xanax and the drug rep


Is it just me or does it seem that a lot of reps are on xanax, or something like it klonopin etc. Or take ambien to sleep or lexapro to get through the day. Is this job really that stressful?


Stressful because- just an absolute waste of a life. You have sales management, especially DBM and regional, acting as if reps are going out and calling on customers regularly, and customers for the most part seeing reps for what they are (worthless). I am not being mean, every rep in an urban area knows they can't see most of the key MDs and if they can, they have Nothing to offer the MD. So, after a couple of mgt visits, especially if the manager is an asshole, reps are stressed over what they can do to make it look like they are relevant.

One of the most relevant posts ever on this subject. Nothing is more stressful than trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Add the desparation of trying to keep your job, avoid layoffs every year, check the compliance box even if you fart, and a bad economy, makes a Xanax part of the day.

Stressful because- just an absolute waste of a life. You have sales management, especially DBM and regional, acting as if reps are going out and calling on customers regularly, and customers for the most part seeing reps for what they are (worthless). I am not being mean, every rep in an urban area knows they can't see most of the key MDs and if they can, they have Nothing to offer the MD. So, after a couple of mgt visits, especially if the manager is an asshole, reps are stressed over what they can do to make it look like they are relevant.

Spot on!!

Oh, yeh, a former 'case' called me up drunk, looking for some Xanax. She was pissed that I didn't have it and accused me of 'holding' out on her.
As time went on, I continued to learn that many were 'on' something and I was the square one. Oh well. It's a hard existence to be treated like crap all day.


Is it just me or does it seem that a lot of reps are on xanax, or something like it klonopin etc. Or take ambien to sleep or lexapro to get through the day. Is this job really that stressful?
the stress isnt from the job. its from not knowing whats mgt is going to do next.
weasels everywhere. hence they will find a way to screw up and screw you, no matter what.


I am on Ambien 10 mg every night to get to sleep, Klonopin 1 mg twice daily and sertraline (Zoloft) 150 mg every day just to get through the stress. Thanks to the ATS, 2010/2011/2012 layoff plans and the loss of the Lipitor patent, I will be on ECT soon.

Not to mention my state director and regional and district managers are the worst idiot trio ever in human history.

The need for xanax and quality of life in this company is only as good as the DBM, RM and SD that you report to, especially the DBM. That is the person who can make or break your career. I was fortunate to have someone who taught me and helped my to move up at exactly the right time. By making me valuable with many experiences, I know that if Pfizer ever cuts me I can work almost anywhere. My friend who worked for another DBM has no skills and was recently cut. It really matters who your boss is.

Run with that positive thinking-I'm being completely serious! I am so glad for you that you have had a good dm. An increasing problem out there though is that there are more pharma reps out there talking about their experience when they interview, leaving a bad taste with a lot of potential hiring companies/managers outside of pharma. Like I said though, keep a positive thought. It's the best asset you have as your real business experience, no fault of your own, will need to be supported by it.

I don't need drugs. Several times/day for 10 minutes I close my eyes, start generating those nice alpha rhythms and achieve a Zen-like state. I emerge relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on the world.

And for those requiring too much pharmacologic assistance, your next call should be to


It's not just those in the drug industry. Watching our country heading for the cliff under the current leader is causing tremendous anxiety for most sane people.

You nailed it. Too bad another joke of a libtard repube will likely get the nomination and if they win, it's the same old leftist shell game. You don't notice it until it ruins the country. They hide it in great sounding legislation.

The need for xanax and quality of life in this company is only as good as the DBM, RM and SD that you report to, especially the DBM. That is the person who can make or break your career. I was fortunate to have someone who taught me and helped my to move up at exactly the right time. By making me valuable with many experiences, I know that if Pfizer ever cuts me I can work almost anywhere. My friend who worked for another DBM has no skills and was recently cut. It really matters who your boss is.

So true. Best post in a while.

Stressful because- just an absolute waste of a life. You have sales management, especially DBM and regional, acting as if reps are going out and calling on customers regularly, and customers for the most part seeing reps for what they are (worthless). I am not being mean, every rep in an urban area knows they can't see most of the key MDs and if they can, they have Nothing to offer the MD. So, after a couple of mgt visits, especially if the manager is an asshole, reps are stressed over what they can do to make it look like they are relevant.

This post is relevant to every pharma company out there. Face it, pharma reps will soon be like the horse and buggy, extinct part of history. It can never go back to the old days. Go back to school, enter a new field, you really have no choice.

Originally Posted by Anonymous

The need for xanax and quality of life in this company is only as good as the DBM, RM and SD that you report to, especially the DBM. That is the person who can make or break your career. I was fortunate to have someone who taught me and helped my to move up at exactly the right time. By making me valuable with many experiences, I know that if Pfizer ever cuts me I can work almost anywhere. My friend who worked for another DBM has no skills and was recently cut. It really matters who your boss is.

Lesson for all: If your boss sucks and your bosses' boss isn't doing anything about it and is not asking questions, it is time to leave. You know that Elephant Spiriva commercial. That is a bad boss. Getting out from under him/her is freedom! Let it ring! You can control this.

My guess is most of you complaining of stress would also generate the same stress taking a job as a Walmart greeter. If unhappy about the job,DM, leave. Just stop the whinning.

Are you kidding being a Walmart greeter would be so stressful! Standing on your feet for 8 hours. Unpaid lunch, no bathroom break... Handing out grocery carts and greeting those degenerate life forms that shop there. Would need more then xanax. Would need crack or smack!!!

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