New AD Derm drug

Heard from someone in marketing internally we have fewer than 250 Rx's for Cibinqo since launch. Can this be true? 150+ reps, that's less than 2 rx's per rep. Dozens of MSL's, what are they doing all day? Eucrisa is down 40% year over year, and now we have little to zero Cibinqo volume. This can't continue. Openings on PCP where i can at least work with Biohaven's migraine drug that's doing well. Derm has been a disaster since the team started. Is it leadership, or is it the products? It's both-and it won't continue. I came to this team after years of working PCP, never thought I'd want to go back again. What a shit show. Thanks TW

It’s bad for sure. But PC is no better. And there are fewer reps every month as people leave for better opportunities. Already 25% vacancy rate in West. The East is soon to follow. I think by the end of the year it’s going to be hard to find people to get into this division. Maybe will force leadership to address territories and go back to single accountability like we had when we started this division.

Overlays are useless! They piss off offices acting like they’ve known them for years and they try to stomp on base reps, this is happening everywhere. Word is overlay positions are being reconsidered this fall. So problem will be resolved by year end! Thank you!!!

Overlays are typically the reps that came over from outside Pfizer 5 years ago. They're the top selling derm reps with Pfizer, have won the most awards the past 4 years, and are the ones with the best relationships. They should be on the most valuable customers. Unfortunately, some of them have left cause they've been recruited to other companies. The reps that arent overlays are not wanted at other companies typically.

Being an overlay isn't easy. Afraid of stepping on people's toes. Every derm rep is trying to justify their job. Managers are trying their best to hang in... When will this get better?

The new drug is a BUST. Barely any scripts and getting our ass kicked by competition like never before. Docs don’t like it and marketing has dropped the ball - BIG TIMES!

Has to be a restructuring coming given how poor Eucrisa is performing and the fact Cibinqo has next to no volume. Incyte, BMS n Dermavant were all hiring and I stuck around for what was promised to be a good, clean dig launch n future. It's not our fault medical affairs got us a lousy label that makes us a second tier JAK. I know people at other companies that I'm certain would never touch a Pfizer rep any longer cause we stayed for what we thought was a good drug n security, and now looks like we've tarnished our reputation as performance driven. Watching these other companies grow, have fun, launch way better products with more lucrative comp plans makes me sick. I'm jumping at the next best opportunity before it's to late. But then again, my base is high and I don't really have to work hard. On second thought I'll stay with the rest of you.

Has to be a restructuring coming given how poor Eucrisa is performing and the fact Cibinqo has next to no volume. Incyte, BMS n Dermavant were all hiring and I stuck around for what was promised to be a good, clean dig launch n future. It's not our fault medical affairs got us a lousy label that makes us a second tier JAK. I know people at other companies that I'm certain would never touch a Pfizer rep any longer cause we stayed for what we thought was a good drug n security, and now looks like we've tarnished our reputation as performance driven. Watching these other companies grow, have fun, launch way better products with more lucrative comp plans makes me sick. I'm jumping at the next best opportunity before it's to late. But then again, my base is high and I don't really have to work hard. On second thought I'll stay with the rest of you.

Agree.....I turned down overtures from 2 other derm companies. Who knows if it would've been better or not and it's my fault I'm still here. But this BM shit and the launch is wearing me down. Oh well...made my own bed I guess.

Who cares when alopecia is launching? Average provider has less than 5 of those types of patients in the entire practice. That won't make any significant difference to what we're doing. Eucrisa volume is down 50% year over year due to Opezelura and more competitors are around the corner without the burning n better efficacy. We need real game changers, like for vitiligo. How much fun have you had selling in dermatology the past 3 or 4 years? Home for last two years due to covid, and prior to that no motivation due to awful comp structure, to many reps, no innovation, n lousy disengaged leadership. TW step aside, n get new leadership in that will get rid of the managers going thru the motions like the typical manager has been doing.

Who cares when alopecia is launching? Average provider has less than 5 of those types of patients in the entire practice. That won't make any significant difference to what we're doing. Eucrisa volume is down 50% year over year due to Opezelura and more competitors are around the corner without the burning n better efficacy. We need real game changers, like for vitiligo. How much fun have you had selling in dermatology the past 3 or 4 years? Home for last two years due to covid, and prior to that no motivation due to awful comp structure, to many reps, no innovation, n lousy disengaged leadership. TW step aside, n get new leadership in that will get rid of the managers going thru the motions like the typical manager has been doing.
Yeah, so glad we are gonna be 2nd to market for vitiligo now too since opzelura got the indication this week! I had an opportunity with Dermavant and Arcutis, should’ve thought about jumping…

Yeah, so glad we are gonna be 2nd to market for vitiligo now too since opzelura got the indication this week! I had an opportunity with Dermavant and Arcutis, should’ve thought about jumping…

I passed on an Arcutis offer too because I drank the Abro kool aid. Wish I would've gotten something with Dermavant but they wouldn't call me back. Both of those products are going to be trash too but at least it would've been a new environement. WHAT A JOKE! How many TRx's do we have nationally anyhow?? 500?? What a piece of trash.

Will say the HCPs that have used it have said it’s a game changer. Like they were shocked how fast it works. This one is gonna take time and is what a competitive rep wants to do… which is sell. I think this will all pass as more safety data comes out and they get experience. I’ve had more then one HCP say the BW is BS and has nothing to do with Xeljamz or the RA pts that were studied. Many compared it to the old days of Humara and Enbrel. Actually pissed that the FDA ducked under a desk on this one, yet allowing paxlovid (which is not approved) Rx’d without a script. Pfizer just needs to give it time since it’s a new drug, in a new class in a specialty that is heavily driven by mid levels.

Will say the HCPs that have used it have said it’s a game changer. Like they were shocked how fast it works. This one is gonna take time and is what a competitive rep wants to do… which is sell. I think this will all pass as more safety data comes out and they get experience. I’ve had more then one HCP say the BW is BS and has nothing to do with Xeljamz or the RA pts that were studied. Many compared it to the old days of Humara and Enbrel. Actually pissed that the FDA ducked under a desk on this one, yet allowing paxlovid (which is not approved) Rx’d without a script. Pfizer just needs to give it time since it’s a new drug, in a new class in a specialty that is heavily driven by mid levels.

wake up

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