Biomet is looking like the Cadillac Reps here and Zimmer Reps, the red headed step child. Sorry, its true
"Sachet" is a small disposable bag or pouch, made from plastic, tin foil, or mylar, often used to contain single-use quantities of foods. I may sashay or strut, or even flounce at times, but I don't sachet.
Interesting buy out, sure there won't be any questions concerning reps integrity when they start selling products they were slagging off a month ago.
Anyone remember the acrmonious JBJS advertisements concerning the Oxford Knee? Lets wait for the U turn on it's clinical results being great!
LOL..sorry bro.. this new phone is killing me. Yes, I meant candor.
I'm sure the Zuk will be sold off. Oxford has much more market share and far more loyal following. Same with shoulder.
I'm sure the Zuk will be sold off. Oxford has much more market share and far more loyal following. Same with shoulder.[/QUOTE
Neither Zuk or Oxford are going anywhere...2 different, successful systems that give options to sales rep when approaching a competitive surgeon
Those of us that remember the centerpulse acquisition in 03 or Abbott spine will know that Zimmer favors their own designs to others. Biomet's portfolio won't get the same focus going forward. How does the same company tout two different brands of vit E poly? Ans: one gets ignored. The ZUK and the oxford might do okay because they're different enough from each other to both have value to different surgeons, but the Oxford won't get the singular focus it has enjoyed and won't be used as a door opener to the degree that it has in the past.
The total knee systems have a lot of overlap. They'll want to keep both sales forces around to service the same volume they always have. The warehouses will be combined and some distributors will lose out, but the average rep may do fine for several years. The real "savings" will come from 2 legal departments, purchasing, manufacturing, contracts, management from the director up, quality, sterilization, lab work etc.
Anything in the pipeline that is redundant will be re-evaluated with a new eye. Do I need a new baseplate for the vanguard or can I make a crossover poly to allow the use of persona femurs with vanguard baseplates. Hmmm this is fun. I probably don't need the new instrument set for the vanguard femurs that was being developed in response to the persona instruments so with these crossover polys. I could eliminate a few engineers with that change. And so on...
A lot of people seem to think ZMH's BMET acquisition is a done deal. Why? What about antitrust considerations especially in the USA, UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, etc?
Sad but true.Very sad.In my opinion this merger will be devastating for the city of Warsaw. The consolidation will take years and won't be announced day one. As time goes by there will be losses by both Biomet and Zimmer employees...both in Warsaw and in the field. The short term (2 yr) impact for Warsaw will be considerable. Lots of homes on the market, home prices dropping, retail business will have less revenue, car and boat sales will slow down, etc and etc. People will be forced to either take lower paying non-ortho jobs or will move away, never to return. The total impact will be fewer workers at all salary/hourly levels....nobody is protected, regardless of how hard you worked or how well you did your job. Not good for the hard working folks who have dedicated their lives a for companies that simply will not care. Very sad to see a great, innovative company like Biomet disappear. Sorry to be pessimistic but this has been repeated over and over in many other industries, why would orthopedics be any different?
A lot of people seem to think ZMH's BMET acquisition is a done deal. Why? What about antitrust considerations especially in the USA, UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, etc?