you know what pisses me off?

According to an inside source close with Zoll Brass there is only upside at this point, all defamatory rumors related to nonexistent investigations (in other words fake news) are resolved. Expect an internal memo released soon.

Where are all of Zoll detractors? Losers

Lol well like I said the phone call I received from the DOJ and states attorney was hardly fake. I personally know 7 people who were contacted. I told the truth. Lots of unethical policies here. How about billing patients who are not compliant even though we have wear data? How about RM e mails to reps talking about EF and when to secure these documents! Think about it. Pre or post procedure? Lots of sketchy shit here!

Lol well like I said the phone call I received from the DOJ and states attorney was hardly fake. I personally know 7 people who were contacted. I told the truth. Lots of unethical policies here. How about billing patients who are not compliant even though we have wear data? How about RM e mails to reps talking about EF and when to secure these documents! Think about it. Pre or post procedure? Lots of sketchy shit here!
Fake News!