you know what pisses me off?

You can't tell me they didn't address the comp situation

Dude, really? Your main compensation is still contingent upon revenue of which you have ZERO control over. What happens when negative adjustments nail you or when a hospital is late on paying their leases? How about re-authorizations? You are kidding yourself if you think this is sustainable comp. The system was built to help senior leadership get rich and they expect the turnover to continue. They really don't care about you as they will continue to rake in the big bucks at your expense. DON'T BE A FOOL

Hi All, Thinking of joining Zoll. Was told bonuses got so much better. Would you recommend joining Zoll?

Just read the thousands of posts on CP. It's really bad here. Worst turnover in the industry and they don't know how to change it. If you manage to make money beyond the first 6 months, the comp isn't sustainable given the quota growth expectations. The bulk of your quota is based on revenue from insurance plans which don't want to pay. Most Medicare HMOs require authorizations and re-authorizations which the cannot handle the volume of individual insurance claims/authorization you need to hit your quota. You have no control over the revenue and you will pay dearly after the first year.
Great product, but by far the worst company to work for.

Thank you so much for taking time to explain... Obviously, the turnover shows, looking at the reviews... It is very sad that what is happening, especially if the products are great. I also think this may be a good stepping stone into devices....

Thank you so much for taking time to explain... Obviously, the turnover shows, looking at the reviews... It is very sad that what is happening, especially if the products are great. I also think this may be a good stepping stone into devices....

Agreed regarding the stepping stone philosophy. A lot of the male talent in porn has to start off making male on male scenes in order to build their brand. These men are far from gay and usually end up doing normal male/female scenes for the rest of their career.

Agreed regarding the stepping stone philosophy. A lot of the male talent in porn has to start off making male on male scenes in order to build their brand. These men are far from gay and usually end up doing normal male/female scenes for the rest of their career.
Great point. I had a brief stint in the porn industry prior to coming to Zoll. Gay porn is the proving ground should you want to advance your career. I would view this as an entry point towards another device company, albeit, I'm very happy here at Zoll. Please make sure you don't compromise your principals. Just like when I did gay porn I would only be the pitcher, I wouldn't perform oral and no tongue kissing.

Good luck to you.

What a sewer Zoll has become

Oh I'm sorry you have never had to go through adversity in life and do things you didn't necessarily want to do. Sometiems life presents some dire circumstances and only the strong survive. I do however agree with the no tongue kissing part, you will never get over that one.

how many people quit this week? I heard of at least two managers.

And more managers will be bailing soon. If you're an experienced RM, why would you want to make the same money or less than a new RM with little to no cardiology or management experience. All the good RMs have either left or on their way out. The smart ones get out quick.

And more managers will be bailing soon. If you're an experienced RM, why would you want to make the same money or less than a new RM with little to no cardiology or management experience. All the good RMs have either left or on their way out. The smart ones get out quick.

This place is a cesspool. Unless unemployed with no other offers, DO NOT come here. Not only a cesspool but a huge stain on your resume.

This place is a cesspool. Unless unemployed with no other offers, DO NOT come here. Not only a cesspool but a huge stain on your resume.
Agreed, I hate myself. The only consistent business I'm getting is from a gay cardiologist and I'm having to provide him favors in return. I guess I'm gay for the Zoll Stay.

Agreed, I hate myself. The only consistent business I'm getting is from a gay cardiologist and I'm having to provide him favors in return. I guess I'm gay for the Zoll Stay.

You aren't alone. A lot of the "Zolldiers" are gay for the stay. Don't pull an Aaron Hernandez, you aren't worthless. You are a child of God.

I dont work for this company but have been contacted numerous times to take that dopey phone screen. Roomates at a National Mtg? Just book your own room if you hate the idea of a roommate or claim you are sick, CC HR on your email to Mgt.. This company seriously has issues.

I dont work for this company but have been contacted numerous times to take that dopey phone screen. Roomates at a National Mtg? Just book your own room if you hate the idea of a roommate or claim you are sick, CC HR on your email to Mgt.. This company seriously has issues.

How about the 15 dollar a meal limit. Leaves a lot to be desired...

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