Zimmer in Kansas City

General Electric management is using Kansas City as the lab rat experiment. Typical GE style is to lose the business, lose the reps, start the culture over in GE style. Deep pockets think longer term.

Now we have interum, inept management, we are on our way to GE world. Z Reps stock goes down with loss of business, rendering them useless to other companies. Too bad they can't grow a pair while they still have some business. They are brain washed thinking that companies won't fight their non-compete battles for them and put them in an adjacent territory while they fight it out. There actually is safety in numbers.

Soon, very soon, Crim can go back to waiting tables when Cook jumps ship.

He is not going anywhere. Most companies now a days require you to have a college degree. He is all bark and no bite.

Looks like the next step is to bring in hatchet man John Tarintino to clean house and start over with his own guys, unless Mason Jones makes another run at it. Replacing Jackie Ross should be the first overhead reduction.

It really cheapens the information shared here when reps come here to bash their colleagues under the safety of "anonymous". Enough negativity is poured into the field as it is, if you are coming here to add to your diatribes, just stop. It is also fairly obvious who is writing the pot shots . . .

It really cheapens the information shared here when reps come here to bash their colleagues under the safety of "anonymous". Enough negativity is poured into the field as it is, if you are coming here to add to your diatribes, just stop. It is also fairly obvious who is writing the pot shots . . .

Oh boo fucking hoo! Was that your picture on the cover of Time magazine little boy? We all know of the issues of Z KC. Even before big T screwed the pooch it was Maxon not once, but twice. Everyone has watched your market share dominance destroyed in KC. Losing KU was just the kicker. But buck up little buddy...tomorrow is another day.

Heard that Joe Cuccolo is coming in as President of the Americas to save the day. Looking at bringing back all of the distributors lost under Kramer's blunders. He doesn't like the direct models since he was under one. Will answer directly to the top and start cleaning house

Looking at this old thread it seems like nothing has changed. Jackie is still here and things continue to decline. Stacy is now in charge and it gets worse. When is enough just enough? Rob Delp needs to make a wholesale change before it's too late! Being part of this has become a joke. Every rep here has a different deal and those deals are going to end soon. Guess what happens when the changes come?

I reread the entire thread and it was a walk down memory lane since 2011 in KC. The slide just continues with the old and new management in control? The guys from St. Louis will be taking over soon!

Haha even the great Joe Cucolo couldn't save that district. All of the good reps have left and the ones that are still there didn't earn the business in the first place, they just inherited it from the true sellers!