Zoll Lifecor - General Interest

does anybody know the skinny on Zoll/EMS division?

Probably not a good place to go. The device for EMS breaks down all the time, the Capnography sesnors break a lot and cost $about $3K and change, and the FDA is investigating any device that does not shock above 200J. Most are going over to Physio-Control

Lifecor is the CMS division that sells the vest. Dme equipment for cardiologists. Physicians think it's a neat idea, but unfortunately there is no clinical data other than the initial studies that proved it worked in early 2000. It is a tough sell.

Lifecor is the CMS division that sells the vest. Dme equipment for cardiologists. Physicians think it's a neat idea, but unfortunately there is no clinical data other than the initial studies that proved it worked in early 2000. It is a tough sell.

I've been contacted to interview in Phoenix - any further updates on what to expect? I would love to get in touch with the current Phx rep as I was told they're expanding to three. Anyone familiar with the hiring manager, initials PR?

Probably not a good place to go. The device for EMS breaks down all the time, the Capnography sesnors break a lot and cost $about $3K and change, and the FDA is investigating any device that does not shock above 200J. Most are going over to Physio-Control

Worst post ever. You have no idea what you are talking about. Most are going over to Physio Control? FDA is investigating any device that does not shock over 200J? The device for EMS break down all the time? Physio is rapidly losing marketshare to Zoll, LP15 just got recalled, and it is about current not J. Die.

Worst post ever. You have no idea what you are talking about. Most are going over to Physio Control? FDA is investigating any device that does not shock over 200J? The device for EMS break down all the time? Physio is rapidly losing marketshare to Zoll, LP15 just got recalled, and it is about current not J. Die.

Not sure about the EMS device but asked a bunch of my current Cards and EP docs about the Lifevest, 100% across the board laughed at it and called it a glorified flak jacket. Not worth their time apparently.

It really depends on the territory. If it is a virgin territory without many Eps willing to adopt then I wouldn't expect to make much $, but if you can get a few loyal ordering MDs on board there is potential to make dough.
Expansion territories are based on the assumption that more reps with more reach and frequency to general cards will yield more devices. It's morphing into a pharma job (without the clinical studies).
Don't think of it as a career or a long term move.

Wasn't SF rep from BSX? Some of these territories are hiring laid off pharma reps who would be happy making 90k. CRM reps who have a tough time getting going will jump ship quickly.

Interviewing for a job at Zoll Lifevest. What is the job actually like? They are looking for ep and cath lab relationships. Is this product sold through the cath labs?
What is the company culture like?


No inventory constantly. pts left unprotected due to faulty equipment. DME benefits always under fire by insurers. Management can not build forecasts thus leading to 40% field turnover. They want people working for $90-100k.

Hospitals getting jacked on length of stay. Compliance is horrible. Patients calling about $10K bills. Company fits patients before insurance company authorizes use!

After 10yrs? no data. Vest trial has been halted and is no longer an outcomes trial but an events trial...yep just what we need. "its true we work".

Company has no service culture and is run by engineers "process oriented" still a distributorship mentality.

Serious joke.

Interviewed and after research feel that a bullet was dodged. Great concept but lack of reimbursement and their constant turnover is scary. Open your eyes to what could be a good move verse being used. Recruiter was terrible. View them as start up after all these years.

Zoll Lifecor is a big joke, I worked for these creeps and the are nothing but a bunch of Headhunters at the Pittsburgh PA company... The S.O.B.'s that run the prison are allways looking for some person to stick a knife in his/her back .... I hate the bastards.. And I would not recommend the Lifevest made by that Creeper company to my worst enemy let alone my dearest family member... They make CRAP.... The can't keep employees as the do thier best to screw employees over and the quit or the bastards fire them.... NO Decent person should work for these Creeps as better jobs are out there.. With better people to work with than the Snakes at Zoll Pittsburgh, PA ... They Discriminate against workers... Piece of shit company !

I read all these Zoll comments and went into the interview with an open mind. Recruiter was all pumped up that this was gat opp to move into med device.

Wow- how disappointing. Glad that I was passed over. Previous zollette in the territory left it in a complete disaster. I have never seen an EP get pissed discussing a product until I mentioned Zoll and lifevest.

Just pass on this one. When CMS changes ICD req...they are out of significant cash flow.

Good thing you didn't take the job, many of the recruiters and senior management are saying reps can make $300K, that's complete bs. Maybe 1-2 reps in the country might and then the 2nd year they quit because the company growth rate is ridiculous.

As soon as the economy improves there will be even more of a mass exodus out of Zoll CMS.

You will be much better off in the long run not going to this company and having a dark spot on your resume. Most people leaving there have said how they have never felt more devalued and unappreciated from the top.

what can you tell me about the east pittsburgh position that is open? I heard the #1 rep in the company had this territory. So does this mean whoever takes the position will make no money becuase the goals are now so high. Any info is appreciated