Zimmer in Kansas City

I knew the old distributor there back in the day and that area rocked. Lots of issues since he left. Lots of nostalgia in the posts. Too bad things have fallen apart there but there is a common thread that has remained constant!

Of course the deals will end. It's no surprise that the talks will begin. Management will walk back the deals just like they have all over the country. Houston has the same thing going on. We have bigger issues as a company than a rep or two leaving.

KC is fine. All of the reps have been supportive of Stacy and have moved past the old days. Say what you want but actions speak louder than words and all of the reps have rallied behind Stacy and are working for him! End of story. Nobody is held hostage by ZB!

At the end of the day Stacy Lehman is the leader and support is obvious for him. People who don't believe that have always been free to leave. Things will improve even more when the old guard is gone and he can do things his way without being stabbed in the back.

As a former Biomet guy in that area I think the issue has to do with the current Zimmer reps. Most of them have never converted a surgeon, just inherited a territory or outlasted the senior rep. Now they feel like they control things and have the power to demand things. The managers do their best to deal with these egos and get the ship back on the right track. Spoiled brats who have never done anything and feel a sense of entitlement ruin the culture.

As a former Biomet guy in that area I think the issue has to do with the current Zimmer reps. Most of them have never converted a surgeon, just inherited a territory or outlasted the senior rep. Now they feel like they control things and have the power to demand things. The managers do their best to deal with these egos and get the ship back on the right track. Spoiled brats who have never done anything and feel a sense of entitlement ruin the culture.

That's no different than Zimmer reps everywhere. Never heard of a conversion to Z, and most just babysit and manage existing biz. Pure box openers who think they impact the business. Worst hires out there, as everyone brought from Z to other companies have never produced a single surgeon conversion with any distributor I've talked to in 20 years.

The 2017 planning has almost been wrapped up and KC is one of only a few big problem areas that require a change. They know nobody will leave because those that could already have and the ones left don't have the ability to move business.