WTF- How many in 90% pay range?


What does that mean? Bottom 90%?

I think what they are talking about is the recent letter that has your annual percent increase. If you check on the columns it has how you rank among people on the outside of Novartis with the same title, and how you rank among people that have the same title as you at novartis. So if there was a hypothetical range of 100k to 180k for the salary range for people with your same job and title and let’s say your salary was $102k per year then you are below 90%. Meaning $162k is 90% of $180k . So all it means is that you are under paid compared to your peers with the same job and title. It’s the whole pay transparency they are doing

I think what they are talking about is the recent letter that has your annual percent increase. If you check on the columns it has how you rank among people on the outside of Novartis with the same title, and how you rank among people that have the same title as you at novartis. So if there was a hypothetical range of 100k to 180k for the salary range for people with your same job and title and let’s say your salary was $102k per year then you are below 90%. Meaning $162k is 90% of $180k . So all it means is that you are under paid compared to your peers with the same job and title. It’s the whole pay transparency they are doing

meow I am impressed your company is sharing that information.

I think what they are talking about is the recent letter that has your annual percent increase. If you check on the columns it has how you rank among people on the outside of Novartis with the same title, and how you rank among people that have the same title as you at novartis. So if there was a hypothetical range of 100k to 180k for the salary range for people with your same job and title and let’s say your salary was $102k per year then you are below 90%. Meaning $162k is 90% of $180k . So all it means is that you are under paid compared to your peers with the same job and title. It’s the whole pay transparency they are doing

can I ask what were annual increases? With the high inflation. We are waiting on ours.

meow I am impressed your company is sharing that information.
NVS has nothing to lose with salary transparency. They are currently restructuring the entire corporation and if sales reps want to jump ship, even better. NVS could care less about their people, especially CRM. In fact they are starting to hire college graduates/ little sales experience to sell an injectable. And we wonder why this launch is terrible...

NVS has nothing to lose with salary transparency. They are currently restructuring the entire corporation and if sales reps want to jump ship, even better. NVS could care less about their people, especially CRM. In fact they are starting to hire college graduates/ little sales experience to sell an injectable. And we wonder why this launch is terrible...

I can only speak for immunology but we are pretty well paid compared to the competition. Lilly, Abbvie, UCB, Pfizer all pay considerably less on the base and bonus. Plus our 401k match is one of the best in the industry. Even Gilead was paying a max of 155k for that JAK that ultimately didn't approve- I've been over that for 3 years. The smaller companies that have approached me also were low- most 160k max to start but offered a little more bonus. We also get the RSU grant at the end of the year- very few companies doing that.

All in all Novartis does pay well. The trimester stuff is BS, the goals and fair share ranking is BS- but almost everyone gets something. Could be worse.

I can only speak for immunology but we are pretty well paid compared to the competition. Lilly, Abbvie, UCB, Pfizer all pay considerably less on the base and bonus. Plus our 401k match is one of the best in the industry. Even Gilead was paying a max of 155k for that JAK that ultimately didn't approve- I've been over that for 3 years. The smaller companies that have approached me also were low- most 160k max to start but offered a little more bonus. We also get the RSU grant at the end of the year- very few companies doing that.

All in all Novartis does pay well. The trimester stuff is BS, the goals and fair share ranking is BS- but almost everyone gets something. Could be worse.

Well the benchmark they place is against industry peers. Given that it is median industry peer, the pay transparency figures are misleadingly represented to make pay look better than it actually is. In other words, an employee making 90% is making 90% of median/average... That would be like getting a D test grade. Maybe some sales groups are paid well, but you have many colleagues in your field matrix team that are pay considerably below industry peers.

I can only speak for immunology but we are pretty well paid compared to the competition. Lilly, Abbvie, UCB, Pfizer all pay considerably less on the base and bonus. Plus our 401k match is one of the best in the industry. Even Gilead was paying a max of 155k for that JAK that ultimately didn't approve- I've been over that for 3 years. The smaller companies that have approached me also were low- most 160k max to start but offered a little more bonus. We also get the RSU grant at the end of the year- very few companies doing that.

All in all Novartis does pay well. The trimester stuff is BS, the goals and fair share ranking is BS- but almost everyone gets something. Could be worse.

Well the benchmark they place is against industry peers. Given that it is median industry peer, the pay transparency figures are misleadingly represented to make pay look better than it actually is. In other words, an employee making 90% is making 90% of median/average... That would be like getting a D test grade. Maybe some sales groups are paid well, but you have many colleagues in your field matrix team that are pay considerably below industry peers.

Recruiters reach out to good reps all the time. Its easy to see if you are being paid fairly or not. Bottom line not many companies paying 170k base salary to sell any product and pay a decent bonus of just over 40k. Being over 200k base+salary is great in this industry. Novartis has plenty of reps (outside of Cardio) that are paid that or a little more.

Recruiters reach out to good reps all the time. Its easy to see if you are being paid fairly or not. Bottom line not many companies paying 170k base salary to sell any product and pay a decent bonus of just over 40k. Being over 200k base+salary is great in this industry. Novartis has plenty of reps (outside of Cardio) that are paid that or a little more.

Sales rep salaries might be OK in some divisions, but you do realize there are other field matrix partners right? Field medical salaries are atrocious when compared to market value. 3/4 making less than 90% of average of benchmark according to comp report. All other non sales positions have seen their bonuses decline by 25% over 3 years despite 2022 performance being greater than 2019. I legitimately do not understand those that defend the P&O practices here considering how much money we dump on worthless vendor contracts and on share buybacks/dividends. We are not a poor or broke company. The company is just dragging it's feet on pay and some divisions are suffering from this.

Sales rep salaries might be OK in some divisions, but you do realize there are other field matrix partners right? Field medical salaries are atrocious when compared to market value. 3/4 making less than 90% of average of benchmark according to comp report. All other non sales positions have seen their bonuses decline by 25% over 3 years despite 2022 performance being greater than 2019. I legitimately do not understand those that defend the P&O practices here considering how much money we dump on worthless vendor contracts and on share buybacks/dividends. We are not a poor or broke company. The company is just dragging it's feet on pay and some divisions are suffering from this.

Medical Glint Survey results. That is all you need to know.

Sales rep salaries might be OK in some divisions, but you do realize there are other field matrix partners right? Field medical salaries are atrocious when compared to market value. 3/4 making less than 90% of average of benchmark according to comp report. All other non sales positions have seen their bonuses decline by 25% over 3 years despite 2022 performance being greater than 2019. I legitimately do not understand those that defend the P&O practices here considering how much money we dump on worthless vendor contracts and on share buybacks/dividends. We are not a poor or broke company. The company is just dragging it's feet on pay and some divisions are suffering from this.
“Worthless vendor contracts” all day long! And they take that measly $75 away from us for phone reimbursement just when we use our phones the most selling buy and bill.

Sales rep salaries might be OK in some divisions, but you do realize there are other field matrix partners right? Field medical salaries are atrocious when compared to market value. 3/4 making less than 90% of average of benchmark according to comp report. All other non sales positions have seen their bonuses decline by 25% over 3 years despite 2022 performance being greater than 2019. I legitimately do not understand those that defend the P&O practices here considering how much money we dump on worthless vendor contracts and on share buybacks/dividends. We are not a poor or broke company. The company is just dragging it's feet on pay and some divisions are suffering from this.

We could do without almost 1/2 of field medical. Offices really don't appreciate them and in general they don't work very hard. So good move not paying top dollar for a position that doesn't really translate to the bottom line. Not saying we don't need them- but definitely not where I would spend my salary budget. Same with FRM.

We could do without almost 1/2 of field medical. Offices really don't appreciate them and in general they don't work very hard. So good move not paying top dollar for a position that doesn't really translate to the bottom line. Not saying we don't need them- but definitely not where I would spend my salary budget. Same with FRM.

Only a dumb fuck narcissistic sales rep would make such a claim. You guys are such unappreciative trash. Stick to being an overpaid donut caterer. I feel sorry for any FRM or MSL that has to work with you.

There is no one in this company that can make the claim that field medical "in general do not work hard". We have 4x the territory size and 4x customer's to call on as sales reps. We have 4-5x customers as TLL teams, who because of CIA essentially have no partnership opportunities... Who knows what AMs do outside of scheduling a monthly call. Also pointing out the obvious, but we support clinical trials, and conference. A revolving door of data. I have seen the amount of training it takes for you guys to regurgitate a visual aid just in the FDA label.

Only a dumb fuck narcissistic sales rep would make such a claim. You guys are such unappreciative trash. Stick to being an overpaid donut caterer. I feel sorry for any FRM or MSL that has to work with you.

There is no one in this company that can make the claim that field medical "in general do not work hard". We have 4x the territory size and 4x customer's to call on as sales reps. We have 4-5x customers as TLL teams, who because of CIA essentially have no partnership opportunities... Who knows what AMs do outside of scheduling a monthly call. Also pointing out the obvious, but we support clinical trials, and conference. A revolving door of data. I have seen the amount of training it takes for you guys to regurgitate a visual aid just in the FDA label.

Every time I speak to my MSL they are always at home.