Zoll Lie vest

Went to a training Recently. Met a rep from the Pittsburgh, PA market, he is crushing it; how? How, are they doing it out there? It also seems like they all really like it, and are happy. I am really sinking out here.

This was posted by management in September. Both positions in Pittsburgh are now open..it's February.

It doesn't add up. Your right . It's factual, that's why it doesn't add up. If you're something "special/valuable in a leadership role ( like he thinks he is ) then you're definitely not working at the ZOLL lifevest organization. He is a perfect example of somebody that is here by default, got pushed out of his old organization, and couldn't find a good job with a good credible company. So he landed here, and thinks he Superman. It's funny as hell to watch actually.


Nice to know you think so lowly of the people and the company that puts food on your family's table. Do yourself a solid and teach your wife and kids to say thanks to me if we ever meet. Why you might ask? Because their husband/father is an interchangeable part and I can change it at any point in time. Remember that buddy!

Still waiting shorty/ tough guy. Stilllllll waiting. All talk as usual , just like your "leadership principles". Oh wait maybe you're afraid to fire me because you won't be able to find anybody to fill my spot with a brain. Oh never mind, I'm sorry I forgot you'll just hire another dried up laid off , loser pharmaceutical rep that has absolutely no talent at all whatsoever. Lmao ......

Many will be looking for new jobs after the rif, but only the those that are truly desperate should consider working lifevest or more accurately, the Lie vest. This place is horrible, the worst environment to work in ever!!! The sales team is considered expendable, and you are treated as such. Lets also take a look at the track record of the Lie vest. 100,000 patients, 1000 saves, at a cost of $500,000 per life saved. How is this good for healthcare? This will all be coming to an end soon. Insurance will not continue to pay $3000 per month for such a low risk. Stay away

I had triple bypass heart surgery last year. The hospital refused to release me if I did not agree to wear the Zoll Life Vest. The hospital also claimed my Blue Cross Insurance would pay in full for it. I had to agree to wear the Zoll Life Vest to get out of the hospital. 2 weeks later Blue Cross claimed the Zoll Life Vest medically Unnecessary and they refused to pay for it. I wore the Vest for 2 months 4 days but Zoll charged for full 3 months of over $10,000. I still owe the money and I can not pay it. I think Zoll is one complete medical scam that the US Goverment should investigate and shut down the Zoll Company. Hey Lawyers start a case against Zoll.

I had triple bypass heart surgery last year. The hospital refused to release me if I did not agree to wear the Zoll Life Vest. The hospital also claimed my Blue Cross Insurance would pay in full for it. I had to agree to wear the Zoll Life Vest to get out of the hospital. 2 weeks later Blue Cross claimed the Zoll Life Vest medically Unnecessary and they refused to pay for it. I wore the Vest for 2 months 4 days but Zoll charged for full 3 months of over $10,000. I still owe the money and I can not pay it. I think Zoll is one complete medical scam that the US Goverment should investigate and shut down the Zoll Company. Hey Lawyers start a case against Zoll.
talk to your doc about a letter of medical necessity. The stronger the wording, the better the chance of bcbs paying. He should clearly describe why he ordered and what your risk factors were. Put some pressure on your doctor. That one's not on Zoll.

I had triple bypass heart surgery last year. The hospital refused to release me if I did not agree to wear the Zoll Life Vest. The hospital also claimed my Blue Cross Insurance would pay in full for it. I had to agree to wear the Zoll Life Vest to get out of the hospital. 2 weeks later Blue Cross claimed the Zoll Life Vest medically Unnecessary and they refused to pay for it. I wore the Vest for 2 months 4 days but Zoll charged for full 3 months of over $10,000. I still owe the money and I can not pay it. I think Zoll is one complete medical scam that the US Goverment should investigate and shut down the Zoll Company. Hey Lawyers start a case against Zoll.

What's the commissh on a 3 month bid? Bet your rep made some dough if that makes you feel better!!

What's the commissh on a 3 month bid? Bet your rep made some dough if that makes you feel better!!

You're an idiot. If the insurance company didn't pay and the patient doesn't pay the sales rep made ZERO!!!! We don't get paid unless the company gets paid. WAKE UP, doesn't you look at your revenue? If the insurance doesn't pay and the patient refuses to pay then we get ZERO! What company doesn't pay their reps until the get paid? Answer, Zoll

There there my misguided flock. Big daddy management is here to fix your mistakes. Complaining is a first world luxury and when we outsource our sales force to illegal immigrants you will no longer have it. So enjoy it while you can, the Mexicans are coming!

There there my misguided flock. Big daddy management is here to fix your mistakes. Complaining is a first world luxury and when we outsource our sales force to illegal immigrants you will no longer have it. So enjoy it while you can, the Mexicans are coming!

Bless your heart! But you're going to need a lot of green cards. LOL!!!

You're an idiot. If the insurance company didn't pay and the patient doesn't pay the sales rep made ZERO!!!! We don't get paid unless the company gets paid. WAKE UP, doesn't you look at your revenue? If the insurance doesn't pay and the patient refuses to pay then we get ZERO! What company doesn't pay their reps until the get paid? Answer, Zoll

Correct. TMs and RMs are not paid for their sales for uninsured patients, patients with insurance companies that don't cover the lifevest, patients that have high deductibles, patients that have no DME coverage, patients with DME max amounts, and on and on. Lest Zoll has any confusion about whey they can't get us to stay, here it is. And to all new interviewees, go ahead and ask which sales count - because many of them don't.

There there my sweet but ineffective children. Mother Zoll will continue to care for you and pay higher than average base salaries (in CRM they are 40K). As Joni Mitchell so eloquently stated "don't it always seem to go that you don't know whatcha got til it's gone". All who left Zoll regret leaving and never quite find a company who makes them as happy. The vocal minority on this website are just confused and misguided children.