Zimmer in Kansas City

She’s distancing herself from him every chance she gets. He continues to lie and mislead people he’s supposed to lead. Still no word on our new contracts! The only hope is that corporate sees the mess and gets rid of them both.

My money says there have been very few, if any. The posts claiming about all the "great offers from the competition", "rep leaving", etc. originate from the same loser-box opener who is just stirring up shit because management sees him for what he is...LOSER

If I'm wrong, how about some names?.

There have been 4-5 strong reps leave over the past few years but hardly a mass exodus. Many of the remaining reps were waiting to see the new terms on their contracts and comparing to their DJO deals. That’s not happening, ZB wins by default! The reps are stuck and ZB knows it and will hammer them this time around. Good luck!!

If DJO was your backup plan then you all are idiots. You have no leverage and management knows it. You’ll get your details of the commission cut last day of the year, sign your new contracts and shut up! Your weak managers win again, same old story.

ZB Kansas City and DJO are both jokes! Buckle up buttercup and get ready for some tough news. It may sting a little but you will make less and your manager will make more...sound familiar?

That’s exactly what just happened! Nostradamus like prediction. Stacy and his little flunky Jackie will make more and we will make considerably less. Not one person here has enough of a spine to even resist, just box openers left!

I am having a great year with vey little stress, playing golf and making money. Conformis is the way to go and I might even put up some billboard ads like I did with the Oxford. You know who this is and how to reach me.

Ain’t nobody doing nothing around here. DJO and Conformis are options but the little box openers here can’t move a single surgeon. We all make less and Stacy knows he has all of the cards!

You gotta know this place sucks. Everyone here in the field is useless and knows they have absolutely become a laughing stock in the industry. They all act big and bad and run around stomping their feet like they have power. Absolutely hilarious!! You’re right ain’t nobody leaving.

The fact that not 1 person has agreed to their contact is hilarious. They have absolutely no leverage and Stacy knows it. Jackie is just hanging out till she gets promoted...#metoo. Management wins again

100% correct! Some of the old Biomet guys don’t have non competes and are getting a higher commission rate! If you think different then you’re naive and have been lied absolutely lied to by management.

Everyone knows who is getting a higher rate but they have to believe the liars above so they can justify why they stay. If they ever allowed themselves to actually know the truth they’d realize how pathetic they really are. It’s easier to just bury your head in the sand then to call management out in their lies. Sad around here!