Exactly!! Shut up and quit your whining or just leave. offers that’s right. None of you can pull a nickel of business and you all know it.
Exactly!! Shut up and quit your whining or just leave. offers that’s right. None of you can pull a nickel of business and you all know it.
Plenty aka none...big talkingShows what you know. Plenty of reps not signing non competes and you are doing nothing about it. Biomet reps still walking around untouchable.
Of course no one has left. Because you are all a bunch of whiny little bitches who have no value and do nothing but complain. Fuck off..
Has anyone left, quit, gone to a competitive company or anything to show how “bad” it is there? Most likely not because you’re all just weak ineffective reps and leaders. Don’t whine about things that’ll never change, your actions speak louder then your pitiful posts!