You heard it here first

OP here. Do not expect details to come next week. This will be a high level view of the transformation. Approximate number of cuts and savings, focus, priorities, maybe a senior level overview of changes and the new structure. Again, at a very high level. As for changes down the food chain those will come in time as this has yet to be figured out. Believe me if I knew, I would share the details. Willie and team have not got that granule and will not. They have presented their plan, it has been agreed upon by senior leadership and the details will come in the following months. Read the articles on Sync, there are several messages with the Ford article and Blackberry. Again, good luck to all of my friends and colleagues.

A friend in HQ

"Merck recognized that these changes to its operating model would not be sustainable without the support of a concurrent companywide cultural shift toward transparency , responsibility and honesty - no matter how painful the process" Tell that to the HCV, Ophthalmology and everyone else that you have been "Transparent" with; "responsible" with and "honest" with.

"Merck recognized that these changes to its operating model would not be sustainable without the support of a concurrent companywide cultural shift toward transparency , responsibility and honesty - no matter how painful the process" Tell that to the HCV, Ophthalmology and everyone else that you have been "Transparent" with; "responsible" with and "honest" with.

A 40 percent reduction in American headcount? Wow! That's higher than I thought. 25 factories down to 12. Geesh. The 13 are being sold to who? ........ CHINA?!?!?!

Get ready for some real cuts on this one. A support area in West Point is going from a staff of 21 down to 10. Notifications are already starting but, as the OP said, Tuesday is the 'big picture' with most notifications getting done throughout October. This ED I spoke with said for the big picture the people are not yet chosen in some areas but the numbers to cut are pretty much known. That WP area I mention have already been notified, the 11 being separated have their packages in hand. This is likely to be a scenario repeated hundreds of times in the next few weeks.

It's hard to decide which group is luckier because the workload is not getting slashed in half. Good luck to everyone!

WP employee here. Something suspicious happening end of last week. Several different dept. upcoming staff meetings were cancelled (and not just in WP). So was monthly seminar (scheduled for Oct. 1 in main WP auditorium). Reason - bumped from conf room or due to "corporate activities". EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE senses that something is about to be announced. Based on that and other things we are seeing, an announcement next week looks very likely.

Get ready for some real cuts on this one. A support area in West Point is going from a staff of 21 down to 10. Notifications are already starting but, as the OP said, Tuesday is the 'big picture' with most notifications getting done throughout October. This ED I spoke with said for the big picture the people are not yet chosen in some areas but the numbers to cut are pretty much known. That WP area I mention have already been notified, the 11 being separated have their packages in hand. This is likely to be a scenario repeated hundreds of times in the next few weeks.

It's hard to decide which group is luckier because the workload is not getting slashed in half. Good luck to everyone!

WP sterile supply and training have already been hit pretty hard in the last month.

I could go for whacky being shown the door. But here we are, beginning of week and no announcements. This is why you don't rely on getting news from CP

Are you posting from a time machine? TUESDAY is the day of announcements. Adam Schecter has quite a meeting planned for his staff. When the proverbial stuff rolls downhill you'll know how right many of the HQ posts have been.

OP here. Book it Dano, tomorrow is the day for sure. I wish that I had details but I do not. Expect big changes with big surprises. Again I wish everyone and their families the best. Get on the net before the bell rings for the high level overview. God bless.

"Big Changes" Bull--every "change" and "restructure" has ended the same way, The same old Sh....t with a NEW NAME! CTLs, LERs DCO to name a few. There is no one in UG that can tall truth from lie, real from fantasy. They are a bunch of in-bread idiots, surrounded by people who know better than to tell them anything but what they want to hear. The next round will be the same as the LAST round: the contract people will stay, tenured reps who know what they are doing will disproportionally go, and garbage reps will disproportionately stay (we need a few good reps to get the work done so the garbage gets the promotions and the glory. Then in 1-4 years, the company will finally die from all this continuous mismanagement.

Expect a big announcement early next week. Significant downsizing in the 20-25% range globally. Additional information will come on therapeutic priorities from MRL, GHH, etc. other shake ups occur including senior leadership changes that are well overdue. Good luck to all of my friends and colleagues.

A friend in HQ

ATTENTION CAFE PHARMA ADMIN. We appreciate the service you offer, it is a great outlet of information. I only hope your bosses cater good for you tomorrow and upcoming weeks. I also hope you get a raise. Why you ask? The amount of traffic will be off the charts. I recommend you have extra employees and computer servers to field the volume. You are about to witness a near collapse of one of the worlds largest drug companies. Thanks once again and get plenty of shut eye.

ATTENTION CAFE PHARMA ADMIN. We appreciate the service you offer, it is a great outlet of information. I only hope your bosses cater good for you tomorrow and upcoming weeks. I also hope you get a raise. Why you ask? The amount of traffic will be off the charts. I recommend you have extra employees and computer servers to field the volume. You are about to witness a near collapse of one of the worlds largest drug companies. Thanks once again and get plenty of shut eye.

I wouldn't be surprised if the threads all got locked and posts were tied up in approval before they appear tomorrow.

And, yes, thank you CP Admin and staff!

Next week will come and go and it will be business as usual. I am calling BS on this post. There will be no significant changes for at least15 months. Time will tell who was correct. In the meantime, stop with the fear mongering.

You, Sir, are a typical Merck idiot.

The only truth to be found regarding Merck is found on CafePharma. That's been proven repeatedly over the last several years.

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