know how or because they just haven't found a niche yet.

your main call point is infected icd systems, align with hospitals that take them out and you'll know how much potential your territory has vs letting them stay in the hospital for 6 weeks for reimplant, they can go home and recover instead, only concern is patient compliance in wearing them if they go home

your main call point is infected icd systems, align with hospitals that take them out and you'll know how much potential your territory has vs letting them stay in the hospital for 6 weeks for reimplant, they can go home and recover instead, only concern is patient compliance in wearing them if they go home

Thanks. HH are out there beating the bushes for new reps.

They are definitely expanding territories and splitting up current ones. The position is what you make of it. If insurance is friendly in your area you can make decent money here with little management interference. It's pretty much your own show.
The best part is that is that it is a one of a kind device.

Some of the docs that I know (mid-east coast) swear by it, it might be a tough sell in some areas at first but I think once you get a few going on it, obviously you can use 'so and so' as a referral and work it from there.
I'm excited about it.

I personally had several saves recently so the device definitely has merit. Once you do your due diligence and build the brand and establish the very existence of the technology orders will eventually happen. It can be a slow process, but it's funny how the people you least expect to order eventually will.

It really depends on the territory. Some are new regions. Those don't produce immediately. If it's a territory split, which happens alot, then you might have a revenue stream on day one. It really depends.

Thank you for your response. I am talking with them about a new territory. They say 150 at plan first year with 75 base but commission is strictly on growth. Just trying to figure out if that is realistic in a territory where I do know most of the cards and EPs.

Thank you for your response. I am talking with them about a new territory. They say 150 at plan first year with 75 base but commission is strictly on growth. Just trying to figure out if that is realistic in a territory where I do know most of the cards and EPs.

the zoll reps in my area couldn't tell their heads from their asses with ICD indications anyway, if you're paid on growth you stand no chance to make 150, more like 100 at best, if you really do know the cards/ep's then you should already know your answer before you even interview if they would use it.....RIGHT???????????????? because they would tell you why they don't use it....RIGHT?????????????? But i'm sure you already know this, but your curious to get expert opinion on such a trusted site such as cafepharma......RIGHT???????????????

Some reps are well over 200k, but that is only for a year or so, not a consistent earning type opportunity. I know guys that did over 200 that will do low 100s this year, the comp plan evolves

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