ZB Surgical

well over midway through the 2nd quarter and nothing seems to be improving here, in fact seems to be getting worse. Apparently, we missed our Q1 number but none of us know because they dont tell us.
Tenured reps are leaving or being asked to leave. Even the Rep of the Year from 2017 has left.... I think they realize Sales Rep II's are not going to make the money they want here and don't care if they leave. They can try to win on price, with our commodity based portfolio, by programming sales rep I's with little experience to go win on price, and paying them less.
How much longer will this be a viable division on its own? The product bag is getting ready to expand but into a market that is saturated with numerous competitors and all have a more well-balanced portfolio in that market.

No numbers/data available to us, or the wrong data? why is accurate data so hard to come by here?
Managers lead by scare tactics because they are scared themselves. Seems they are scared of the guy who is their boss, yet no one knows what he actually does.
From what I hear, I would expect a fair number of reps currently here now, to be gone within a year or less

Our fearless leader Gregory of the Land would never fail us. He is backed by his passionate and fearless assistant Bradley of baldness who knows all things regarding all things. They are equally wise and all knowing. They provide us only what we need to know as to keep us sharp and well trained. Under their tutelage we will take on the Surgical landscape one cuff at a time. Let us not worry about money, numbers, or quotas. Let us rejoice in their supreme leadership. They will lead us to the promise land. They are tactical in their precision like knowledge. These two gentlemen alone can guide us to victory. We just have to believe. Let us all do our part in serving them. They care about us. As Gregory has said many times, we are a family. Amen.

Our fearless leader Gregory of the Land would never fail us. He is backed by his passionate and fearless assistant Bradley of baldness who knows all things regarding all things. They are equally wise and all knowing. They provide us only what we need to know as to keep us sharp and well trained. Under their tutelage we will take on the Surgical landscape one cuff at a time. Let us not worry about money, numbers, or quotas. Let us rejoice in their supreme leadership. They will lead us to the promise land. They are tactical in their precision like knowledge. These two gentlemen alone can guide us to victory. We just have to believe. Let us all do our part in serving them. They care about us. As Gregory has said many times, we are a family. Amen.

But wait. Remember that time Greg flew in and saved that Intellicart trial that went horribly wrong? Oh wait, never happened. Remember that time that Brad instructed me on how to overcome Stryker placements versus ours even though the competition had a better product at a lower price? Wait, never happened. But then there's that time that Todd gave us that inspirational email about menial tasks to complete in my work day. That actually happened. Remember when my Regional Manager bailed me out of .... Also, nothing.

Remember when they wanted our Salesforce quarterly forecasts and disregarded the fact they couldn't even provide accurate monthly numbers. Wait, that always happens.So I guess the main question is: What do we need you guys for in the first place? What value add does "leadership" actually provide?

Nothing. Undeniably nothing.

LG- Degree or no degree? Should you be on a “plan”?

Is your performance based on how many plans you give out per quarter? If so, you are safe but the question remains....when you are 7 mil back does the new manager card still work?

The size of the turd rolling downhill at ZB surgical is growing exponentially bigger by the day. It’s only a matter of time before the big boss man gets a whiff!

I honestly can't wait for the mid-year meeting. I'm going to bring a big bucket of popcorn and sit back while enjoying the fireworks. We've had enough posturing from leadership. Are you going to put your whole sales force on a plan? What does that say about our leadership in general? Obviously there's no accountability in that department. When a football team fails as a whole they get a new head coach and replace multiple position coaches. At Zimmer Surgical we get rid of people who bust their backsides trying to sell trash for products at a premium in a market space strapped for cash. This division will be gone in 1-2 years (if not sooner) guaranteed.

do you really think anything of substance will be talked about at the mid year meeting?

I bet the DVT sleeve/pump market will be a HOT topic!

Is everyone excited about the pipeline coming?

How upper management at ZB has been fooled by the GR smoking mirror mgmt posers is mind boggling. The division made a big move after Neptune recall that was pure luck and swiped market share. That pendulum is swinging back now, especially with the leaking issues of the Intellicart. ZB Surgical has lost many senior reps that were continually asked to work miracles with half the products on the shelf for retooling. Leadership is a joke! The western guy sold spine and never carried a surgical bag! He speaks in Sales bumper sticker sayings and trembles in front of customers. Total joke! But he kisses up to GR like he was born to do it. It's a sinking ship and HUGE changes are coming. Tourniquet Sales can't keep this misrun division alive. Complete joke!

I am hearing they are taking product development and some engineering. A d Marketing out of the Dover ohio surgical division and moving to the Cleveland area to be,abke,to draw better employees. So what is,going to happen to the the,rest of manufacturing there. Pulse plus , touniquet machines, dermatone etc. Any thoughts out there? Divesture in the making?

I am hearing they are taking product development and some engineering. A d Marketing out of the Dover ohio surgical division and moving to the Cleveland area to be,abke,to draw better employees. So what is,going to happen to the the,rest of manufacturing there. Pulse plus , touniquet machines, dermatone etc. Any thoughts out there? Divesture in the making?

Moving to Riverside (Dornoch) to break the union

I'm am implant rep with a crap comp plan at my current company. I'm planning to interview for a Sales Rep II position. Is there any significant difference between Sales Rep I and II?


I'm monitoring your continued failures. Your lack of success tickles my insides. The higher you've progressed in this organization the worse we've done. Tick-Tock, Bradley. The clock on your tenure here has long been running. On-wards.


I'm monitoring your continued failures. Your lack of success tickles my insides. The higher you've progressed in this organization the worse we've done. Tick-Tock, Bradley. The clock on your tenure here has long been running. On-wards.

Hahahah! I've always wondered why no one ever calls Fortune out on his B.S. I'd pay good money to see HIM walk into a hospital and push some of the deals Finance shoots back to us. This whole, "great salesman sell on quality not price" is laughable. As soon as you provide us with a "quality" product then we can talk. The disconnect between the salesforce and management is alarming. You don't need to worry about Fortune or Roche stepping down. That will be forced upon them soon enough. Good riddance.

It’s sad how much BS is being forced down the throats of some great reps. Blatant desperation time with this camera. They’ve already lost some really good reps. Greg, Brad and Jon need to go.