Zimmer in Kansas City

How timid can Jackie be making 1.2m per year? Dave making over 1m per year should walk around like he owns the place! All of the other people better get ready for big changes that are coming. Those 2 get paid and the rest get whacked.

Don’t hate the player hate the game. Sounds like that guy makes his own deals and the rest of you suck up to your manager to get things done. Weak spineless reps in this business get nothing! Stop hating!!

I’ll bet neither Stacy or Jackie see 2018. The St. Louis crew will be running things soon. Reps better get ready to straighten up and get in line and stop whining about everything! Time to grow up.

We aren’t going back to a distributor model. Been there done that and it failed miserably here. There are great distributors out there that do a great job but we need to stay direct and have corporate run the show. Too many cry babies that just complain about everything and make life miserable for everyone including the current manager Stacy Lehman.

Not sure what the right answer is but a change is needed and a fresh start is in order. Too many old timers around to move past the old history here. Bring in new leadership

Not sure about Kansas but it makes sense that Oklahoma picks it up. The Biomet guys from St. Louis will be a nice change from the current management. Things starting to look brighter here!