Zimmer in Kansas City

Nobody here is signing a more restrictive contract that pays us significantly less money and requires us to shoulder more of the burden. Not going to happen especially when our managers will automatically just get raises and they absolutely do nothing for us!

You’ll do as you’re told! Shut up, sign the contract and make less, end of story. Not one of you have a backbone and the only people having a Merry Christmas will be your managers who are getting a raise!!

Not sure why you guys are freakin out about the contracts that you’ll be signing. The entire company will be on the same deal and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. No President, backorders, and lack of product are the real issues at ZB.

You guys are idiots! You’ll all sign whatever they put in front of you and you know it! If you could have left you’d have done it by now. Your managers deserve a raise dealing with you rejects.