Word is Kyger may be coming back to help in KC
Quite a few. It is messy in KC...JR is lost and doesn't know what to do so she just hides. The reps are fighting about commission and compensation. Corporate just shakes their heads because they know they can do nothing. It is a disaster.
Over a third of the business has walked out the door. What the hell is going on there? Is this going to follow the path of Wilson - Phillips??
As a former Biomet guy in that area I think the issue has to do with the current Zimmer reps. Most of them have never converted a surgeon, just inherited a territory or outlasted the senior rep. Now they feel like they control things and have the power to demand things. The managers do their best to deal with these egos and get the ship back on the right track. Spoiled brats who have never done anything and feel a sense of entitlement ruin the culture.