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wow, EXCLUSION at its best

This diversity BS has been going on for years. Take a look at the Medical Affairs clowns. The poor women in Medical Affairs were so oppressed and so downtrodden in comparison to their white male counterparts that they had to go out and start their own group. They called it MAWLI, which stood for the Medical Affairs Women's Leadership Initiative. All they ever did was sit around and bitch about how unfair everything was within Medical Affairs. As you could well expect, they managed to gain enough traction to basically force leadership to start giving them key positions. Some of them may have deserved it but others clearly didn't.
They even went so far as to "invite" some of their male counterparts to join the group to help them meet their "career" goals. A few of the pussified men joined but eventually everyone learned that there is no such thing as a career in Medical Affairs. The whole thing is a sick joke to passify the female whiners and complainers. It's no way to run a business and, from the results, it really shows how twisted the whole concept really is. It's sick.

How many times has AZ allowed a female to take a promoted position in HQ but not forcing her to relocate to Wilmington? They pay outrageous commuting expenses and the person at best spends 3 days on the job and the rest of the time at home in the Midwest. Men are expected to relocate for a promotion while AZ bends over backwards to allow the female to stay in her home. True, there have been a few exceptions made for men too, but it much more rare. And then we have to tolerate these same women complaining about having to travel so much and missing time away from family. Well if they had relocated like most people then they wouldn't have that problem.

How many times has AZ allowed a female to take a promoted position in HQ but not forcing her to relocate to Wilmington? They pay outrageous commuting expenses and the person at best spends 3 days on the job and the rest of the time at home in the Midwest. Men are expected to relocate for a promotion while AZ bends over backwards to allow the female to stay in her home. True, there have been a few exceptions made for men too, but it much more rare. And then we have to tolerate these same women complaining about having to travel so much and missing time away from family. Well if they had relocated like most people then they wouldn't have that problem.
Good for that person! And smart too. Who in their right mind would relocate...to Wilmington no less?!

How many times has AZ allowed a female to take a promoted position in HQ but not forcing her to relocate to Wilmington? They pay outrageous commuting expenses and the person at best spends 3 days on the job and the rest of the time at home in the Midwest. Men are expected to relocate for a promotion while AZ bends over backwards to allow the female to stay in her home. True, there have been a few exceptions made for men too, but it much more rare. And then we have to tolerate these same women complaining about having to travel so much and missing time away from family. Well if they had relocated like most people then they wouldn't have that problem.

Lies. A certain CV CBD lived in Florida but managed the Midwest. They just moved him to a Florida role and replaced him with what? Another traveling moocher. Fuck outta here with that women and special privilege narrative.

How many times has AZ allowed a female to take a promoted position in HQ but not forcing her to relocate to Wilmington? They pay outrageous commuting expenses and the person at best spends 3 days on the job and the rest of the time at home in the Midwest. Men are expected to relocate for a promotion while AZ bends over backwards to allow the female to stay in her home. True, there have been a few exceptions made for men too, but it much more rare. And then we have to tolerate these same women complaining about having to travel so much and missing time away from family. Well if they had relocated like most people then they wouldn't have that problem.

She's a producer and go getter. Her numbers are off the chart. Need more gals like her.

How many times has AZ allowed a female to take a promoted position in HQ but not forcing her to relocate to Wilmington? They pay outrageous commuting expenses and the person at best spends 3 days on the job and the rest of the time at home in the Midwest. Men are expected to relocate for a promotion while AZ bends over backwards to allow the female to stay in her home. True, there have been a few exceptions made for men too, but it much more rare. And then we have to tolerate these same women complaining about having to travel so much and missing time away from family. Well if they had relocated like most people then they wouldn't have that problem.

Sally Daniels and Rose Stolz are 2 examples. Everyone called them Thelma and Louise because they were taking AZ over a cliff.

Townhall with Ruud...out of a room of at least 150 people, I saw 1, repeat 1, person of color. This person was.006% of the room population.

Why is that? Rhetorical question, because most 88% of posters here won't get it.

Hey AZ, this diversity mantra is really getting ridiculous. I agree that there needs to be a good cross section of our work force and the communities that we serve, as it is good for business. What I don't get though is a women's' conference today? Why do we need this here? Many of my partners are offended by this and being a female employee here, I'm not sure what the purpose or goal is. We should of had a all inclusive day with information shared across the company, remember that we are all valued and all have good ideas. So much for 1AZ, maybe it only applies when we are speaking about therapeutic areas and it directly benefits your needs. You should really get these conferences in check as the alienation here is palpable and the morale is absolutely deplorable.

Hey anyone been rotting I mean around like my enough to remember the diversity CD-ROM we got on Christmas Eve FedExed... it was a Saturday even lol..

Sally Daniels and Rose Stolz are 2 examples. Everyone called them Thelma and Louise because they were taking AZ over a cliff.

OMG!!! Who could forget this dynamic duo of clueless ass clowns. Rose could at least put two coherent sentences together if she practiced them first. Sally always had the deer in the headlights look of anxiety whenever someone asked her a question in a meeting. But she was not the only one. She had a lot of competition for dumbest promotion of all time. Remember the ASD in New England, Jodie S? That one set an all time record for stupid. Whoever made that decision may actually be dumber than she was, which would be hard to beat.

OMG!!! Who could forget this dynamic duo of clueless ass clowns. Rose could at least put two coherent sentences together if she practiced them first. Sally always had the deer in the headlights look of anxiety whenever someone asked her a question in a meeting. But she was not the only one. She had a lot of competition for dumbest promotion of all time. Remember the ASD in New England, Jodie S? That one set an all time record for stupid. Whoever made that decision may actually be dumber than she was, which would be hard to beat.
So sorry for you harboring all that for how many years? These two are retired and laughing all the way to the bank. Wish I could

How many times has AZ allowed a female to take a promoted position in HQ but not forcing her to relocate to Wilmington? They pay outrageous commuting expenses and the person at best spends 3 days on the job and the rest of the time at home in the Midwest. Men are expected to relocate for a promotion while AZ bends over backwards to allow the female to stay in her home. True, there have been a few exceptions made for men too, but it much more rare. And then we have to tolerate these same women complaining about having to travel so much and missing time away from family. Well if they had relocated like most people then they wouldn't have that problem.
Wow you must have been passed over a lot of times. They do this for men as well. Know several of them doing it right now. As far as exclusivity, the invite went out to ALL. Guess you don't read your emails. Wow.

Check your facts, they didn't retire by choice. AZ paid them to leave because they wanted them out of the company. Not demoted but out of the company for good.

Exactly. Same as getting fired but more politically correct for you sensitive types who love refugees. Tell you what, let them live in your house and then come back and tell us you got the been there and done that t-shirt. Ok sweet heart?

Wow you must have been passed over a lot of times. They do this for men as well. Know several of them doing it right now. As far as exclusivity, the invite went out to ALL. Guess you don't read your emails. Wow.

No I don't read the garbage AZ sends me baby. Do you want to be my secretary and take some dictation?

Check your facts, they didn't retire by choice. AZ paid them to leave because they wanted them out of the company. Not demoted but out of the company for good.
Maybe and the difference between you and them is that they can retire and you can't. They can choose to retire. Andy why not. Who would stay here or in Pharma. Unfortunately for us those days of early retirement are gone

How do you explain the exodus of VPS? 5 or 6 in as many months. Where are there replacements? how many of us would be left if they offered voluntary packages? And that's without the pension. Of course those people have already been targeted.