Zoll Lie vest

We have to look at “risk” accurately. If we consider all patients who wear the vest, less than 3% are treated. If we consider the co morbidity profile of those treated, the risk comes into greater focus. With the results of the trial out there, it is really reckless to continue to push the “what if” risk. We didn’t meet our endpoints. There is no way to avoid this fact. The Lie Vest is for a very small segment of patients with low EF.

Funny how this product was badmouthed from the beginning of this thread in 2013, yet almost a decade later and we’re still talking about it. What’s a reasonable base and bonus to expect?

If u go into arrest you likely die or damage your body permanently. You only have a price tag of a couple thousand for yourself? Sad
What’s sad is most people don’t have an extra thousand or two to spend on something that has such a low risk of probability. If you’re in a lower income class territory, how can you ever convince people that this is worth it??