Zimmer in Kansas City

What a ridiculous situation we are in here. We have overpaid managers who do nothing to help those that actually make it happen. Those that do make it happen are getting ready to be taken to the woodshed with these new contracts. Managers and a turncoat rep are the only ones not worried about their pay taking a hit!

You reps are complete idiots and need our superior management skills. You need to shut up and take the commission cut that we’re delivering very soon. Our million dollar salary is a necessity to support our lifestyle

You narcissistic little twerps in the corn hole of America (that would be Kansas) are pathetic. XA2DSC can't do so much as get boxes out the door and you are so self-involved you don't see the big picture. Get over your self absorbed Peyton Place existence. You're the laughing stock of our profession.

We may be silly narcissistic twerps but we’ve survived more than most. Absolutely zero management, leadership changes, no consistency and still major division between us and the old Biomet group that we took over. New contracts and commission cuts are the last thing that we need!

Not one rep has the confidence or ability to make a move to a competitor. Shut up and stop acting like any of you has what it takes to move any business. Fear, insecurity and jealousy is all I read here!

Commission cut and you get to fund your junior reps! Welcome to the real world folks. You’ll whine and cry then threaten and at the end of the day you’ll just take it because if you could have left you already would have.

ZB reps are leaving all over the country. You have nothing to bargain with when the cuts come except for your relationships. Actions speak louder than words! Glad I left when I did.

We’ become Stryker here, a laughing stock. Hiring tatted up juice heads, low commissions, more managers than we need. Things we all made fun of before is what we have become here locally...office is a joke

Well said and right on the money. These things would have never happened under different leadership. Sad the way things have been allowed to go. We once were a proud and very respected group in the marketplace

A few of the old guard are still there and conduct themselves with total class and professionalism and everyone knows who those few are. Current management has allowed an influx of less desirable people and it’s ruined the culture. Change starts at the top

Please rid us of our useless management team! Ineffective and totally useless. They aren’t going to defend us and do what is right! The change that is coming will destroy this area.