Zimmer acquires Biomet for 13.3 Billion

I see some challenges on the horizon, but nothing that can't be worked out. This could be a great opportunity for both companies and having more products in your bag is always a good thing. I'm sure none of you would disagree with that. As you look at the industry, you should know that the winds of change are blowing. Soon, that light breeze will more mimic a tropical storm. So, Marrying these two companies allows us to compete, possibly dominate the orthopedic market. We will be able to drive pricing by pure Volume, while having more market share. This will allow us to increase the number of our sales force in certain markets where we have had little presence. Look, it's simple....The industry is moving to 3 major companies. ...it was bound to happen, so I can't think of a better company to be associated with than Zimmer. I don't know about you, but I'm not the biggest fan of Stryker and I can promise you that I wouldn't want to work with Smith and nephew. What do they offer? Let's all embrace this and go kick the shit out of Depuy and Stryker! And as always. ..I believe if your going to say it, then put your name on it!

Chad Casey
Biomet Orthopedics

Jesus Christ. :facepalm:

This is such a screwed up deal it's almost worthy of S&N!

First off, there's no way the FTC will allow Zimmer to have almost 40 pct of the hip and knee market. Not happening. Especially with idiots like good ol Chad talking about domination. Then add in Europe. Ever hear of DePuy's Trauma? Sold off cuz of 2o pct shares in some screws I heard. So, Zimmer will have to dump some total hip and total knee lines, plus unis. Dvorak is going to have to sell off 2/3 of Biomet. What will be left???

Add in the debt that Zimmer will have to take on. The payments will mean there goes ALL R&D for the next decade, commissions whacked by 1/3, and most Biomet staff cut ASAP. Shareholders won't like Dvorak's plan to blow up his own company.

Once this gets better understood, look for Zimmer people to be finally known as the stupid empty suits they really are. Of course we know who the true whores are-sitting around Noa Noa getting plastered weekly. Nice way to kill an American industry and a town.

This is such a screwed up deal it's almost worthy of S&N!

First off, there's no way the FTC will allow Zimmer to have almost 40 pct of the hip and knee market. Not happening. Especially with idiots like good ol Chad talking about domination. Then add in Europe. Ever hear of DePuy's Trauma? Sold off cuz of 2o pct shares in some screws I heard. So, Zimmer will have to dump some total hip and total knee lines, plus unis. Dvorak is going to have to sell off 2/3 of Biomet. What will be left???

Add in the debt that Zimmer will have to take on. The payments will mean there goes ALL R&D for the next decade, commissions whacked by 1/3, and most Biomet staff cut ASAP. Shareholders won't like Dvorak's plan to blow up his own company.

Once this gets better understood, look for Zimmer people to be finally known as the stupid empty suits they really are. Of course we know who the true whores are-sitting around Noa Noa getting plastered weekly. Nice way to kill an American industry and a town.

We loved Noa Noa!

This is such a screwed up deal it's almost worthy of S&N!

First off, there's no way the FTC will allow Zimmer to have almost 40 pct of the hip and knee market. Not happening. Especially with idiots like good ol Chad talking about domination. Then add in Europe. Ever hear of DePuy's Trauma? Sold off cuz of 2o pct shares in some screws I heard. So, Zimmer will have to dump some total hip and total knee lines, plus unis. Dvorak is going to have to sell off 2/3 of Biomet. What will be left???

Add in the debt that Zimmer will have to take on. The payments will mean there goes ALL R&D for the next decade, commissions whacked by 1/3, and most Biomet staff cut ASAP. Shareholders won't like Dvorak's plan to blow up his own company.

Once this gets better understood, look for Zimmer people to be finally known as the stupid empty suits they really are. Of course we know who the true whores are-sitting around Noa Noa getting plastered weekly. Nice way to kill an American industry and a town.

Noa Noa is quality eats and dranks. Keep em out of this!

Well...at least good olé idiot Chad has enough balls to list his name. And last time I checked, you my friend, have never graced the upper level management halls of any company. That's probably why you won't or will never list your name. Usually those guys who "have balls," are the ones that take risk, make hard decisions or start companies. So let's give you a nickname....hmmmm..let's see....oh, I have it! Let's call you "Mr. Pessimistic, will be a rep forever Zimmer guy". Now that we have established that, I think you can now tell us the real reason why you are so down on this deal. Come on, just tell us how you know how to run a company better than the people that are in place. I'm sure that's what you are dying to say..right? I mean, I'm sure you have an MBA from like Whorton Business School, Right? I'm sure you are dealing with large business transactions that effect many families and financial stability of a small town on a daily basis. So, can we at least agree that those guys would not have signed this deal if they thought that it wouldn't clear FTC and the EU? Oh my friend, I think I'm pretty much spot on. So look..everyone has their Place in the world....your happens to be in sales...which is great! Just let these guys do what they do and let the chips fall where they may. I know you were probably "the man" in high school..you were probably that guy who walked around hitting freshman on the heads with your class ring. You're also probably that guy who talks about the good olé days when you creating domination on the field against the rival high school!!! Look man, don't be that guy that gets on these blogs and pretend that you are some kind of steve jobs. Just stick to what you know and that's probably sales! Again, that a great attribute.....be proud of that, but don't get on this blog and try to denigrate people who are trying to see something positive in this acquisition. Don't be the guy that sucks the wind out of every room you walk in! Really what I'm saying is: don't be "Mr. Pessimistic, will be a rep forever, Zimmer Guy!" You're better than that!

Wow, last guy seems pretty high on himself and down on the sales force. All the people in corporate think sales are easy and we are just a bunch of dumb jocks. We are the ones speaking to surgeons everyday. We are the ones who are able to keep business in the middle of a recall, manage surgeon frustration when products don't launch as promised, and take whatever products you worked on and and turn it into sales numbers. There are some product managers who understand this and those are usually the ones we put in front of surgeons. There are also ones like the previous poster and those are the ones who don't have any clue how to communicate with customers or what the real issues are in the field. You are going to need a strong sales force to come through this deal in a good position. Look what happened to DePuy Synthes spine. They didn't handle the sale forces properly through transition, sales people left, and now spine sales are down. Please don't act like a MBA is some big accomplishment. Every other business major is getting one now and you can get one online through a major university with not a lot of effort.

Hey my man, I'm not down on the sales force. I've been a sales rep, a distributor and a corp guy, so I know the struggles of the grind. But I also know that people much smarter than me are making some pretty big decisions on how to run a company. Sometimes we fool ourselves in believing that we can do a better job! Just FYI....I was also one of those Dumb Jocks! I just don't like people that get on this blog and pretend to be this almighty wealth of knowledge on how to run a company and then spout off at the people who are trying to stay positive. If you don't like this situation, then go work somewhere else. I would rather you just take some of that passion and put it toward making the company better.

Well...at least good olé idiot Chad has enough balls to list his name. And last time I checked, you my friend, have never graced the upper level management halls of any company. That's probably why you won't or will never list your name. Usually those guys who "have balls," are the ones that take risk, make hard decisions or start companies. So let's give you a nickname....hmmmm..let's see....oh, I have it! Let's call you "Mr. Pessimistic, will be a rep forever Zimmer guy". Now that we have established that, I think you can now tell us the real reason why you are so down on this deal. Come on, just tell us how you know how to run a company better than the people that are in place. I'm sure that's what you are dying to say..right? I mean, I'm sure you have an MBA from like Whorton Business School, Right? I'm sure you are dealing with large business transactions that effect many families and financial stability of a small town on a daily basis. So, can we at least agree that those guys would not have signed this deal if they thought that it wouldn't clear FTC and the EU? Oh my friend, I think I'm pretty much spot on. So look..everyone has their Place in the world....your happens to be in sales...which is great! Just let these guys do what they do and let the chips fall where they may. I know you were probably "the man" in high school..you were probably that guy who walked around hitting freshman on the heads with your class ring. You're also probably that guy who talks about the good olé days when you creating domination on the field against the rival high school!!! Look man, don't be that guy that gets on these blogs and pretend that you are some kind of steve jobs. Just stick to what you know and that's probably sales! Again, that a great attribute.....be proud of that, but don't get on this blog and try to denigrate people who are trying to see something positive in this acquisition. Don't be the guy that sucks the wind out of every room you walk in! Really what I'm saying is: don't be "Mr. Pessimistic, will be a rep forever, Zimmer Guy!" You're better than that!

You talk about having the balls to put your name behind what you say but I didn't see anything at the bottom of that unprovoked and incoherent diatribe against the sales force. How can you go from insulting someone (I'm not sure who that was directed toward) to telling them they ought to be more optimistic?

I see some challenges on the horizon, but nothing that can't be worked out. This could be a great opportunity for both companies and having more products in your bag is always a good thing. I'm sure none of you would disagree with that. As you look at the industry, you should know that the winds of change are blowing. Soon, that light breeze will more mimic a tropical storm. So, Marrying these two companies allows us to compete, possibly dominate the orthopedic market. We will be able to drive pricing by pure Volume, while having more market share. This will allow us to increase the number of our sales force in certain markets where we have had little presence. Look, it's simple....The industry is moving to 3 major companies. ...it was bound to happen, so I can't think of a better company to be associated with than Zimmer. I don't know about you, but I'm not the biggest fan of Stryker and I can promise you that I wouldn't want to work with Smith and nephew. What do they offer? Let's all embrace this and go kick the shit out of Depuy and Stryker! And as always. ..I believe if your going to say it, then put your name on it!

Chad Casey
Biomet Orthopedics

Hey, Chad Casey from Biomet,
Lets see what tune you are singing when hundreds of your co-workers and friends there at Biomet get canned by their new Zimmer Overlords. This merger is a straight up takeover and will devastate Biomet and Warsaw. Zimmer currently has layoffs during years of record profits. What do you think they will do when they find themselves with entire redundant departments?
I don't work for Biomet, but I understand that it has a very laid back and family feel to the culture and that people generally like working there. Kiss that goodbye, Chad! If you find someone who claims to like working at Zimmer, chances are they are executive management and make a quarter million plus. The rank and file do not like it here at all.

Let's hope you get your wish and it all ends up roses and puppy dogs. I fear, however, that you will have some hard days saying goodbye to a lot of your friends or even packing your own stuff in a box and going home to tell your family that you don't have a job anymore. Then maybe you will re-evaluate your position and realize what your leadership has really done to you and your co-workers.

I would sign my name but for one simple fact - I don't work for Biomet and I am justly afraid that if the leadership of my company sees that I was the one that posted this, I would loose my job. Because that is the kind of company I work for, Chad, and it is the kind of company you will be working for soon, too. If you are still working.

Maybe so....but good hardworking people will always land on their feet. And again..I'm all about sales people. I'm one of them and will always be one of them. To you my friend..I totally understand about not listing your name. You gotta feed the family and keep the peace with the company! I appreciate your canter.

I think you meant "candor".
"Canter" is a controlled, three-beat gait performed by a horse. I may skip or gallivant, or even sachet at times, but I don't canter.

"Sachet" is a small disposable bag or pouch, made from plastic, tin foil, or mylar, often used to contain single-use quantities of foods. I may sashay or strut, or even flounce at times, but I don't sachet.

Lets see what tune you are singing when hundreds of your co-workers and friends there at Biomet get canned by their new Zimmer Overlords. This merger is a straight up takeover and will devastate Biomet and Warsaw. Zimmer currently has layoffs during years of record profits. What do you think they will do when they find themselves with entire redundant departments?
I understand that it (Biomet) has a very laid back and family feel to the culture and that people generally like working there. Kiss that goodbye! If you find someone who claims to like working at Zimmer, chances are they are executive management and make a quarter million plus. The rank and file do not like it here at all.

On the non-personal, corporate-perspective; what a great deal. On the personal, 'small'-town this is how I support my family -- perspective; this is going to be a tough challenge for a few thousand people. That is "thousands", and includes a lot of my friends in that crowd...

Will be interesting to see what Zimmer decides to do with some of Biomet's smaller but profitable companies like Microfixation and Bone Stim's

I heard that Biomet has been trying to divest InnerVue in an effort to streamline its product portfolio. It will be interesting to see what existing Zimmer/Biomet lines are sold off where there is overlap or to satisfy the anti trust folks.